Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
Unexpected expenses could manifest this morning when the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus, dear Aries, making it important that you exercise caution with your bank account. These vibes could also reveal sketchy behaviors of the people around you, helping you make smart decisions about who you invest in both financially and emotionally. Luckily, the vibe will lighten later in the afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune, helping to soothe any frustrations that found you earlier in the day. Opportunities to flirt could also arise, thanks to a supportive aspect between Mercury and Mars.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
The Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus this morning, dear Scorpio, threatening to send shock waves through your professional and romantic lives. You may feel as though you’re being torn between pursuing love and success, making it important that you find ways to balance these aspects of your existence. Give yourself a break from thinking too seriously about the future later in the afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune, creating a dreamy and friendly vibe that’s perfect for socializing. Consider organizing your space and schedule as Mercury connects with Mars, helping you find your center.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
Getting swept up in fantasy could cause you to lose touch with reality today, dear Gemini, as the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus. This cosmic climate threatens to leave you viewing the world through rose-colored glasses, causing you to ignore red flags that shouldn’t be overlooked. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to adopt a more pragmatic disposition later in the evening, as Luna connects with no-nonsense Pluto, empowering you with the truth. Meanwhile, Mercury blows a kiss to Mars, encouraging you to plan and take action toward your passions and dreams.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
You may detect a strange nuance of envy or competition coming from your social sphere today, dear Cancer, as the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus. This cosmic climate could trigger jealousy amongst your peers, though you should avoid feeding into snarky or toxic behaviors. Rather than giving your attention to haters who are unhappy in their own circumstances, seek to empower yourself by being unapologetically yourself. Divine inspiration could lead you to embrace a creative project later this afternoon, thanks to a sweet aspect between Luna and Neptune. Meanwhile, Mercury and Mars align in the sky, encouraging you to keep your affairs intimate.
Leo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
You may feel a bit overworked and spread thin this morning, dear Leo, as the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square in the sky. Difficulty saying “no” or setting boundaries threatens to leave you with little fuel left in the tank, making it important that you tune into your own needs throughout the day. Luckily, these wonky vibes will dissipate when Luna blows a kiss to ethereal Neptune later in the afternoon, inviting you to escape into bliss while releasing that which doesn’t serve you. These vibes will feel most present from the comfort of home, so be sure to plan a low-key evening indoors.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
You’ll need to seek a balance between pragmatism and optimism today, dear Virgo, as the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus. This cosmic climate could cause negative thinking to hold you back, making it important that you dare to dream within reason. A dreamy and romantic energy will permeate the air later in the afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune, making it a good time to charm that special someone. Meanwhile, Mercury and Mars share a supportive alliance, giving you an opportunity to review your finances with the intention of setting budgets and growing wealth.
Libra Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
It would be a mistake to equate money with power today, dear Libra, as the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus. Though monetary resources can certainly make life easier, you would do well to remember that happiness and peace should come first. Try not to pander to any insecurities that arise when it comes to your finances or investments, choosing instead to nurture your creativity and the personal interests that make you unique. A therapeutic energy will come into play when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune later this afternoon, making it a good time to prioritize wellness.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
Your emotions could throw you off guard today, dear Scorpion, as Lady Luna forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus. Grief or triggers you thought you’d gained control of may suddenly cause you grief, especially if you haven’t been listening to what your heart needs. Luckily, a supportive energy will help you escape these woes when the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to ethereal Neptune later this afternoon. Artistic outlets will be particularly therapeutic, making it a good time to disappear into a world of creativity. Meanwhile, Mars and Mercury align in the sky, reminding you of your inner strength and sharp intellect.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
It would be wise to admit what you don’t know today, dear Sagittarius, as the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus. Though it may slightly bruise your ego to admit where you’re ill-informed, doing so will give you an opportunity to learn while gaining the respect of those who can teach you. You’ll feel called the comforts of home when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune later in the afternoon, creating the perfect ambiance for laying low and cozying up on the couch. Just don’t feel like you have to close off socially, but try to keep your circle tight.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
Try to curtail your social media consumption this morning, dear Capricorn, as the Scorpio sun squares off with Saturn and Uranus. This cosmic climate could cause you to measure your own life against those that appear on your feeds, making it important that you find more productive activities to focus on. Good vibes will flow this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune, paving the way for healthy interactions both online and in the real world. Consider deleting old posts that no longer align with your image later tonight, when the moon connects with transformative Pluto.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
Emotional upsets could bring forth unfortunate distractions within your professional life, dear Aquarius, as the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus. These vibes could make it difficult to separate your personal and business personas, especially if you’re caught up in family drama or disharmony at home. Luckily, the vibe will mellow later this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune, providing a dreamy yet stabilizing energy. Opportunities to resolve any pressing issues will come into play later tonight when the moon aspects Pluto, though you’ll need to be willing to set differences to the side.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Wednesday – October 26, 2022
It would be a mistake to run away with your intuition today, dear Pisces, as the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus. This cosmic climate suggests that your psychic hunches may not be as clear-cut as you assume, causing you to overlook important elements of your situation. Use this energy as an opportunity to recalibrate and find your center, rather than using your third eye to view other people. You’ll feel supported by the universe when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune later in the afternoon, creating a surreal vibe that’s perfect for meditation or prayer.
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