Daily Love Horoscope – April 23, 2023

Daily Love Horoscope – April 23, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Mental Mercury is retreading his steps within the heavens now, Aries. A spicy day awaits, but it may have you thinking about someone from the past or something they previously said. With our cosmic messenger blazing a trail through the heavens and linking in a sextile with mighty Mars, the planet of sex and passion and your planetary ruler, you’ll be feeling eager for adventure! Singles should socialize or try their hand at online dating — perhaps even sending a surprise text to an ex or a romantic option that piques their interest. Couples should take photos that will leave their significant other begging for more. Embrace the fun!

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

As our cosmic messenger slips into his backward spiral, he’s retreading his steps, Taurus. You will be front and center today and your mind will be primed for action. Mental Mercury, the planet of communication, moonwalks through the flower fields of your solar first house of identity — your zodiac sign — and encourages you to pursue pleasure and communicate your thoughts regarding love. He will send a love letter in a sextile to mighty Mars today, encouraging you to flirt, strut your body language, and take the initiative. You may even bump into or get back in touch with someone from the past.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Today will bring a fun vibe to jazz up your routine, Gemini. Mercury, the cosmic messenger planet and your planetary ruler, is moving backward through the heavens and will again link in a sextile with mighty Mars. This means that you will get an opportunity to get spicy! Any time your ruler is engaged in a happy serenade, you are immensely impacted. With Mercury and Mars aligned in a sextile, you’ll feel an extremely social vibe at this time and may even reconnect with an ex or someone from the past. This can also bring extra charisma, charm, and intellectual foreplay to your romantic life. Go for it!

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Today’s cosmic blueprint is rather enjoyable, Cancer. You’re the main event as a day of sugar, spice, and everything nice is here for you! Across the heavens, our cosmic messenger planet, Mercury, will dance in a backward spiral in your solar eleventh house of joy and will link in a sextile with mighty Mars, who is now orbiting in the degrees of your zodiac sign. This means you’ll have immense enthusiasm to flirt, socialize, and take the lead in intellectual foreplay — perhaps even regarding an ex or handsome friend in your network. If single, ask someone sexy out, or if coupled up, reinvent your flirty rapport. The universe is promising plenty of fun, foreplay, and games! Embrace it!

LEO Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Today’s frequency tells you to let loose and have some fun, Leo. With our cosmic messenger, mental Mercury, dancing backward and linking in a sextile with mighty Mars in the sky, you’ll feel ready and eager to strut your stuff! This is a good time to listen to your hunches about how you can improve your love and sex life, so take a moment to dream up some tantalizing fantasies and engage in some intellectual or physical foreplay. Want to catch the attention of that hottie you just met? Shoot over a sexy and scintillating text and ask if they’re down to meet up sometime soon. However, you may have your mind on someone from the past, too.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Today’s energy is drumming up even more fun and games for you now, Virgo. You will likely hear exciting news from friends, an old flame, or an ex. You may receive an exhilarating invitation to attend an event or party in the days ahead or could even be stepping out on the town today! If you’re online dating, send out some flirtatious swipes and texts today because the stars are spinning in a cosmic scintillating dance — perhaps even to someone you had a missed connection with. As Mercury and Mars link in a sextile, you’ll be swept up in a flirtatious vibe that won’t quit. Live in the moment!

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Today’s energy is encouraging you to live in the moment and lead with your never-ending charm, Libra. The cosmic weather will bring you an immense urge to socialize, have fun, and throw on a sexy outfit to strut your stuff! Flirting, sizzling words, and body language will shiver with anticipation and erotic fire today, so let your desires lead. Couples can use this for some feisty courtship — of course, with a break to let off their steam—and singles will have increased swagger at this time. However, with our cosmic messenger moving backward and linking in a sextile to Mars, you could even reconnect with someone from the past. 

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Feisty, flirting vibes are here for today, Scorpio. With Mercury, our cosmic messenger, dancing in a backward spiral across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of relationships, he will link in a sextile to mighty Mars, your planetary co-ruler! With the two in such a sweet mood, you’ll definitely feel the urge to socialize, flirt, or even sext. Take the lead, though, and if you are looking for love, be sure to update your profile and swipe for new matches. However, today is also a five-star day to reconnect with an ex, old flame, or old friend, so reach out now.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Prepare for a zesty vibe today, Sagittarius. You’ll be feeling naughty! With our cosmic messenger planet, Mercury, dancing backward and linking in a sextile with mighty Mars in your solar sector of intimacy, sexuality, and vulnerability, you’ll be feeling your sex drive sizzling! This is a great time to socialize and step out of your comfort zone — especially because it’s the weekend! In fact, getting your “flirt on” will come easier than ever, so whether you’re single or attached, exercise those sexy words and body language. Today would also be a great one to reconnect with an old flame or ex. 

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Today’s energy could allow you to reconnect with the “one who got away,” Capricorn. With mighty Mars, the god of sex and passion, across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of relationships linking in a sextile with mental Mercury, who is now retrograde in your solar fifth house of true love, you might hear from someone from the past or decide to reach out! If you are not lingering on the past, today is a perfect time to send some sexy words to a crush or hottie you’d like to seduce—perhaps suggest a surprise hookup or meet-up tonight or a rendezvous! If taken, lavish your lover in licks and praise and tell them how gorgeous they are.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Embrace your sassy side today, Aquarius! With such a spicy vibration echoing through the cosmos, you’ll be the first to feel sultry. As Mercury, the ruler of your solar fifth house of true love, shivers in a backward spiral in the sky, he’ll link in a sextile with mighty Mars, the red planet of sex and passion. This is an excellent moment to socialize or even try your hand at some online dating. Couples should bust out some naughty games. However, if you’d like to reconnect with an old flame or hookup, reach out now!

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope April 23, 2023

Today’s cosmic energy supports passion, sex, partnership, and pleasure for you, Pisces. As Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, dances backward through the heavens, he links in a sextile with mighty Mars now orbiting in your solar sector of true love and romance. You’re about to be seeing stars! This could bring a sudden message from a lover that surprises and arouses you or even an invite or flirtation from someone who wants to get to know you. Either way, take advantage of this vibe. However, if you’d like to reconnect with a neighbor, old flame, or ex, go for it now!


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