Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
The astral influence may encourage you to express how you feel about someone dear to you. This enables you both to enjoy a new level of closeness in your relationship that could improve in leaps and bounds from here on out. As you usually shy away from emotional issues, this is quite a unique opportunity to show that you really care, and that you intend to do something about it.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
Sometimes you are totally lost in your thoughts, fantasies and ideas, to the point where those you come into contact with conclude that you are from another world or dimension. The astral influence brings you back to earth today, and in a moment of rare openness you may feel like letting a loved one in on the depth of your feeling for them. This is one occasion they won’t forget.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
The astral influence brings love back into your life in an intense and passionate way. If there is someone you have long admired, you are certainly in no mood to hold back and allow this opportunity to pass you by. Just dress in those flattering clothes, put on your best smile, walk tall, and who will be able to resist you? Not many!

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
Don’t sit by and lose a chance to spread a little more love and happiness around in the world. The astral influence is encouraging you to get out and give of yourself in whatever capacity you feel is appropriate. If you are looking for that special person, you have more of chance of finding them like this than if you went out and made a point of looking.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
The astral influence means you are not content to wait for that special person to ask you for a date, while trying to attract their attention in all ways except the most obvious. For once you are determined to control the game, and are even willing to go up and ask them out yourself. You don’t feel assertive very often, so make the most of it.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
The planets are encouraging you to take a hard line concerning a recent problem in an ongoing romantic relationship. You know in your heart that you are perhaps being a little harsh, but right now you don’t care – after all, at least they now know where they stand. But if you do have any feeling for them, don’t let this go on too long. You may regret it.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
You may be tempted to give up the whole notion of relationships altogether, with today’s astral energy at play. A loved one could appear to be totally lacking in any kind of warmth and spontaneity, and you may be tempted to wonder if they are actually still living. Take heart, this is just a temporary phase. Before you know it, you will both be in love again.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
Best not to even think about going out on that date tonight. If there is any way you can put it off for a few days, then do so. For some cosmic reason the evening just won’t take off, so it may be best to go off and do something else by yourself, or have a break. It is going to work eventually; you won’t have lost out.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
The planets are really just a reminder that for every peak there is a trough, that nothing can continue along on the same even keel. Your current relationship may seem to have reached a low point, but from here on things can only go up. Don’t take today’s events too seriously, as in a few days your perspective will have changed once again.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
The planets are making loving relationships a slightly chillier option than usual today. Somehow a loved one just isn’t in the mood for all that kissing and cuddling, and all the other activities you normally get up to. It may be best to make yourself really cozy and spend some time by yourself, and then arrange to meet up again in a few days. Don’t worry about a thing.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
You may be going through a cooling off period as far as a certain relationship is concerned. You are very much aware of how much the partnership has to offer, but may also be acutely aware of all the faults, which seem to be weighing heavily on your mind. It may be best to spend some time apart in order to give each other some space.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Friday – January 15, 2021
This is a good opportunity to take some time to share how you really feel about each other, and to initiate a new level of togetherness within your current relationship. The astral influence encourages you both to get out and enjoy discovering a whole new range of activities that will absorb your attention and strengthen your bond even further. Just show each other how much you care.