Daily Love Horoscope – August 9, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
Toss tinder and twigs upon the bonfire of your heart, Aries. Today is bringing the heat! As mighty Jupiter, the planet of expansion and miracles, feels his ego soar today, he’ll shout out to mental Mercury in your solar sixth house of productivity. While this could certainly bring a big win for you around money or work, you may be able to clock out early to jet off to a store to buy your darling a surprise gift. This would be a wonderful way to bring joy to their heart. If single, consider attending a networking mixer. You may find someone in your industry with whom you hit it off.
TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
Prepare for your mind to go through the roof today, Taurus. As Mercury in a sweet corner of the sky sends you a smile, he’ll link in a trine to Jupiter, the planet of miracles, now orbiting in your solar first house of identity. This guarantees that you’ll be feeling euphoric, excited, and broad-minded — especially when it comes to how you can be assertive in your romantic life. This is a five-star day for singles to put themselves out there, especially through socializing or digital means to link up with a suitor.
GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
The universe is bringing profound messages to you today, Gemini. Don’t blink — or you’ll miss them! Jupiter, the mighty planet of miracles and expansion, has been dancing within your solar twelfth house for many months. On the one hand, this has made your intuition stronger, but it also means that someone or something, perhaps even a guardian angel, is working behind the scenes to ensure your happiness. Mental Mercury, your planetary ruler in your solar fourth house, will strike gold as he links to Jupiter, ensuring you can use your voice and ideas to transform your life and personal relationships. Sit down in silence and listen.
CANCER Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
A glorious heartfelt hope, aspiration, or dream could be within reach, Cancer. Contemplate how you’d like to transform your love life to glorious new levels of tremendous happiness. As mental Mercury in your solar third house of communication dances in a trine with Jupiter in your solar eleventh house of friendships, you may have a winning day to reach a big goal — and bring your sweetheart along! Money will likely happen, too, so relish the moment, brainstorm, and consider where you stand and where you’d like to go. Only you hold the power to lead your future — so know what is important to you and focus on it now.
LEO Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
You could feel like your feet are scorching as you race as fast as you can atop the sun, Leo. Today, as mental Mercury spins like a wildflower in the terrain of your solar second house, he’ll meet eyes with Jupiter, the planet of miracles and expansion, now puffing up his chest in your solar tenth house of achievements. As much as this may instantly inflate your thoughts on professional glory, it’d be wise to check in with your one-and-only and share the big dreams you possess. If you’re being too “high and almighty,” they’ll ground you but provide a soothing touch.
VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
Profound messages are raining down from the gods, Virgo. Today, as mental Mercury whispers lovingly within your solar first house of identity — your zodiac sign — he will pray out to Jupiter, the god planet of abundance and expansion, now roaring in your solar ninth house of expansion. This guarantees you’ll have a magnificent breakthrough, especially in your personal and romantic life. Don’t fight the messages. Listen. Be receptive. They are made just for you by a higher power.
LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
A significant conversation awaits you today, but it could make your head spin, Libra. As mental Mercury soars through the whispering caverns of your solar twelfth house, he will be extra chatty, gossiping up a storm about your love life, intimacy, and sexuality. In fact, he’ll feel quite boastful as he gets amplified in a trine by Jupiter, the planet of expansion now residing in your solar eighth house. On the one hand, you could feel euphoric as your intuition empowers you with the right words to tell your partner or next lover. Trust your instinct about what to say and how you can work as a team to build your lives, especially regarding wealth.
SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
Big dreams always lie ahead of you, Scorpio. Today, mental Mercury will sit at the crown of your chart in your solar eleventh house of bliss. He will smile over to sweet Jupiter, now located in your solar seventh house of partnerships. Today is the day to dream as widely and vastly as possible about your hopes and desires — and to talk about them with your one-and-only. This could also be a particularly auspicious day for singles to meet someone through their network, especially online dating.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
You have your vision set on working hard to build your life and see the world that lies beyond, Sagittarius. In fact, today will bring you a startling realization: If your job, love life, and routine can’t work in total alignment with your soul’s calling, you’re over it. As mental Mercury smiles politely in the heavens, he’ll toss a bone over to Jupiter in your solar sixth house of employment. Today is the day to take a step back, look at how your life is authentically building your personal and professional lives, and think outside the box.
CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
Today is a big day for passion, romance, and flirtation, Capricorn! Your horns may be on proud display! In fact, you could feel your loins eager to burst, just begging for release. You’re not typically one to let the world see your frisky side, but the cosmic weather is pumping up your desire for fun! Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger, stands in a fellow earth sign and will trine Jupiter, the planet of expansion, shimmering in the wings of your solar fifth house. This is a great day to plan a long-distance trip with a sweetheart, include religion or spirituality in your connection, or just switch up your routine.
AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
There is nothing better than feeling safe, free, and supported in your home, Aquarius, especially when it’s with the one that you love. As mental Mercury fires up the grill in your solar eighth house of intimacy, he’ll shout out to Jupiter, the planet of miracles and joy, now located in your solar fourth house of home, family, and domesticity. This means that you’ll have a beautiful moment to talk with your darling about ways you can have more fun, laughter, and passion within your living space. If single, chat with your roommates or pals about how you can throw an event to entertain new people.
PISCES Daily Love Horoscope August 9, 2023
The gorgeous energy of today will beckon you like a song, Pisces. In fact, you could be daydreaming about love and passion all day long. Even though your day is likely to be busy — especially regarding your routine — now is the perfect moment to speak a desire into existence. As Jupiter in your solar third house of communication grins to the sky, he’ll catch mental Mercury by a moonbeam, begging him to make more time for fun. This is an encouraging vibe to let down your hair, be honest about your desires, and above all, choose what makes you happiest.
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