Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

Multiple times a year we watch as mental Mercury dances backward and forwards in the sky, Aries. While this is ultimately an optical illusion, it does bring real-world effects to us here on Earth. As the planet of the mind and communication, he has four very specific phases that he experiences during his cosmic flights. The stage known as pre-shadow always begins weeks prior to an official retrograde and is notable because it is when our cosmic messenger passes the point he will eventually return to at the end of the backward spiral. Things always begin to slow down after this point, too.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

Mental Mercury’s many stages always impact us in slightly different ways, Taurus. This is because his movement and speed do carry very real-world effects on our lives down here on Earth. The first stage of a retrograde cycle is known as the pre-shadow phase and always begins when our cosmic messenger catches the degree he will eventually return to at the end of the moonwalk. From this point forward, be sure to watch what seems to slow down or get thrown off the tracks. You’re being given a cosmic warning, so pay attention.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

You likely feel like you’re always taking fifteen steps forward and then one giant step back, Gemini. This is just a unique aspect of your life. While some people would never be able to wrap their heads around it, you know exactly how to go with the flow. This is all due to your planetary ruler, mental Mercury, who is a trickster in the sky. He goes through many notable phases, just like how he is now within his pre-shadow cycle. This is the first announcement from the heavens that things are slowing down and you must get ready to back peddle during the official retrograde.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

Just like the ebb and flow of the waves of the tides due to the never-ending pull of the moon, you understand that life is one of inevitable back-and-forth movement, Cancer. This is why whenever you enter one of Mercury’s tricky phases, you’re aware of what’s to come intuitively. Our cosmic messenger, who is now slowly creeping toward his official retrograde is known to be in a pre-shadow phase. Now as he begins to become especially groggy, it is important to pay attention to what is having problems, what is causing confusion, and why your relationships aren’t syncing up.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

The universe is made of perfect balance and beauty, Leo. This is true even if it doesn’t always feel like that! Despite always feeling like Mercury is retrograde, this isn’t actually entirely the case. However, we are now approaching another moonwalk from our cosmic messenger. Currently, we are in a part of the journey called the pre-shadow, which is when he begins to put his foot lightly on the brakes and start to look around uncertainly. You, too, will notice things begin to slow down from this point forward in the weeks ahead. Don’t stress about it — just be aware.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

Your planetary ruler, Mercury, is a blessing, not a curse, Virgo. Despite experiencing so many of his back-and-forth jigs in the heavens above, he actually gives you more flexibility to grow than most other zodiac signs. Right now he is in his pre-shadow phase, which is when he starts to yawn and stretch and feel a deep sleep coming on. Note anything that is beginning to arise in confusion around communication, especially in your personal or romantic life. You’re being given a heads-up from the universe to see what will be revisited down the line.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

As an Air sign, you’re comfortable with taking chances and thinking outside of the box, Libra. You know flexibility is a skill and a talent, rather than something that makes you weak. Mental Mercury is a highly potent and versatile planetary energy, as he reveals different aspects of himself anytime he experiences a different rhythm within his celestial dance. Presently, he is engaged in his pre-shadow phase, which is always a time when you can feel your antennae picking up areas of miscommunication or confusion that will be revisited during the official retrograde cycle.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

A very important period within the Mercury retrograde cycle is upon you, Scorpio. Just like the currents of the ocean whirl amidst the deep, you understand the way that the universe is always cosmically directing and redirecting you. Right now you are in a period known as the pre-shadow when our cosmic messenger is starting to chug forward a little bit more slowly, knowing his backward slumber is approaching once again. The pre-shadow isn’t a curse — it’s actually a blessing in disguise. Use this time to get clear on communication and connection, especially in your relationships.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

Get ready for a whole new tornado coming your way, Sagittarius! It is starting to swirl and yes, it has your name on it. This is because mental Mercury has entered his pre-shadow phase, which is a crucial forewarning of the many things to come. Pay attention to the slower pace that starts to creep in, as well as if there is anything that seems murky, confusing, or bizarre. If you damage control more readily during the pre-shadow, then the situations during the retrograde will likely be less intense and challenging! Be aware now.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

As a Cardinal sign, you like to charge forward into new territory and never look back, Capricorn. This is especially true because of your Earth sign element, too! However, you do know that sometimes life throws curveballs at you where you must readjust your sails to improve your path forward. Mental Mercury just entered his pre-shadow phase. This is the period prior to an official retrograde where he slows down as he moves past the degrees he will eventually revisit. Pay attention to any warning signs that appear now because you’ll have to sort out the details that spun off the tracks down the line.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

Life has a knack for throwing curveballs at you, Aquarius. As an Air sign ruled by Uranus, you can usually roll with the punches. However, you are also a Fixed sign who likes to dig in your heels and stand your ground. Mental Mercury is now orbiting in the degrees of his pre-shadow phase, a time when you should loosen up and pay attention to what isn’t working for you and your relationships. This a time to go with the flow and not stir the pot, as you can better handle what the universe is batting your way during the approaching retrograde pattern.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – December 15, 2022

Like the fish that symbolize you, you like to swim along with the current rather than forcing yourself upstream, Pisces. This is a very special gift delivered to you from the cosmos above. Use this effortless grace as mental Mercury continues on his pre-shadow path now and in the period to come. This is gifting you an opportunity to trust your intuition about what is not aligned with your true purpose and life direction. Make notes about what your dreams and gut instincts are telling you. They could all come true during the official Mercury retrograde cycle.


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