Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
![Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021](https://www.horoscopeoftoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/dailylovea1.jpg)
Aries Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
The moon continues to glimmer through your socially conscious eleventh house of associations, friendship, and sense of belonging in the world, but there’s more. In addition to highlighting themes surrounding your freedom, the moon will join forces with expansive Jupiter and simultaneously sextile Mercury in the process. You have a lot to say, Aries. Although, given Luna’s square to your red-hot planetary ruler, Mars, something tells me you’re seeking some sort of revenge and/or vindication in the process. Don’t kiss and tell, despite how compelling it is to do so. You’re being tested, and what goes around will always come back around.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
Luna rules your curious third house of communication, but it will join forces with expansive Jupiter via your bossy tenth house of authority today. Is there something you’d like to get off your chest, Taurus? It’s very fitting when considering your luscious planetary ruler’s, Venus, close proximity to powerhouse Pluto — not to mention Venus’ pre-retrograde shadow phase. You’re demanding a certain amount of attention during this time, but Luna’s sextile to Mercury — via your intimate eighth house of taboos, transformation, and soulmate connections — is simultaneously encouraging you to dig deep in order to take the initiative and speak your peace.
Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
Luna continues to glimmer through your exotic ninth house of expansion, but it will collide with lucky Jupiter — celestial ruler of your seventh house of significant others — in the process. Crushing on someone who’s at a distance from you, Gemini? You could experience a lucky break during this time, especially when it comes to travel and/or spontaneous adventure. Never say never; Luna will simultaneously sextile your planetary ruler, Mercury, which means communicating your truth could suddenly feel a whole lot easier than usual. Luna’s square to Mars, however, could be the reason you start to overthink and/or complicate things. Stay grounded, and don’t sweat the small things.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
Before the moon concludes its journey through your intimate eighth house of sex, shared resources, and soulmate connections, it will collide with lucky Jupiter, which may, in turn, trigger an expansive breakthrough in this area of your chart. Intimacy requires a certain amount of trust and surrender, Cancer. Although, when considering the moon’s sextile to savvy Mercury — via your responsible sixth house of details — you may opt for overthinking things or perhaps taking the initiative to do things differently. You never really know until you try, right? It’s all about perspective, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
Leo Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
The moon will join forces with bountiful Jupiter — celestial ruler of your romantic fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression — in your relationship sector, so don’t be afraid to test your luck today, Leo. Single? You could meet someone while traveling or perhaps through a mutual friend during this time. The best part? Luna will simultaneously sextile savvy Mercury in your fifth house of love, so you’ll have the confidence and swagger to take swift action. The challenge, however, could stem from Luna’s square to Mars, especially if you’re feeling reluctant to express your innermost feelings. Be honest with yourself and your partner.
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
The moon continues to glimmer through your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service, bringing emphasis to themes surrounding your day-to-day lifestyle. Luna, however, will join forces with lucky Jupiter — magnifying things in more ways than one — which is both a blessing and a curse. Have you been overthinking your next move, Virgo? Maybe you’ve been taking on too much work or perhaps focusing too much on the meticulous logistics of it all. Fortunately, Luna’s sweet sextile to Mercury encourages you to follow your instincts and take a leap of faith whether you’re single or already taken.
Libra Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
Before the moon concludes its journey through your romantic fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, it will join forces with bountiful Jupiter and simultaneously sextile savvy Mercury. Single or already romantically attached, one thing’s for sure: your passions are running high, and you’re falling hard for someone, Libra. Your challenge, however, could stem from the moon’s tumultuous square to Mars — celestial ruler of your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others — as you are prone to second-guessing yourself and/or struggling with self-confidence. Don’t be discouraged. On the contrary, take your time and go within. Ask yourself where these feelings are coming from.
Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
Luna continues to ignite your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings, but it will join forces with lucky Jupiter in the process. Take a mental health day, Scorpio. Single or taken, you’re finding your bliss, and you’re doing it all on your own. Moreover, the moon’s sextile to Mercury — celestial ruler of your eighth house of intimacy, sexual chemistry, and soulmate connections — adds a taboo layer of curiosity and intensity to the mix. Meaning, you could always opt for ‘working from home,’ if you know what I mean. Remind your cutie what they’ve been missing.
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
Sagittarius, you’re using your almighty language to get your point across, and it seems to be working. Whether you’re single or already romantically attached, the moon’s conjunction to your celestial ruler Jupiter — via your curious third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings — is not only bestowing you with the confidence and optimism you need but also magnifying things to work in your favor. The moon will also sextile Mercury in your sign, and the messenger planet already governs your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others. Again, you’ve got lots to say, so let’s hear it.
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
Remember who you are, Capricorn. Never doubt your worth and/or what you’re truly capable of. This is especially true when considering today’s moon-Jupiter conjunction, as it will activate your stability-seeking second house of confidence, possessions, and value systems, which means you’re being given the opportunity to see your power firsthand. Luna does, after all, govern your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, so this more than likely has to do with a significant partnership in your life. Luna will also sextile savvy Mercury, highlighting the unconscious attributes you’ve likely failed to embrace in the past.
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
Aquarius, you’re making a scene because you can. Sounds a bit over-the-top, even for you, but Luna’s close proximity to expansive Jupiter in your sign is not only inspiring you with confidence and enthusiasm but also making things seem a whole bigger than they actually are. Meaning, whether you’re single or already romantically attached, you’re more prone to dramatizing things today. Well, some of you may even be doing it on purpose. As if this weren’t already enough reason to take your power back, the moon will simultaneously sextile Mercury via your eleventh house of individual freedom. It’s no holds barred.
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – December 8, 2021
You’ve been keeping feelings to yourself for quite some time, Pisces. Though there’s nothing wrong with embracing your sweet solitude and partaking in self-reflection, choosing not to speak up is still a choice. This is especially significant to consider with the moon and your traditional ruler, Jupiter, glimmering through your twelfth house of closure, dreams, unconscious patterns, and all things behind the scenes. The good news is that Luna will simultaneously sextile savvy Mercury — via your bossy tenth house of authority — which means it’s time to take the initiative, even if that means acting on it quietly for the time being.