Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
As the moon finishes its journey through Aquarius, you might have a hard time focusing this morning, dear Aries. Distractions will threaten to take you away from your responsibilities, which means you’ll need to be extra mindful that you’re staying on task. Luckily, things will start to smooth out this evening when the moon moves into therapeutic Pisces. However, a harsh t-square to the nodes of fate could bring anxiety your way, especially if you begin to worry about catching up on work. Do yourself a favor, give yourself permission to unplug from your phone and responsibilities for the evening, and resolve to work double-time tomorrow.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
Things could get a little bumpy or chaotic around the office today, as the moon takes its final steps through wild Aquarius, shaking up your typical work routine. Do your best to stay grounded right now, and try to encourage your coworkers to do the same. Luckily, you’ll have the opportunity to relax and recharge this evening when Lady Luna finds her way into watery Pisces. A cosmic alliance with expansive Jupiter will give you a chance to heal through your community, sweet Bull, making it essential that you reach out to your friends before the evening comes to a close.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
While today’s Aquarius moon will have your intuition buzzing, it might be wise to keep your hunches to yourself right now. The people around you will be in a rebellious mood, which means your advice might not always be welcome—no matter how strongly you feel in your gut about something. Luckily, the vibe will even out this evening when the moon changes signs into sympathetic Pisces. If you still feel like you need to get some intuitive information off your chest, go ahead and do so tonight. Use the remainder of your evening to recharge in silence, so you can relieve any stress that manifested throughout the day.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
Things will appear fairly black and white to you today, dear Crab, as the Aquarius moon shines a light in your eighth house. These vibes can bring out your irritable side, especially if others try to challenge your views or pull you over to their side of the fence. Try your best to remain patient with the people around you, but don’t feel bad if you need to put up walls in favor of solitude and quiet. You’ll feel much more social this evening when the moon moves into Pisces, bringing compassionate and loving energy to the table.
Leo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
Love could become a distraction for you today, dear Leo, especially if you’re not quite sure where you stand with the object of your affection. Staying focused on work will be difficult, but try not to check your phone every 15 minutes to see if your sweetheart has reached out. You’ll feel more empowered this evening, as the moon moves into Pisces, activating your eighth house. This energy will help you realize that you’re capable of walking away from romantic situations that leave you questioning where you stand with someone, restoring your confidence while helping you move forward towards healthier connections.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
Your day could get a bit wonky, as the moon takes its final steps in Aquarius, which is likely to throw a few curveballs into your typical routine. Make sure to double-check your work and confirm that you have your keys, wallet, and phone before leaving the house, so you’re not stuck correcting simple mistakes throughout the day. Things will feel easier this evening when the moon moves into sweet Pisces. A romantic and healing energy will manifest around you, helping you destress after a chaotic and stressful day. Be sure to schedule some time out for self-care tonight, as your soul could probably use some TLC right now.
Libra Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
Try to take things easy today, as the void-of-course moon travels through unpredictable Aquarius. While it’s totally okay to handle your business and get work done, you could be met with some serious obstacles if you try too hard to force progress in your life. Luckily things will loosen up again this evening when Luna makes her way into watery Pisces, bringing more fluidity to your efforts. However, don’t feel like you have to clock a late night at the office just because things are starting to move smoothly. There will be plenty of time to catch up on your responsibilities tomorrow.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
You might need to get out of the house today, dear Scorpio, as the Aquarius moon finishes up its journey through your fourth house. Feelings of restlessness could begin to manifest if you’ve been spending too much time indoors, inspiring you to seek adventure beyond your four walls. Getting out into the community will be especially therapeutic, as the sights, sounds, and smells of your neighborhood reinvigorate your senses. This evening, a shift will occur when the moon enters watery Pisces, bringing creative inspiration your way. Try to engage with an artistic outlet tonight to make the most of this cosmic climate.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
You’ll likely come up with a series of incomplete ideas today, darling Archer, as the void-of-course moon makes its way through creative Aquarius. While your mind will be active with new concepts, finding a cohesive thought could be quite the challenge. Do yourself a favor and give yourself permission to zone out a bit for the day, as your beautiful brain could probably use a rest. Later in the evening, the moon will switch signs into watery Pisces, pulling you toward the comforts of home. Plan on staying in tonight, and be sure to cozy up on the couch with your coziest blanket and a nice mug of tea.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
Watch your spending right now, and try not to make any large purchases as the void-of-course moon finishes up its journey through Aquarius. These vibes are all about taking a step back in favor of resting, which applies to your wallet as well. Luckily, this energy will clear as evening rolls in, and the moon makes its way into relaxed Pisces. Your mind will begin to expand under this lunar placement, helping you make financial decisions with more clarity. Connecting with your friends will be especially healing right now, and people will be in the mood to connect on an emotional level.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
It’s okay if you’re feeling unmotivated right now, as the void-of-course moon finishes up its journey through your sign. As Luna drifts through the sky, you might feel as though you’re doing the same, which could also make you feel as though you’re overdue for a good nap. Don’t stress too much about what you are or aren’t doing right now. Instead, choose to go with the flow. You’ll feel much more grounded this evening when the moon enters healing Pisces. Use this energy as an excuse to treat yourself a bit by indulging in some delicious food and, perhaps, an extravagant dessert.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Wednesday – January 5, 2022
If you’re feeling emotionally or mentally disconnected today, it’s not you—it’s the void-of-course moon. Do your best to take things easy now, as these vibes can cause your motivation to take a serious hit. Luckily, you’ll begin to feel much more like yourself this evening when Lady Luna makes her way into your sign! Your energy levels will get a nice boost from this cosmic climate, and your wit is sure to return as well. Take some time to reconnect with your goals this evening, as the universe will be in the mood to help you with your plans.