Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

Compromising doesn’t have to be about settling, Aries. You could simply be choosing to meet your special someone halfway, so keep this in mind today. For instance, the moon enters smoldering Scorpio today, bringing emotional emphasis and intuitive clarity to your eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and collaborations, so chances are you’re investing more of your time and energy into themes of “me vs. we.” Keep in mind that Luna will sit in opposition with Mercury and Uranus, which could create friction regarding your individual sense of security, but communication is key. Don’t apply more pressure and stay grounded.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

Single or already romantically attached, today’s astro-weather will likely shed light on the gravitational pull you feel towards a significant other, especially those of you at the beginning stages of a romantic partnership. Taurus, in addition to the moon glimmering through your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, Luna will sit in opposition with Mercury and Uranus in your sign which could, in turn, bring forth a series of intuitive downloads and general epiphanies, with regards to a particular person and/or love interest. Fortunately, Luna’s harmonious trine to your planetary ruler, Venus, adds a little something extra to you the dynamic of your day.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

Working hard, and flirting harder, Gemini? Sounds like a cliche with so much traction in your busy sixth house of daily routines, health habits, and general due diligence, but it’s not every day that the smoldering Scorpio moon links up with Mars and Venus — not to mention via your tenth house of reputation and your eleventh house of extended networks. To say you’re schmoozing would be a literal understatement, but there’s more. Amidst bringing emotional emphasis to your day-to-day, Luna will make a direct opposition to your planetary ruler, Mercury, and rebellious Uranus. Single or taken, you could be feeling torn on whether to act on your desires.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

Upon the moon’s debut in mystifying Scorpio and your romantic fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, the moon will meet with Mars and Venus in Pisces via your exotic ninth house of adventure, expansion, and unknown territory. Cancer, are you falling for someone at a distance from you or perhaps with a soulmate you met while traveling abroad? This could also be someone from a different cultural background or even a mentor of sorts. Either way, there could be some friction with regard to what you know firsthand vs. the expectations you’ve set with regards to this connection, as Luna will oppose Mercury and Uranus in the process.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

Whether you’re single or romantically attached, the cosmos is urging you to cultivate a balance between your personal and professional life, as things could feel more hectic than usual at this time. In addition to the moon glimmering through Scorpio — your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings — Luna will directly oppose Mercury and Uranus in Taurus via your bossy tenth house of authority. Having said that, this could create a bit of unexpected chaos in the home front and/or with your lover, as Luna will also meet with Mars and Venus via your intimate eighth house of mergers. Communication and compromise are key, Leo.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

You’re holding onto what you know firsthand, but you’re also aware of the infinite possibilities that are being presented to you as we speak, Virgo. Whether you’re single or already romantically attached, Luna will directly oppose your planetary ruler, Mercury, and freedom-loving Uranus, glimmering through your third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings. Challenges and/or conflicts around belief systems are likely, but the good news is that Luna will be in harmony with Mars and Venus via your seventh house of committed partnerships. Surrendering to the flow of divine timing is everything, so keep the vibes high.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

The moon makes its monthly debut in Scorpio today, bringing greater emphasis and intuitive clarity to your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, \while making a direct opposition to Mercury and Uranus via your eighth house of mergers, collaborations, and shared resources. Libra, you could be making the conscious decision to hold onto what’s yours, but the circumstances are simultaneously challenging you to reflect on the foundation of your partnership. Is there an equal amount of give-and-take? Luna will meet with Mars and your planetary ruler, Venus, which will, in turn, present you with an opportunity to work on things. But only if you choose to, of course.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

Love is in the air, and there’s no denying the chemistry between you and a particular love interest, Scorpio. Although, when considering the moon’s intensity-filled journey through your sign, all the while opposing Mercury and Uranus via harmony-seeking seventh house, there could be some unexpected conversations that catch you off guard in the process. The good news is, the moon will harmonize with Venus and Mars in Pisces — via your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression — which is always a plus, as you are prone to feeling just as inspired as you are compassionate to the idea of making things work.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

If you’re feeling torn between following your intuition vs. handling all of the responsibilities that are being thrown at you at this time, don’t be discouraged, Sagittarius. Single? It’s not that you’re reluctant to the idea of committing to your special someone; you’re simply going through a series of emotional highs and lows right now, and it’s all thanks to the stellium of astrological energy that’s currently activating your fourth house of innermost feelings. As if this weren’t enough reason to go inward, and nourish your mind, body, and spirit, the moon is also swimming through the depths of your twelfth house space. Meaning: your privacy is being prioritized.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

As you may know, the moon governs your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, but it will be glimmering through your eleventh house of associations, community affairs, and individual freedom today. Catching unexpected feelings for someone in your extended network, Capricorn? Luna will, after all, be in opposition to Mercury and freedom-loving Uranus — via your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression — which, in turn, suggests the possibility of there being some unexpected events leading to something much greater in due time. This is especially true when considering the moon’s harmonious trine to Mars and Venus in your communication sector.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

You might’ve been approaching a romantic connection from one angle, but now seeing things in a completely different way, Aquarius. For instance, this is especially true when considering the moon’s journey through all-or-nothing Scorpio — via your bossy tenth house of authority, traditional trajectories, and reputation in the world — but there’s more. Amidst this emotional pull you’re feeling with regards to taking the lead on something, the moon will directly oppose Mercury and your modern ruler, Uranus, via your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings, which will likely catch you off guard, namely when it comes to your emotions.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – April 17, 2022

Pisces, single or attached, the cosmos encourages you to open your heart and mind to the possibilities that are being presented to you when it comes to love and romance. Upon the moon’s shift into smoldering Scorpio and your exotic ninth house of expansion today, Luna will make a direct opposition to Mercury and rebellious Uranus via your curious third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings, creating an emotional tug-of-war between your ideal case scenario vs. the unexpected situations that could come up at this time. Luna is harmonizing with Mars and Venus in your sign, so don’t be discouraged if things don’t go as planned.