Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019

Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
Focusing on a peaceful resolution to a dispute likely ensures a positive outcome now. However, optimism alone isnt enough to guarantee interpersonal success. The conflict, whether at home or work, requires patience, discipline, delicacy, decisiveness, and organization. But if you need more of a mental cheat sheet, see whats beautiful in yourself, the situation, and all parties involved. When you believe in the potential of a relationship, you can endure tedious bouts of negotiation with ease. Plato wrote, The contemplation of beauty causes the soul to grow wings.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
Colleagues and friends might marvel at how you keep your cool when the pressure is cranked up at work. The secret to your calm is simple; youre more motivated by the pleasure of an eventual reward than the stress. Youre prepared to treat yourself later and this thought keeps you happily buzzing throughout the day. The easygoing sextile between even-keeled Venus and the confident Leo Moon is partly responsible for your positive attitude. Yet, the other part is due to your faith that everything ultimately will end well. Poet Rune Lazuli wrote, Inside the chaos, build a temple of love.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
Your knack for balancing tact with honesty saves an important relationship. You dont want to hurt anyones feelings, but a situation may reach a tipping point that requires a deft diplomatic hand like yours. The open-hearted Leo Moon in your 3rd House of Communications sextiles suave Venus in Libra to indicate that you can communicate with skill, and thats a significant feat. Although you still could run into resistance today, gentle persistence works wonders. David Frost said, Diplomacy is the art of letting somebody else have your way.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
Youre willing to push your limits to help out a partner or close ally today. You may sacrifice a fair amount of time to take care of a dear one. Although they might lack appreciation for your efforts, youre not putting so much on the line because you think you deserve a gold star and a cookie. You do what you must because you value your connection and want to be of service. But remember to save some quiet time to replenish your energy. You cant help anyone if you exhaust your resources. Dont just be good to others, be good to yourself, too.

Leo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
You may discover the beauty in your immediate environment now that you somehow missed before. Sometimes, its only a matter of looking out for it. Its all too easy to close your eyes to whats familiar in order to dive deeper into your own thoughts, preventing you from being fully present and spotting whats unfamiliar. For instance, you might notice a neighbor is selling the car of your dreams at a budget price or a wildflower garden sprouting up in a vacant lot. Catch the cosmic winks that cross your path today by keeping your heart and mind open.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
It may be nearly impossible for anyone to believe, but youre perfectly fine with doing as little as possible now. Thankfully, you can recharge your batteries by spending quality time alone or with a few select friends today. Perhaps you need space to rebuild your morale and collect your many thoughts; write them down or talk things over with your buddies. Also, you might choose to frequent familiar places or even stick close to home. Give yourself permission to completely unwind and unravel, since you likely have earned the time off. Ovid wrote, Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.

Libra Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
Relating to other people may seem like a losing battle today, prompting you to withdraw in order to nurse possible feelings of alienation. However, you could discover that a family member is feeling unloved and unappreciated while vulnerable Venus forms a conflictive square to secluded Saturn. Thankfully, its rather easy to remedy the situation. An encouraging word or a thoughtful gift might be all they need to remember that they belong to a larger community and their presence matters. Enrich the life of a loved one with a simple act of kindness. Columnist Abigail Van Buren said, Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
You are in complete control of your responses, whether you realize it or not. The words of others might elicit strong emotional reactions from you that arent necessarily connected to the current situation. A sharp criticism could send you deep into your feelings and trigger a spiral of self-doubt. As you probe further, you likely recognize that some of your awkward traits are compensations for other insecurities. But with consistent positive action, you can evolve into a stronger and more powerful version of you. Rev. Robert Schuller wrote, Let your hopes, not your hurts shape your future.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
Strangers and friends alike reward your positive attitude with graciousness of their own. And even if some people treat you unkindly today, youre in good enough spirits not to return the slight with any ill-will. Instead, you can use the beaming trine between the energetic Leo Moon and enthusiastic Jupiter to crack open any crusty tensions that your coworkers or friends harbor with humor and inspirational words. Laughter is the best medicine when times are tough. Louis Armstrong sang, When youre smiling, the whole world smiles with you.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
Giving yourself more self-love generates more love around you. You might have people in your life who can teach you how to show your feelings, but you must start by standing on solid ground. Perhaps youre not taking time to give yourself the tender loving care you need, so you seek affirmation from others, instead. Unfortunately, they dont seem to be as attentive as you had hoped today. However, once you step into the caregiving role for yourself, you wont be so dependent on everyone else. Choose wisely; you can either be your own best friend or your worst enemy.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
Drawing a line in the sand on an important principle provokes respect from a loved one. Your tastes and ideas are key expressions of who you are; but rejection can cut deep if some of your favorite people cant accept your position. However, part of the work of strengthening a relationship is learning and appreciating your differences. However, others can only know your heart if you speak up and share your feelings. Author D.H. Lawrence wrote, Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Sep 25, 2019
Be proactive and manage a cold shoulder from a workmate or team member as soon as you feel the chill in the air. You might not want to deal with a confrontation today, or you may even think that things will blow over on their own. However, your perception could be off now that sensitive Venus forms an uneasy square to stodgy Saturn. Check out your assumptions before concluding that something is wrong. Perhaps the more open your approach, the more the other person will open up and share whats really going on. Your honesty saves everyone time, but your compassion changes the game.


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