Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
The celestial energies at play today indicate that matters of love will be improved if there is some competition involved. If you find that you are not the only person interested in attracting the attention of someone rather delectable, then this may spur you on to try that little bit harder, and to make a real effort to become their number one. It will certainly bring out the best in you.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
You are going to have to stand up for yourself today. The celestial energy will encourage you to stop procrastinating over a decision that you have been loath to take, because it means going against your partner (current or prospective)’s wishes. However, this is causing more stress on a subtle level than it is worth. It is best to be true to yourself and give your honest opinion.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
Today’s planetary alignment encourages you to take action concerning your gut feelings about the recent actions of a loved one. Rather than feeling angry or frustrated within, and pretending that everything is OK, you really need to share your inner thoughts and allow your partner (current or prospective) to explain themselves. The upside of this will be that your love blossoms anew and all is forgiven. Don’t hold back.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
People aren’t going to know how you feel if you don’t tell them. If you insist on remaining silent they can only guess – and they could be wrong. Today’s celestial atmosphere encourages you to speak up in a warm and open manner. Tell the person who is special to you that you do care about them. Don’t veil your emotions in vague and confusing language – sound certain.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
With the aspects at play today, you will have more spark to your fire. In matters of love you are tempting, definitely worth seducing, and completely irresistible. If someone has so far managed to evade your cunning grasp, then they may not get away so easily today. You radiate an unmistakable aura of charisma and confidence that means they cannot fail to be smitten. You will get your prize.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
Today’s celestial configuration brings real warmth and sunshine to your relationship, which is very welcome, especially if you have been going through a frosty time recently. Your love for each other shines through once more, and melts away the difficulties and problems that seemed such a challenge. Perhaps it would be good to go out somewhere special and really have fun. Laughter is sometimes the best medicine.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
There is a real and very tangible warmth evident in your love life, especially with today’s celestial atmosphere. You will find you are gradually getting closer to the person whom you have recently started to date, and indeed you could be significantly more intimate by the end of the evening. Express yourself sincerely and honestly, and all will be well. You will enjoy getting to know each other.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
Today’s planetary alignment brings with it a very significant opportunity to get back together with someone whom you have recently fallen out with. You have been regretting this incident ever since it happened, and have been wondering what you could do to make amends. Today you get the chance at a social engagement to go and speak, even though your heart is in your mouth. It will work.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
There is a great deal of real warmth around today, and the celestial energy helps you to make the most of this. Any social occasions that you and your partner (current or prospective) attend will be great fun, but perhaps it would be nicer for both of you to spend the evening alone together so that you can recreate the magic of your love for each other.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
Today’s aspects cannot help but put you in a more open and spontaneous mood, and encourage you to be bold and brave enough to let someone you deeply admire know how you really feel. Instead of keeping your emotions bottled up as you swish around this person efficiently carrying out your duty, consider speaking out. They will be pleasantly surprised when you reveal the truth.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
It is your enthusiasm for a particular person, and your refusal to give up the chase, even though things haven’t been looking too promising, that will eventually win you their heart. A lively planetary energy means that you have a wonderful opportunity today to get into a conversation and perhaps share your deeper thoughts and feelings with them. Even this could be enough to start the ball rolling.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Friday – May 7, 2021
Today’s celestial atmosphere makes you very much aware of how deeply you care about someone. You also realize that you are not about to let them go, just because you have had a slight falling out recently; the strength of your feelings will not allow this. You have a wonderful chance to make up with them today and experience your passion and love renewed at a deeper level.