Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
Love is very tender, with the present planetary alignment, and some very expressive words could be exchanged with your partner (current or prospective). Although you generally go for the more bold and daring approach, you feel deeply sentimental right now, and would be willing to go to the ends of the earth and back for your true love if they asked you to do any special favors. Today, make them smile.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
Today’s position of the planets brings the chance to express your deeper feelings for someone special. This may not be anything you have planned, or have been particularly worried about; it will just flow naturally as the occasion arises. Although you probably feel close to the person in question anyway, this will add that extra touch of warmth and romance. This is a great time to enjoy an evening out together.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
You may find the day could get a little complicated when your dearest one decides to start talking about feelings. The alignment at play today means it is not talking about them that is the problem; it is because you may then have to begin to reveal a few home truths yourself. None of this will cause any real difficulty – it’s just that you prefer to avoid the subject altogether.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
If you have ever thought of buying your sweetheart a book of love poetry, then this may be a good time to do so. The present planetary alignment guarantees that this will stand you in good stead. Your love interest will adore this gift, as it may help them to put into words how they feel about you, but have so far found it difficult to express.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
Today’s astral configuration may encourage you to spend some quality time with your beloved doing things that you both enjoy. But perhaps what is most needed right now is the chance to just talk together. To be able to converse about anything and everything, and to clear up issues that may have been a problem. You will find the day both rewarding and enriching.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
It may seem that your latest date is too good to be true, and therefore bound to dispense with you at the least opportunity. Or so the old programming in your mind would have you believe. Today’s planetary transits may help you to realize that, in fact, it could be the other way around. Your romantic interest admires you more than could possibly know. Give yourself a break!

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
Today’s planetary transits may encourage you to both soften and empower your image in some way, and also your approach to a certain person in whom you are deeply interested. You have noticed that they have many differing moods, and it can be very hard to pin them down, and yet for once you are determined. Don’t worry if they don’t respond, they have certainly noticed you.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
You are being even more underhanded than usual, and a whole shoal of red herrings are out in force to confuse the signals that you are trying not to give someone. The planetary transit indicates that they are more deeply intuitive then you could imagine, and have already worked out that there is more to you than meets the eye. The game is already up!

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
Today’s planetary transits indicate that your usual direct approach to matters of love may not work today. There are far more subtle influences around that need to be taken into account before you can openly ask someone gorgeous out on a date. You will need to be able to read between the lines, and also be extremely tactful about any remarks you are tempted to make.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
You need to be persistent, and yet keep a low profile as far as love is concerned, especially with the planetary transits of the day. Any brash or inappropriate declarations of love may have the opposite effect on someone you badly wish to influence. You are usually very disciplined about these matters anyway, but this person needs handling with kid gloves. If you think it is really worth it, then keep going!

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
The planetary transit may involve you in any number of love games that you could well do without. You generally have a hard enough time trying to work out how you feel deep inside about a certain person, but when you have to fathom out why they are behaving as they are, and what motivates them, then it may all become overwhelming. Just go with the flow.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 16, 2021
You may try to be as backward in coming forward as you can concerning a certain person, but it seems to be very hard to get the message through to them. The planetary transit today means that they think you are just playing hard to get, and all they need do is keep trying. You will have to tell them more directly if you want to be left alone.