Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

The road could get a bit bumpy today, dear Aries, as the moon continues its journey through sensitive Cancer. Emotions tend to fluctuate under this lunar placement, which means tensions may rise within your closest relationships. The vibe will feel especially strained this afternoon when Luna enters a harsh square with the healing asteroid, Chiron. This energy could be particularly problematic if you’ve been too focused on yourself lately, which may leave your nearest and dearest with a sense of resentment. Lucky, a helping hand from revolutionary Uranus can help you break through these obstacles, especially if you offer any offended parties a small gift or gesture of love.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

Watch out for social burnout and overstimulation today, darling Bull, as the Cancer sun squares off with expansive Jupiter. This cosmic climate could cause your mind and mouth to get away from you, making it important that you find ways to ground yourself throughout the day. Watch out for self-deprecating thought patterns this afternoon when Luna enters a hard connection with the healing asteroid, Chiron, and try not to resign yourself to fear or worry. You’ll want to keep tabs on your tongue as well, avoiding mean-spirited gossip that may hurt feelings and could come back to haunt you later.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

You’ll have an opportunity to check in with and bring stability to your emotions today, dear Gemini, as the moon continues its journey through watery Cancer and your solar second house. Finding security within yourself versus the approval of others will be a major theme for you right now, especially if you’ve been disappointed by a love interest recently. Electricity and excitement will fill the air as Luna blows a kiss to Uranus later in the evening, triggering your impulsive and independent nature. Give yourself permission to break out of your traditional routine, but try not to engage in high-risk activities.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

You may feel as though career-related stress has been impacting your quality of life today, dear Cancer, as the sun squares off with expansive Jupiter. Though you may have a lot on your plate where your professional ambitions are concerned, try to give yourself permission to slow down and take a break whenever you’re feeling stressed or worn down. Unexpected plans could come into play this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Uranus, inspiring you to meet your bestie for a hangout session after work. Just try to get home at a reasonable hour, so you can recharge before another work day begins.

Leo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

You may feel as though you’re stuck in a crisis of faith today, dear Leo, as the Cancer sun squares off with glittering Jupiter. This cosmic climate could create division between your skeptical side and the part of you that wants to believe in the mysteries of our universe. Recent bouts of bad luck could trigger these sentiments even further, though you should look for ways to tap into your gratitude and find peace, even if you’re not sure the other side is listening to your hopes and dreams. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to break through these spiritual blocks when Luna blows a kiss to revolutionary Uranus in the evening.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

You may have a hard time navigating who your real friends are today, dear Virgo, as the Cancer sun squares off with Jupiter. Try not to get sucked into any drama or games right now, leaning into the connections that come through easily and without emotional strain. Though you may feel weighed down by wonky vibes in your social circle, a helpful connection between Luna and Uranus this evening can help you break away from any issues you’d rather not be a part of. This cosmic climate is also perfect for connecting with the other side, making it a great evening for spiritual work and meditation.

Libra Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

Your love life may feel overwhelming today, darling Libra, as the sun squares off with expansive Jupiter. This cosmic climate could also bring through the curse that comes along with manifesting your dreams, causing you to work overtime in order to maintain the life you wished into reality. Luckily, focusing on work can help you anchor your emotions, though you’ll want to make sure you’re listening to your physical needs and taking breaks when your body is due for a rest. You’ll have a chance to shake off any funk that found you earlier in the day when Luna connects with revolutionary Uranus later in the evening.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

The universe will ask you to take on some karmic work today, dear Scorpio, as the Cancer sun squares off with spiritual Jupiter. This cosmic climate may throw a few challenges your way as the universe looks for ways to test your strength and spirit. Lead with kindness and compassion, and you should survive these wonky vibes unscathed. The energy will lighten this evening when Luna shares a supportive connection to revolutionary Uranus, bringing interesting developments to your love life. Don’t be afraid to take a few chances when it comes to matters of the heart, even if doing so feels scary at first.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

The idea of commitment could leave you feeling overwhelmed today, dear Archer, as the Cancer sun squares off with Jupiter, your planetary ruler. Though opportunities to move forward within your love life or professional endeavors could manifest right now, try not to rush towards or away from anything or anyone without thoroughly thinking it over first. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to break away from stress and find structure within your mind and heart this evening when Luna blows a kiss to revolutionary Uranus. However, these vibes won’t exactly be predictable, so you’ll need to be open to thinking outside of the box.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

Small emotional upsets within your relationship could build-up to one big problem today, dear Capricorn, as the Cancer sun squares off with expansive Jupiter. Though you may feel particularly neglected or irritated with that special someone, try not to hold the past over their head unless the situation at play is in serious need of addressing. The energy will feel lighter and more playful as evening rolls in, when Luna shares a supportive connection with Uranus, allowing you to let go of any drama that may have found you earlier in the day. These vibes are also great for blowing off some steam, which will act as a form of self-care.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

You may want to consider constructing a to-do list for the day, dear Aquarius, as the Cancer sun squares off with expansive Jupiter. This cosmic climate could leave you with a hefty amount of work on your plate, which may cause your mind to become overstimulated or disorganized if you don’t bring structure to your tasks. The need for organization will bleed over into your home life this evening when Luna connects with revolutionary Uranus, inspiring you to mix things up domestically. This is a great time to change up the vibe of your space, bringing a more efficient layout to your abode.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Wednesday – June 29, 2022

Keep tabs on your ego today, dear Pisces, as the Cancer sun enters a harsh square with expansive Jupiter. This cosmic climate could cause you to lose touch with your self-awareness, causing you to believe in certain abilities or talents that may need more practice. You’ll also want to avoid putting too much faith in the idea of luck, understanding that steady hard work is more likely to bring you results than blind chance will. Unexpected news of information could find you this evening when Luna connects with unpredictable Uranus, but try not to get sucked into mean-spirited gossip.