Daily Love Horoscope – August 20, 2023

Daily Love Horoscope – August 20, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

For a month already, sweet Venus, our goddess planet of love and beauty, has been retrograde in Leo, Aries. She has been moonwalking through your solar fifth house of true love, dating, and fertility, causing you to review how you pursue all matters of the heart. If you’d like to reconnect with an ex or old flame, you’re actually one of the luckiest zodiac signs to do so! Strike quickly! Just remember that until September 3, it is not a good time to make any big decisions or make it official with your one and only. Instead, go with the flow and don’t jump ahead of yourself. You’re not seeing clearly. You’ll be happier that you waited.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

For a month already, your planetary ruler, Venus, has been fast asleep, Taurus. Since June, she has been spinning back and forth in your solar fourth house of home, family, and domesticity. Because of this, you could be spending more time with your one-and-only cuddling up within your space. However, whenever she is retrograde, we may experience rose-colored glasses around all of the themes that she rules. Don’t make any big decisions around renovations, decorations, or making changes in your domestic life. If you do, you could significantly regret them down the line! Instead, maintain the status quo.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

For a month already, our goddess planet of attraction, love, and beauty has been retrograde in the heavens above, Gemini. As Venus transits your solar third house of communication and short-distance travel, you’re likely feeling like life is more lively, fun, and sweet. However, you could also be feeling particularly nostalgic about all things at this time! You may be reconnecting with old friends, neighbors, or siblings. From now until September 3, you may also be deciding to revisit places from your past that held a special place in your heart and development. This would be a magnificent way to use the energy.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

For many weeks, lovely Venus, our goddess planet of pleasure, attraction, and profit, has been spinning in a new cycle, Cancer. Since June, she has danced through your solar second house but hit the brakes, turned a corner, and decided to begin a long retrograde cycle! Remember not to make any financial decisions whatsoever — especially until she turns direct on September 3. In fact, you may even want to hold off on any big decisions until nearly October! You’re not seeing value or money clearly at all. However, an enjoyable way to spend this time would be to bargain shop with your lover! You could find dazzling items others have not noticed.

LEO Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

Life has been peculiar but likely sweet for many long weeks, Leo. This is because you’ve harbored the jewel Venus, our goddess planet of attraction, beauty, and pleasure, within your zodiac sign and solar first house of identity. This has ensured that all eyes have been on you even more than usual! However, she has been in a deep sleep and in a retrograde phase within your zodiac sign, which reveals that you have not been entirely clear on any matters surrounding love or beauty. Don’t make any sudden changes to your physicality or fashion at this time, especially regarding a new hair color, wardrobe, or plastic surgery. Maintain the status quo and lie low until September 3.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

Venus, our sweet planet of beauty and attraction, has you caught in a spider’s web now, Virgo. She has been dancing in your solar twelfth house of privacy and the unconscious since nearly June, giving you a chance to reflect on how you’ve built your personal and romantic life in the past eight years. This is especially true because she is retrograde now until September 3! Pay attention to what your intuition is saying concerning your heart’s desires. Your gut instinct is helping you to change directions. You may also notice that you have a greater ability to release relationships, the past, and baggage.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

Even though your planetary ruler, Venus, has been asleep for nearly a month, you’re probably enjoying the vibe more than most other zodiac signs, Libra. This is due to her retrograde transit through your solar eleventh house of friendships, aspirations, and online dating that will continue until September 3. You’re likely reconnecting with many old friends, lovers, or significant exes during this period. If you know whom you’d like to catch up with, reach out now and see if your stars align. Just don’t make any major decisions around matters of the heart! You’ll regret them later.

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

Sweet Venus, our cherub of beauty, has been retrograde for almost a month already, Scorpio. She is moonwalking through your solar tenth house of achievement. This is likely impacting your professional life more than anything, causing projects, ambitions, and large-scale plans to be delayed or spiral off the tracks. However, you may notice that you have more time to relax, have fun, and reconnect with your sense of pleasure. From now until September 3, enjoy the slower pace and make time for tender loving care! You, and your sweetheart, will be grateful that you did.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

The cosmos are aligning a bit better for you than other zodiac signs, Sagittarius. That’s because sweet Venus, our goddess of pleasure, has been spinning back and forth in a fellow Fire sign. With her trine to your zodiac sign, you’ll feel more magnetic, irresistible, and free-spirited than you normally do! However, with her in a retrograde phase, you may be rethinking how you approach your life and how you can be more authentic than ever before, especially around romance, relationships, and pursuing adventure in love. If you and a lover would like to travel, do so to destinations you already previously enjoyed. This is because she is moving through your solar ninth house. 

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

Your desire for connection has been especially strong since June, Capricorn. As sweet Venus, our goddess planet of relationships and attraction, dances through your solar eighth house of intimacy and sexuality, you’ve been feeling the heat to cuddle up close and bring on the sexy times! Remember, though, that she is in a retrograde phase, which could bring up issues of what you give and receive in partnerships. You or your spouse could use this energy to rehash where you stand and find a better way of empowering one another. Just don’t make any major decisions until after September 3, when our Lesser Benefic awakens.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

You’ve been spinning in an especially karmic cycle for a month already, Aquarius. Sweet Venus, our goddess planet of love, attraction, and beauty, has been dancing across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of partnerships for many long weeks since June! This has brought you more focus on union, commitment, and dancing with a twin flame. Yet, with her in a retrograde phase, now is a time to revisit situations from the past that still bother you but may have been brushed under the rug. Exes or significant partners from the past could also be on your mind.

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope August 20, 2023

The stars have turned, and you’re watching them move back and forth, Pisces. Venus, our goddess planet of attraction, romance, and beauty, has been bringing her attention to your solar sixth house of employment, likely aiding you in creating a healthy work and life balance. However, with her retrograde until September 3, you may have an opportunity to focus on making more time for pleasure, passion, romance, and love. Venus will be asleep until September 3, likely lightening your load at your job, so live in this magic moment! Don’t let it go to waste!


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