Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Aries, your entire perspective is shifting in a big way, and this is playing a significant role in your love life. Single or already romantically attached, this is especially significant to consider at this time as change-maker Uranus will be stationing direct in sensually driven Taurus, bringing spontaneity and momentum to your stability-seeking second house of value systems. Moreover, while the moon glimmers through your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression — bringing emotional emphasis to your heart’s desires — Luna will be in direct opposition to Mercury retrograde, simultaneously scrambling your thoughts and passions. Take your time, and don’t rush into things until you’re clear.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Taurus, it’s a big day for you, despite whether you’re single or already romantically attached. For starters, Uranus will station direct in your sign, which, in turn, brings revolution and clarity to your future visions, but there’s more. The nodes of destiny will shift into your astrological axis. The north node will officially occupy your sign, while the south node enters Scorpio via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others. Now, since the south node represents what needs to be released, this could bring long-overdue endings to your relationship sector, so don’t hesitate to make peace with what’s no longer serving you.
Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Your savvy planetary ruler, Mercury, continues to retrograde through freedom-loving Aquarius and your ninth house of expansion, wisdom, and belief systems, which, in turn, encourages you to take a step back and reflect on your next steps. Gemini, whether you’re currently single or already romantically attached, you could either be feeling inhibited about making a particular judgment call or are perhaps lacking a sense of direction. No need to make any impulsive decisions. On the contrary, Uranus will also be stationing direct in Taurus via your twelfth house of healing and unconscious patterns, which means you could very well have a change of heart in the process.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Amidst Mercury’s retrograde journey through freedom-loving Aquarius and your intimate eighth house of sex, shared resources, energetic exchanges, and soulmate connections, the messenger planet will sit directly across today’s Leo moon via your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems. So, whether you’re single or already romantically attached, this could create friction between the desire to explore your curiosities and the joy of your comfort zone. You may or may not decide to approach a situation that intrigues you, but one thing’s for sure: the decision-making process won’t be easy. Use your discernment, Cancer.
Leo Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
After an overwhelming full moon, Luna finally makes its debut in your sign. Single or taken, you’re typically more emotionally expressive when the moon’s in your sign, Leo. Although, given that the moon will be sitting directly across from Mercury retrograde — via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others — which, in turn, creates friction between your logical mind and emotional world. For instance, this retrograde cycle could bring a past love situation back around for a second look or perhaps present you with an opportunity to revisit a pending conversation. However, despite wanting to look at things objectively, you’re wearing your emotions on your sleeve.
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Take a second to check-in with yourself, Virgo. For instance, after last night’s full moon in Cancer, the moon slips into your eighth house of closure, dreams, hidden agendas, and all things behind the scenes, which means it’s time to take a much-needed time out. Single? It’s not that you’re reluctant to the idea of a romantic commitment. You’re simply in need of some well-deserved alone time. Practicing self-love and focusing on your healing is encouraged, especially with Mercury’s sextile to the wounded healer, Chiron, via your eighth house of intimacy. Remember, the dynamic of your relationship reflects your inner world. Take your time.
Libra Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
It’s a big day in the cosmos, and it’s no exception for you, Libra. For instance, in addition to the nodes of destiny officially entering the Taurus-Scorpio axis — a.k.a. your second house of values and eighth house of intimacy — revolutionary Uranus will also station direct in Taurus and your eighth house of sex, shared resources, and soulmate connections. Having said that, whether you’re currently single or already taken, these significant shifts will present you with an opportunity to break free from toxic entanglements that are no longer serving your highest good. Today’s moon in Leo reminds you to lean on your friends for support.
Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
It’s time, Scorpio. Today, the nodes of destiny make their official debut via your astrological axis, and the south node will be activating your sign for the next 18 months. In addition to this undeniable new beginning, freedom-loving Uranus will station direct in Taurus via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, significant others, and one-on-one connections. Whether you’re single or already attached, one thing’s for sure: expect the unexpected when it comes to your love life. You may or may have already seen this coming, but it doesn’t matter because it’s on the way to you. Stay in your center.
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
After an emotionally overwhelming full moon, Luna makes its monthly debut in Leo via your expansive ninth house of adventure, wisdom, belief systems, and unknown territory, bringing emphasis and clarity to themes surrounding your worldly pursuits and long-distance connections. Contemplating next steps in a romantic situation, Sagittarius? It’s important to keep in mind that Mercury — celestial ruler of your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others — is retrograde in Aquarius via your third house of immediate exchanges. Things aren’t necessarily as they seem, so don’t jump to conclusions as of yet. Be on the lookout for new developments.
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Something’s in the midst of coming to fruition in your love life, Capricorn. This is especially true when considering yesterday’s full moon, but there’s more. The moon will slip into cinematic Leo and your intimate eighth house of sex, shared resources, and soulmate connections, bringing energy and emotional emphasis to themes surrounding the foundation of a significant partnership. However, in addition to this intensity-filled lunar transit, freedom-loving Uranus will station direct in sensually driven Taurus and your romantic fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure. Expect the unexpected when it comes to your love life, as new developments could suddenly catch you off guard.
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Your modern ruler, Uranus, will station direct today, which, in turn, revolutionizes and shakes up your fourth house of home, family matters, and emotional foundations. Aquarius, if things feel uncertain, don’t despair. There are powerful shifts taking place at this time, and this change has a lot to do with the nodes of fate shifting into the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Keep in mind that this will bring destined movement to your fourth house of home and tenth house of career. Although, with the moon glimmering over your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, this could very well bring new developments to a relationship.
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Amidst Uranus stationing direct in Taurus, and your third house of communication today, you could suddenly receive some unexpected news, Pisces. Whether it be in-person or via social media, don’t be surprised if someone from your past reaches out, as you are bound to gain a significant amount of clarity at this time. Meanwhile, the moon will slip into your sixth house of daily rituals, bringing attention to themes surrounding your day-to-day lifestyle. But rest assured, Luna’s square to erratic Uranus will make it extra difficult to stay focused. Keeping an open mind is your best bet, especially with the nodes of fate officially entering the Taurus-Scorpio axis today.