Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019

Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
Your heightened senses blend into a symphony of feelings and impressions, leaving you both exhilarated and overwhelmed. Colors may explode with sound and loud noises can feel as forceful as a slap. Youre able to accurately read the emotions behind peoples words today, giving you an intuitive edge. Take your time as you strive to communicate your side of the story. You might need space to process the incoming information without an audience. Rushing is likely to lead to stress and confusion. Practicing patience enables you to respond from a position of clarity.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
You are both inspired and inspiring when you speak on spiritual matters today. Sharing passages from sacred texts or favorite stories captures the attention of those who are eager to engage in meaningful conversation. But you could muse away large portions of the day with little tangible results discussing philosophical insights. Naturally, you crave practical steps and thoughtful measures to fuel your personal growth, but intuitively you already know what you need to do now. Put everything in its proper place before taking the next step on your amazing journey. Dont lose a diamond while chasing glitter.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
Your empathic powers may be so strong today that maintaining your own position is nearly impossible. You may naively assume that others are seeking a pleasant resolution to a conflict simply because your intentions are honorable and heartfelt. Be clear about your own goals and use your emotional connection as a building block to offer a win-win deal. You must look out for yourself if you want anyone else to do the same. Entrepreneur Eli Broad wrote, The best move you can make in negotiation is to think of an incentive the other person hasn’t even thought of — and then meet it.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
You may wish to be whisked away to meet people from distant lands without any of the hassle of long-distance travel. Thankfully, you can transport yourself away from the mundane by throwing yourself into a captivating film, fascinating museum exhibit, or sprawling novel. All souvenirs dont need to come from actual remote shores. Of course, some are artifacts from other countries. But youre equally likely to bring an exotic quality into your own life from your creative wanderings. Infuse fancifulness and inspiration into everything you do by cultivating connections to the depths of your soul. Never lose your sense of wonder.

Leo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
Your heartstrings are sensitive and susceptible today, prompting you to be highly cautious when it comes to making music with others. Creative projects can benefit from collaborative efforts, but only if the chemistry is perfect. The slightest disharmony will tug on you in ways that make you less adaptable. Working with other people requires dancing to the same song and vibing off each others flow. Author H.E. Luccock wrote, No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
You might realize that youre only verbalizing a fraction of your sublime feelings today. Still, your colorful descriptions and detailed explanations are enough to motivate everyone to be creative in their endeavors. You possess a generous amount of mental resources for projects, collaborations, and discussions. However, youre more intrigued by intelligent questions than striving to rattle off lots of answers. Some colleagues may find your musings vague, but with persistence and patience, you can get your message across. Poet Jonathon Swift wrote, “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”

Libra Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
Your playful curiosity encourages you to experiment with bold ideas today. Your confidence is to be applauded, but your idealism might blind you to undeveloped elements of your task. Or perhaps youre more focused on appearances than actions now. Staying alert enables you to be fluid enough to make the right adjustments. Clever discernment serves you well. Paulo Coelho wrote, Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
Be mindful of the power of your words today. Start conversations that inspire dialogue rather than positioning yourself to have the last say at someone elses expense. Beyond a few laughs, your sarcasm and dry wit might not be half as effective as you think it is now. Speak as plainly as possible and lean on the side of encouragement rather than criticism. Talking more about whats mysterious and creative may lead to fascinating insights. Your day will be more fulfilling if youre like the rising tide that lifts all boats, rather than the submarine that tries to sink them. Hope anchors the soul.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
Sometimes, being helpful is more complicated than you wish. For example, you may go the extra mile, only to be rebuffed for your interference. At first, you might be inclined to withdraw and clam up in your own emotional shell. Perhaps you decide to burrow in at home and tune out the world by binge-watching your favorite show or indulging in a long nap. Theres nothing wrong with unplugging from others to hook into whatever gives you joy. Address your wounded feelings first and then find your way back into action when youre refreshed and ready. Turn off your brain and turn on your heart.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
Acquiring new knowledge is more fun when shared. Your grasp on a subject might have more room for improvement than you think. Dont be surprised if you need to repeat yourself when you try to explain something to a colleague or neighbor. Listen to the feedback you receive and then rework your message. Drop the assumption that youre the expert and assume the perspective that youre a co-conspirator with the person youre trying to help. Participating in someone elses process shifts your exposition into a mutual exploration. Author Robert Heinlein wrote, When one teaches, two learn.”

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
You might prefer to be invisible than on stage today. Oddly enough, a need to escape reality makes it easy for your money to disappear, too. It takes a while to return to this world after immersing yourself in another realm through a book, movie, or daydream. Yet, with your mind elsewhere, you may misplace your belongings or spend money that throws your budget off track. Take your time and hook back into your breath and the rhythms of your body. Meister Eckhart wrote, What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Jan 08, 2019
Your intuition sparkles like a diamond when your heart is wide open. Your emotional support can encourage a friend who is down in the dumps today. You might even sense what they are going through before they speak. You may fret about whether you can find exactly the right words for the situation. But trust that when you speak with compassionate intent, the content of your message isnt as important as how you say it. Poet Maya Angelou said, At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.


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