Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Take a step back and lie low today, Aries. Mercury and Neptune are both in volatile moods. A clash of ideas is guaranteed! You are especially likely to fall victim to confusion and miscommunication now. The planet of connection, Mercury, is in the late degrees of your sector of big picture philosophy and long-term vision and is being strangled by Neptune. Anxiety or delusion is afoot! Be sure not to make any rash judgments or decisions about your romantic or personal life. Revisit it when the cosmic weather is better so you don’t end up regretting it.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Buckle up for challenges around friends or around online dating today, Taurus! Neptune, the mysterious planet of spirituality but also delusion and deception, has been orbiting in your solar sector of friends and acquaintances for many years. Today, he crosses swords in a square with Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication. This could mean that you hear gossip or scandals about someone that you know — or someone is gossiping about your sex or intimate life! Don’t jump into a battle, but wait to let the storm pass until you can handle it. If online dating, be aware of psychic vampires or catfish profiles.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Your planetary ruler, Mercury, always brings you opportunities for growth and adventure when he’s in a great mood, but today, he’s going to feel like he’s fuming, Gemini. Prepare for poisonous energy as our cosmic messenger clashes with Neptune, the planet of delusion, addiction, and misery. This means that you need to take some time to clear your head and must absolutely not make any significant decisions about your romantic or personal life. If you do, it could blow up in your face publicly. This wouldn’t ultimately make you happy. Stand in your integrity and let the chance for gossip pass.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Buckle up for a rocky day, Cancer. Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, will throw shade over to a mysterious Neptune. This ensures that deception, drama, and scandals could be lying behind every corner! The best thing to do is to not get sucked into it. This isn’t a great day to share your ideas with others. You will likely be feeling anxious, confused, or frustrated about your path forward. If you feel that something is “off” in your personal or romantic life, don’t spiral off into a storm that no one will enjoy.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Don’t tempt the wicked cosmic weather today, Leo. Drama could be afoot! Gossip or challenges around your romantic life could be written in the stars. Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet that rules communication, is spinning in your solar fifth house of true love and is clashing in a disastrous square with an elusive and mysterious Neptune now vomiting in your solar eighth house of intimacy. A secret you’ve had — perhaps even about your intimate life, sexuality, or assets in your partnerships — could slither out due to prying minds and eyes. Don’t sink into the chaos. Simply damage control and move forward.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

For many long years, you’ve stared down mysterious Neptune as he spun majestically back and forth across the sky from you within your solar sector of partnerships and relationships, Virgo. On the one hand, this has conjured possibilities of aligning with a true and profound soulmate connection. Yet, on the other, you’ve also likely faced trickery, too, in the form of deceptive or illusive partners smiling before you like charlatans. Unfortunately, today your planetary ruler, Mercury, is crossing swords in a square with Neptune, which means that there could be drama afoot! This is especially true if you’ve been having tension with your one-and-only around domestic matters.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Today could make you feel quite insecure about yourself and your personal relationships, Libra. The cosmic weather is stirring the pot! As mental Mercury, the cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, slashes a cranky Neptune in a square, tension will be everywhere. By all means, do not make agreements today, and don’t impulsively rush forward into discussions regarding your personal life. Try to lie low and breathe through your anxiety or frustration. If you’re having fears or issues in your relationships today, it may just be a trick of the cosmic weather.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

As we dance into a new month, the cosmos is whipping up a bitterly cold blizzard, Scorpio. Mental Mercury is presently spinning in your solar sector of finances and will cross into a square with the mysterious and poisonous Neptune. For years, you’ve experienced the mesmerizing effect of Neptune in your solar sector of true love and passion, which brings wondrous beauty when aligned positively with other planets. Yet, significant conflict around money, romance, or even children may manifest today, so it would be best not to bust out your famous bravado. Instead, don’t jump to conclusions, and don’t rock the boat.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Don’t rush impulsively forward today, Sagittarius! Another cosmic storm is arriving within the heavens. Drama is certain to manifest with you being at the center of it. Mental Mercury will clash swords in a square with a malevolent Neptune. You may not be seeing eye-to-eye with your partner, especially around the home, domestic, or family lifestyle. Do your best not to brandish your fury, especially if you feel threatened, offended, defensive, or attacked. Instead, do your best to breathe through it rather than turn your sweetheart into an enemy. You’ll be glad that you found your center and released the fight.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

The cosmic weather is telling you to be very careful at this time, Capricorn. Logical Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet that rules your mind and communication, is creeping through the shadows of your solar twelfth house and will clash with a rather intoxicated Neptune in the sky. Secrets, hidden enemies, and anxiety could all be amuck! Deception, drama, and confusion could riddle your day like thorns. Something you’ve done or said may now be coming back to bite you! The best thing to do is to lie low, rest, and not get tempted into any scandals.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Dark storms await you today, Aquarius. Mental Mercury, as he dances joyously through your elevated solar eleventh house, will get some bad news. He will feel suddenly battered and bruised after getting kicked to the curb by a drunken Neptune. This foretells very dark energy around friends, your network, your acquaintances, or even an ex! This is especially true if you’ve lent money to them. You — or they — may be angry if someone is not being paid back. This square will pass rather quickly, so table discussions and turmoil and know you’ll get to the other side.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – December 1, 2022

Neptune, the mighty planet of the sea, the unconscious, soulmates, and magic, has been spinning in your zodiac sign for quite some time, Pisces. As your planetary ruler, he wishes to give you good news and gifts as often as possible. However, as he just received an angry message from mental Mercury across the sky, you could be feeling insecure, battered, and bruised. You may be thrown on the defensive as something rocks your boat. Don’t let it get the best of you. Instead, table the emotions to handle for another time when you’re seeing clearer skies.


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