Daily Love Horoscope – December 26, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – December 26, 2022

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

You are no stranger to intense transformations in your life, Aries. Since 2008, you have harbored the mighty power of Pluto in your solar tenth house — and he is now direct and at full strength. This has made your professional life one of the most significant areas of your life, sometimes at the expense of your personal or romantic life. Use today to reflect on how you have gone through so many rebirths around your ambitions, goals, and plans and discuss them with your significant other. In the coming years, Pluto will turn his attention to other areas of your life, and you will never again taste his power in this sector of your life. This is an immensely important period for you to rise up, seize control, and dominate. If you are not in alignment with your true destiny, you still have some time to recreate yourself. Ask for advice from your lover.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

Since 2008, powerhouse Pluto has been orbiting in a fellow earth sign, Taurus. This has made his effects more easily acclimated into your life. With him now being direct, he’s at full strength. It has also encouraged you to pursue new horizons and radically push out of your comfort zone. Whether single or attached, you’ve been eager for profound experiences that would transform your perspective of reality and bring you more significant wisdom. If you would like to make long-distance travel a greater part of your and your significant other’s lives, start brainstorming ways to do so. However, this could also empower you and your lover to integrate deep, ancient spirituality into your routine.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

For many years, you’ve been experiencing profound and intense transformations around intimacy and sexual matters, Gemini. Since 2008, powerhouse Pluto, the planet of intensity and rebirth, has been orbiting in the degrees of your solar eighth house. Now, with him in direct motion, he is at full strength. If you have experienced traumas around trust, vulnerability, and sex, it is to teach you to know your worth to the core of your heart and spirit. It is also teaching you to heal those wounds by digging deep into the shadows in order to emerge like a phoenix. Continue to use this fiery energy to forgive, release, and rise again.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

Since 2008, you’ve been experiencing a deeply karmic cycle around your partnerships and relationships, Cancer. This will be even clearer at this point in time with Pluto in the late degrees across the sky from you in your solar seventh house, especially now that he is direct and at full strength. Today, reflect on your many connections and how you’ve evolved by working in tandem with them. Powerhouse Pluto is giving you the ability to transform and release negative patterns and be reborn like a phoenix. He will only remain here for a short period of time. You are near the tail end of this extremely long transit and will never again go through it in this lifetime. Allow your partnerships to help you evolve and be reborn — or leave them behind you.

LEO Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

Of all the planets, powerhouse Pluto is one of the most intense — for better or for worse, Leo. Since 2008, he has orbited in your solar sixth house of productivity and physical health. Now that he is direct, he is at full strength. While you clearly have been evolving around these core themes, it has also spilled over into how you’ve been handling your personal life and truly allowing a healthy work-life balance. Pluto will only remain here for a short period. So, if you haven’t been able to break free from the dominating intensity of your daily routine, it’s time to radically revolutionize yourself to make time for love.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

Since 2008, powerhouse Pluto has been in a fellow earth sign, Virgo. This has helped you to feel a more supportive vibration from him and the universe, especially now with him in direct motion at full strength. However, Pluto’s life lessons are rarely easy, and he has been bringing his transformative fire to your solar fifth house of true love, romance, fertility, and dating. You’ve seen radical ups and downs — perhaps even trauma and karma — around these core themes. Pluto will only remain here for a short period, so now is when you must step into your power to demand the greatest love story of your hopes and dreams. You must release baggage to soar like the phoenix that you are.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

Profound and radical changes have been evolving your life since 2008, Libra. Powerhouse Pluto, the most intense of all the planets, has been orbiting in the degrees of your solar fourth house of home, family, and domesticity — and he is presently direct and at full strength. This has created a major effect where you’ve had exhilarating or traumatic situations that have shifted your destiny around these themes. If partnered, you’ve likely gone into real estate together or have felt the need to step in for one another’s families and parents or felt the need to consistently move, redecorate, or update your living space. This energy will only continue for a short period to come.

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

Powerhouse Pluto has been orbiting within your solar third house of communications since 2008, Scorpio. This extremely long transit is nearing the tail end of it and has taught you intense and transformative life lessons about how you connect with others and speak your most important messages to those whom you love, especially now with him in direct motion and at full strength. You’ve been seeking to express profound and intense thoughts and ideas, but sometimes others have been either fearful or confused by the dynamics you’ve presented. Pluto is giving you the power to recreate how you communicate, so don’t be afraid to start over. Use your words to dominate, transform, and enlighten those you love.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

A deeply karmic cycle has been taking place for you since 2008, Sagittarius. This is because powerhouse Pluto, the most intense of all planets, has been orbiting in your solar second house. Presently, he is in direct motion and operating at full strength. On the one hand, you’ve been dealing with radical transformations and rebirths around your sense of self-worth regarding your image and relationships. However, if married, you’ve also been very focused on amplifying and transforming your wealth together. Pluto only remains here for a short time. So, use this energy to emerge like a phoenix, and you’ll be glad you did.

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

Since 2008, your entire life has been going through constant rebirths, Capricorn. You have very much felt like a phoenix that would burn itself down to rise from the ashes. This has also radically affected your personal and romantic life, as well as all significant relationships. Powerhouse Pluto has been orbiting through your solar first house of identity — your zodiac sign — and will only remain for a short time going forward. Presently, he is in direct motion and operating at full strength. Use this energy to release any baggage or negative patterns that are not serving you. Stand in your power and know that you can fly once again.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

Life has felt especially intense since 2008, Aquarius. This is because powerhouse Pluto, the planet of rebirth and transformation, has been screaming into the voids of your solar twelfth house of privacy, secrets, and the unconscious since that time. Presently, he is in direct motion, operating at full strength. You have likely spent a lot of time dealing with releasing karma, especially around guilt, fears, and anxieties. You have faced baggage around personal and romantic relationships, as well. Pluto will only remain here for a short time before he ventures into your solar first house of identity, where you will begin yet another new profound level of evolution.

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope December 26, 2022

Since 2008, powerhouse Pluto has spun back and forth within your solar eleventh house of friendships, communities, and online dating, Pisces. This means that for quite a long time, you’ve seen unique and powerful people surround you, but often coming and going out of your life. Many of your friends were able to help guide you and open the doors to some of your most exciting endeavors, aspirations, and goals. Today, it would be wise to reflect on the people who impacted you most and consider reaching out to check in with them, even if time has passed. You could renew the connection and aid one another once again or even realize that you’ve both grown and could form a romantic connection. With Pluto in direct motion, he is operating at full strength.


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