Daily Love Horoscope – December 19, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – December 19, 2022

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

A vast new glorious future is set to begin for you tomorrow, Aries. It’s time to embrace it! Jupiter, our most magnificent planet in the solar system, is turning a corner in the sky. He takes twelve years to circle the sun, usually staying in a zodiac sign for just about a year. As he visits each corner of your life, you always experience expansive, tremendous blessings. With him now dancing in your zodiac sign, he is delivering blessings to the world below in very particular ways. When it comes to love, you will certainly be more focused on what you want and desire, putting this above all others. Be courageous as you build your love life.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

The cosmic winds are about to shift, pushing you to embark on new journeys in the cosmos beginning tomorrow, Taurus. This is because our great benefic, Jupiter, is turning a corner in the sky. Jupiter is the planet of fortune and takes twelve years to dance around the solar system fully. He spends about a year in each zodiac sign — parked in each little corner of your life. Going forward, as he spins in the skies of Aries, everyone is inspired to chase after their heart’s desires like a courageous warrior. Settling for “good enough” won’t be of interest to you, as you demand to live a love story that can go down in history.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

Prepare for exhilarating new energy arriving as early as tomorrow, Gemini. Look up to the sky with a telescope, and you will see mighty Jupiter dancing amongst the stars! Our great benefic planet is known to bestow miracles on all those below. He takes twelve years to visit each pocket of your life, sprinkling fairy dust and offering fresh starts. Now, as he spins in the realm of Aries, he impacts the human collective in a very specific way. Aries is the zodiac sign of the leader, always eager to charge into new territory after matters of the heart. This has likely inspired you, too, to take on this motif as you pursue who and what you want.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

Your intuition is sure to be buzzing as a whole new era of your life begins tomorrow, Cancer. This is because of Jupiter, our great benefic, turning a corner in the heavens. He is known as the great benefic, always eager to bestow his blessings and miracles down to us below. As he spins in a circle for twelve years in order to make one revolution, he graces you with new beginnings and opportunities in different areas of your life. As he resides in Aries now, he has likely invigorated you with an active mindset when it comes to finding love or improving your relationships. Seize the day and strike now.

LEO Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

A brilliant, beautiful chapter will burst forth like the sun rising over the ocean starting tomorrow, Leo. This is because glorious Jupiter will bring vast new journeys before your feet. Not only has this planet protected our civilization for eons, but he is known as the giver of miracles and luck, as well. He takes twelve years to go around the sun, usually spending about a year in each zodiac sign. Now, with his might being energized in Aries, this fuel will trickle throughout your personality as you pursue matters of the heart. Be direct, assertive, confident, and passionate as you chase romance. It is something to be explored as soon as it catches your interest.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

Feel the wind beginning to turn your sails, Virgo. A new era of luck is upon you starting tomorrow! Jupiter, the giver of miracles and growth, is turning a corner in the sky. He takes twelve years to roll through the sky like a racecar, spending about a year in each zodiac sign. Now, as he dances in the heavens of Aries, you are being encouraged to strike while it’s hot regarding your love life. Waiting will not appeal to you, as Arian energy burns brightly and passionately. Know that if you are assertive and direct, you’re more likely to manifest whatever it is that you desire. 

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

A whisper is whistling in the breeze as a new era begins tomorrow, Libra. This is because as the heavens turn, each luminary and celestial object has its own orbit. Glorious Jupiter, our great benefic, is one of the most magnificent planets of all and takes twelve years to complete one revolution around the sun. Jupiter is named for the king of the gods, bestowing blessings and miracles from whichever perch he stands upon in the sky. Currently, he is raising his hands in the realm of Aries, causing everyone to pursue their heart’s desires with gusto and passion. Taking the lead — rather than waiting for others to pursue you — is the M.O. at this time. Channel this energy into your love life.

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

A vast new adventure is set before your feet beginning tomorrow, Scorpio. This is because mighty Jupiter will take a turn in the sky. He is known as the great benefic and takes twelve years to make a complete circle around the sun. When he enters a zodiac sign, he takes on its energy and magnifies it exponentially. In all matters of romance and personal life, the best way to improve your path or manifest a better relationship is to take on the qualities of cardinal fire and the ram. Take the lead. Dive into passion. Choose your desires. Hunger for more. Be open to adventure. Don’t wait for your love story to come to you. Make it happen.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

Butterflies are building in your stomach already as a whole new era begins tomorrow for you, Sagittarius. This is because your planetary ruler, Jupiter, is taking on new assignments in the heavens. He is known as the great benefic, bestowing miracles and blessings like showers of gold everywhere he treads. Jupiter takes twelve years to gyrate around the sun. As he stands in a fellow fire sign, Aries, you are feeling invigorated around all matters of the heart. Now is the time to pursue that adrenaline rush that feeds your life force and brings fuzzies to your stomach and fire in your loins. Don’t just sit back and expect it to come, though. Hunt for it!

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

Get ready for a surge of new momentum to build and begin starting tomorrow, Capricorn. Mighty Jupiter is soaring into new realms of the heavens. Wherever our planet of miracles goes, he expands this energy a million times. The key to harnessing the most out of this period for your love life, though, is channeling the qualities and characteristics of cardinal fire Aries. While you often are rather strategic when it comes to love, always planning ahead about what makes the most sense and provides the most security, throw that old manuscript to the wind. Pursue romance that sets your heart aflame and ignites the light in your soul.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

Liquid gold is about to run through your veins, Aquarius. This is because Jupiter, our glorious planet of miracles and luck, begins dancing in a highly compatible zodiac sign for you starting tomorrow. As he strikes a match in the cardinal fire sign, Aries, you are likely to feel this energy rushing through your personal and romantic life like a wildfire! Take on the traits of Aries now, choosing love stories that fill you with unending passion and may lead you into wild adventures. Let your heart lead you, rather than sitting back just twiddling your thumbs hoping it manifests. With Jupiter in Aries, those who strike out and take the lead are the ultimate winners.

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope December 19, 2022

Feel a new dawning arrive for you as early as tomorrow, Pisces. This is because your planetary co-ruler, glorious Jupiter, is feeling flushed in the zodiac sign of Aries once again! Wherever he goes, he absorbs this raw energy and then magnifies it to the human collective. This means that with him in cardinal fire, the key to creating the love story that will fulfill you the most is to take the wheel and steer it in the direction that pleases you. Regardless if you’re single or attached, seize the day to chase after the magic in the moment. You needn’t plan everything all the way to the end. Let the excitement of life lead you into laughter, passion, and love.


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