Daily Love Horoscope – January 2, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
The stars are singing sweetly today, Aries. Compassion and tenderness will sing from your heart. A magical day has arrived. You may feel more emotional — especially around situations of the past — but it should be more positive energy rather than rocky or hypersensitive. Mental Mercury is dancing perfectly in a sextile with Neptune. Consider immersing yourself in art, creativity, or beauty with your one and only. If you happen to be single, consider going on a date to a festive holiday event or watching the snow fall as you have intimate conversations. You’ll enjoy the peaceful vibe.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
The stars are aligning sweetly today, Taurus. A spiritual sensitivity will be heightened in the cosmos above, encouraging you to get in touch with your compassionate and empathic side. As mental Mercury, the cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, holds hands in a sextile with Neptune, now located in your solar eleventh house of friendships, communities, and online dating, you could meet someone who truly understands you. If in a happy relationship, use this energy to enjoy a sweet movie or television show together or consider meditating or praying together. This could bring your souls more closely together.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
A sensitive vibration is singing like angels in the heavens today, Gemini. Your planetary ruler, our cosmic messenger Mercury, will link in a harmonious sextile in the sky with Neptune, the planet of compassion and spirituality. With these two smiling affectionately upon one another, you’ll experience a compassionate, magical energy everywhere you turn, especially if reflecting on situations from the past. Embrace your intuition when it comes to your romantic life. Consider prayer, meditation, and relaxation as you move into this new year. Your dreams may also be quite potent now. Jot down any thoughts that seem to come from the ether to your heart.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
A sweet rainbow is glistening in the heavens today, Cancer. You’ll find that your emotions and thoughts are reflective and sensitive today. Mental Mercury sings in the sky and will link in a sextile on his retrograde dance with Neptune, the planet of compassion. Now would be a fantastic time to have a heart-to-heart with your one and only. Discuss any plans and promises around travel or fun pursuits you’d like to tackle with your significant partner in the coming year. If you are single, now is a gorgeous moment to consider dating outside of your normal type, especially if you’ve previously connected and always felt a connection. Embrace this lovely, almost angelic energy to your core.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
As the heavens dance today, you’ll be at one with the universe, Leo, especially around matters of sensuality, trust, and intimacy. Mental Mercury, the cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, will link in a sextile with enigmatic Neptune. Neptune has been orbiting for quite some time in solar eighth house of sexuality, bringing a greater degree of closeness to your relationships. Now is a perfect time to nuzzle in close or have a tender conversation with your dearly beloved. This isn’t a fast-paced, high-energy transit, so it’s best to lie low and relax rather than race about town.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
As we continue to dance onward into 2023, we have another day that focuses extensively on your relationships, Virgo. Mental Mercury, your planetary ruler and our cosmic messenger of the mind and communication, continues to zip along in his retrograde through your solar fifth house of romance and kiss Neptune in your solar seventh house of partnership through a divine alignment known as a sextile. This is a five-star day to make promises and have sweet conversations with your significant other. If single, use this energy to talk with someone — perhaps from your past — about your long-term goals in union.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
Gorgeous energy sings through the heavens today, Libra. As mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, smiles in a sextile with Neptune, you’ll be feeling attuned to the universe. You may even be able to articulate your emotions, thoughts, and desires more fluidly and eloquently than normal. Use this energy to have a romantic and creative night at home, dimming the lights and busting out some candles as you enjoy one another’s presence. Let the lyrical magic exuding through the atmosphere put you in the mood for laughter and engagement.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
You’ll be inspired for intimate love connections today, Scorpio. As mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, sings in your solar third house of connection, he’ll dance in a sextile with Neptune, the planet of spirituality and soulmates now orbiting in your solar fifth house of true love and romance. You’ll have the perfect words to enchant anyone you meet or seduce a sweetheart to come hither your way. If you can plan a sweet little trip around town with your one and only, you’ll enjoy the easy rapport between you as you engage in dialogues that expand both of your minds.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
The heavens above are promising sweet hymns of harmony today, Sagittarius. Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger of the mind and communication, will hold hands with Neptune across the sky as they spin in a sextile. You will find that you’re on the same page with someone you desire and may even find accord if you are living together in the same space. Seeing eye-to-eye will come fluidly if you open up your hearts and converse in a nonjudgmental or critical way. Be open to their ideas and see if you can brainstorm any inspiring or creative plans that the two of you can tackle in the coming year.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
You are being spotlit yet again, Capricorn. Today’s cosmic energy will bring a smile to your face and a flutter to your heart. As Mental Mercury, the cosmic messenger planet of the mind and logic, continues to dance backward in your solar first house of identity — your zodiac sign — he will link in a sextile with Neptune in your solar third house of communication. This ensures that you will have absolutely incredible discussions with your one and only, especially about reflective matters or plans from the past. Have a heart-to-heart or bring up a matter that means a lot to you where you’d like to see eye-to-eye. Your words will come across fluidly and beautifully.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
As you spin into 2023, today’s cosmic energy will bring a softer and sweeter vibe, Aquarius. Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, laughs over in a sextile to Neptune, the planet of soulmates. Your mind and communications will be filled with sweetness, humor, and compassion. This could give you a more spiritual connection together, as if your souls are learning more about each other. Let the silence not feel empty, but filled with knowing, trust, and vulnerability. This will fulfill you on a tremendously deep level. Embrace the magic moment.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope January 2, 2023
A delightful day is upon you, Pisces. You’re being spotlit by the magic of the cosmos yet again. Mental Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, continues his happy retrograde dance through your solar eleventh house and will sparkle in a sextile with Neptune, your planetary ruler who is now in your solar first house of identity! A soulmate connection could manifest before your eyes if you are single, especially if they’re someone you met previously or even an ex. If committed, use this energy to align your hearts more closely together. You’ll feel like you’re spinning in a fairytale.
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