Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

Before the moon wraps up in Scorpio and your intimate eighth house mergers, shared resources, and joint collaborations, Luna will harmonize with Jupiter, Neptune, and powerhouse Pluto, which is where things get interesting, Aries. For instance, you could be feeling torn between taking the initiative in your current connection vs. surrendering to the flow of divine timing. However, when considering the moon’s square to serious Saturn — via your eleventh house of associations, community affairs, and individual freedom — the cosmos is urging you to go within and listen to your intuition, as opposed to leaning on other sources for the validation you seek.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

Despite whether you’re currently single or already romantically attached, you’re more prone to encountering serendipitous encounters and unexpected run-ins under today’s astro-weather, Taurus. For instance, before the moon wraps up in sultry Scorpio and your relationship sector, Luna will harmonize with Jupiter-Neptune via your eleventh house of associations and powerhouse Pluto via your exotic ninth house of expansion. That means: reconnecting with ex-classmates, co-workers, and/or acquaintances could inspire an unexpected leap of faith but, by that same token, Luna’s square to taskmaster Saturn could trigger feelings of restriction when it comes to your reputation, and general sense of authority.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

Focus on the present moment, and don’t be discouraged by the uncertainties of the future, Gemini. For instance, before the moon wraps up in sultry Scorpio and your responsible sixth house of due diligence, it will harmonize with Jupiter, (celestial ruler of your relationship sector) Neptune, and powerhouse Pluto, which is where things could get interesting. This is especially true for those of you catching feelings for someone in the workplace, or perhaps for an ex-colleague. Although, given the moon’s square to Saturn — via your expansive ninth house of unknown territory — chances are you’re feeling inhibited and reluctant about taking any sort of risk at the moment.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

Your heart wants what it wants, but you’re also not blind to the circumstances of your current situation, Cancer. For instance, amidst the moon’s journey through Scorpio and your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression, Luna will meet with Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, so anything’s possible during this time, really. After all, both Jupiter and Neptune continue to conjugate via your expansive ninth house of adventure, which means you’re likely feeling inspired to a leap of faith. However, it’s Luna’s square to taskmaster Saturn — via your intimate eighth house of mergers and shared resources — that could trigger feelings of restriction and/or limitation.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

Feelings are intense, and they will only continue to intensify, Leo. This is especially true when considering the moon’s journey through Scorpio, and your emotionally driven fourth house of innermost feelings, but there’s more. Luna will harmonize with Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces — via your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and joint collaborations — which continues to enrich and strengthen the connection you share with a significant other. The catch? Amidst indulging in the ebb and flow of this romance, Luna will face off with Saturn in your relationship sector, creating feelings of restriction and/or limitation in the process. Keep your balance, but honor your heart’s desires.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

There are a series of opportunities when it comes to connecting and collaborating, but it’s up to you to take the leap, Virgo. For instance, before the moon concludes its journey through Scorpio and your third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings, it will harmonize with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, which may bring forth the opportunity for serendipitous encounters and unexpected romances. However, it’s Luna’s square to taskmaster Saturn that could potentially trigger feelings of restriction and/or limitation with regards to the logistics of this situation.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

Libra, despite whether you’re single or already romantically attached, you could be feeling the urge to nurture a particular connection. Others of you are making the conscious decision to sign up for couples therapy. More importantly, the cosmos is urging you to reflect on your investments and the relationships where you’ve likely sold yourself short, even if it was unconsciously. For instance, before the moon wraps up in Scorpio and your stability-seeking second house of value systems, it will harmonize with Jupiter-Neptune via your sixth house of healing. Keep in mind that this could also be you calling your energy back, so do what is needed.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

The moon continues to charge your fixed waters which, in turn, brings you closer to your innermost feelings and shadow self, but this is your territory, Scorpio. And despite whether you’re single or already romantically attached, the good news is, being vulnerable and emotionally transparent (as challenging and/or intimidating as it may seem at first) with regard to your heart’s desires will surely benefit you in the long run. After all, it’s not every day the moon harmonizes with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, (let alone) via your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression. However, it’s the moon’s square to Saturn that’s simultaneously challenging your emotional foundation.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

Your intuitive abilities are at an all-time high during this time, so be sure to follow your inner knowing, as it will serve as a compass in more ways than one, Sagittarius. Single? Crushing? Despite whether you’re feeling the urge to connect with a particular person and/or potential love interest, one thing’s for sure: your psychic antenna is on high alert. This is especially true when considering the moon’s journey through Scorpio, and your secretive twelfth house of closure, dreams, and unconscious patterns, but it doesn’t end there. Luna will harmonize with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, and Neptune via your fourth house of innermost feelings.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

You’re feeling as empowered as ever, and yet, you’re simultaneously applying more pressure to the situation, Capricorn. Who are we kidding, though? If there isn’t any blood, sweat, and tears, then you’re not about to compromise the lack of effort, even if that’s solely pertaining to the actions you take. For instance, before the moon wraps up in Scorpio, and your eleventh house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world, Luna will harmonize with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces via your communication sector, all the while squaring your celestial ruler, Saturn. It’s bittersweet, sure, but it’s important to focus on the bigger picture.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

You’re taking charge of a particular situation, and yet you’re having some doubts in the process, Aquarius. Granted, with Saturn crystallization and bringing structure to your sign, there’s no denying the feeling of restriction and general boundaries that may come along with it, but this is where the cosmos is urging you to compromise. For instance, if this is related to love and romance, you could be feeling torn between the desire to submit to your smoldering passions vs. consciously choosing to invest in something that will benefit you in the long run. One should never mix business with pleasure, but you get the picture.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – April 18, 2022

You’re manifesting your long-term visions and looking over the horizon with an infinite amount of hope, Pisces. This is especially true when considering the moon’s journey through Scorpio and your expansive ninth house of adventure, wisdom, belief systems, and unknown territory, all the while harmonizing with Jupiter and Neptune in your sign. If this is someone you’re interested in who’s at a distance from you, you could be daydreaming and fantasizing about the possibilities more than usual, but it’s important to not lose sight of the bigger picture. Besides, Luna will simultaneously face-off with Saturn — via your secretive twelfth house of unconscious patterns — so not everything is as it seems.