Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Aries Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

You’ll feel as though you’re riding a serious high today, dear Aries, as the Leo moon forms a fiery grand trine with Mars, your ruling planet, and the healing asteroid, Chiron. This cosmic climate will provide you with the energetic support you need to put your goals and dreams first, without worrying about how others perceive your work or ambitions. Believe in yourself, take action, and choose to move forward boldly and you’ll be able to overcome any obstacles that are thrown in your path. Just try to keep a healthy perspective around the work that coincides with your endgame. Otherwise, you could crumble under the pressure you’ve put on yourself.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Good vibes will circulate this morning as a fiery grand trine manifests in the cosmos. You’ll feel these supportive vibes within your home and work life most acutely, bringing a boost of motivation when tackling your goals, which can help you feel more confident on a subconscious level. Unfortunately, the tide will turn this afternoon when a series of harsh aspects shakes up the day. This energy can throw you off your game, and the smooth sailing that took hold this morning is likely to be replaced by chaos, tension, and upheaval. Remember to stay grounded when the unexpected comes for you and do your best to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Today could get a bit overestimating for you, dear Gemini, making it essential that you make space for yourself to ground when you’re feeling overwhelmed. On the one hand, things will feel like they’re going smoothly when it comes to your platonic and romantic relationships, helping you to feel supported and loved by the people that rally around you. Unfortunately, a harsh t-square this afternoon can spoil these good vibes, leaving you feeling anxious for reasons you can’t quite explain. Avoid indulging in any feelings of self-doubt that bubble up, and try to remember that connecting with your body and the world around you can help bring down the vibe if you start to spiral.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Try to get an early start at the office today, dear Cancer, as a fiery grand trine ups your motivation while providing cosmic support around your financial and professional ambitions. The key to making the most of these good vibes is to work hard—and without complaint. Your superiors will take notice of your efforts, which can unlock new opposites down the line. Just try not to push yourself too hard, or you might hit a wall this afternoon when a harsh t-square manifests in the cosmos. If you feel as though you’re working a job that has hit a dead end, you just might want to consider applying for positions elsewhere.

Leo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Today will be filled with highs and lows, dear Leo, while the moon moves through your sign. As you wake up, a fiery grand trine among Luna, Mars, and Chiron will help you find healing by taking action toward the change you seek most. Artistic outlets and passion projects will be especially therapeutic right now, as the universe unlocks new levels of inspiration and motivation within your soul. However, things could get a bit rocky in the afternoon when a harsh t-square forms in the cosmos. The tension of this cosmic climate could put undue pressure on your relationships, and you’ll also want to monitor how much stress you’re taking home from work at the end of each day.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Go ahead and throw yourself into any work that needs to be done around your home today, dear Virgo, especially if these tasks involve cleaning out your space and getting rid of any junk that’s collecting dust. The lighter and cleaner your space becomes right now, the happier you’ll feel on a subconscious level. Unfortunately, the vibe will get a bit rocky in the afternoon, as a harsh t-square forms in the sky. You might feel resentful if others aren’t helping you with all the hard work you’ve taken on, and you could tip over the edge if you feel taken for granted. Instead of getting upset about the distribution of responsibilities, go ahead and assign some chores to your housemates to balance out the work.

Libra Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

If you’ve been wanting to bring your friends and significant other closer, consider starting a text thread that includes your besties and bae. Try to keep the conversation light and comical to help facilitate new bonds without putting pressure on the situation. If you’re currently single, but have a crush, now would be a good time to try and grow the dynamic by building up your friendship first. Just try to avoid tense or controversial topics, especially in the afternoon, when a harsh t-square threatens to squash this morning’s good vibes. As the day comes to a close, go ahead and unplug from your devices, so you can get some quiet time.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 21, 2021

Even though you’re a water sign, you have a fiery reputation that can help you go toe to toe with anyone in almost any situation. This morning a grand trine forms as the moon moves through Leo, inspiring you to stand up for yourself while acknowledging your worth. If you feel as though you’ve been taken for granted or underappreciated lately, it stops today. When it comes to your work life, this is a good time to make sure you’re not being held responsible for tasks above your pay grade. If you are putting in more than you’re getting back, don’t be afraid to negotiate for a raise. Just try to do so before afternoon hits, and the vibe gets a bit rocky.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Your self-confidence will get a boost today, dear Sagittarius, as a fiery grand trine revs your creative, spiritual, and personal engines! Take action toward your goals and passion projects right now, as you’ll be a force to be reckoned with, and no one will have the gall to stand in your way. However, things will get a bit rockier in the afternoon when a harsh t-square forms in the sky. Though you’ll still be riding the high from feeling like a total rockstar earlier in the day, it’ll be important that you check your ego and know your limits.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Today could present some challenges for you, dear Capricorn, as the Leo moon enters a harsh t-square with Saturn, your ruling planet, and rebellious Uranus. These vibes will hit you in a variety of ways, though the most significant impact could be on your finances. Be wary of business deals or personal loans when they involve your friends, or you could end up losing both money and a pal down the road. You could also run into unexpected expenses, especially around your passion projects or creative goals. Try not to open your wallet right now, and, instead, give this energy a few days to clear.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

Taking some quiet time for yourself will feel imperative to your inner peace today, as a harsh t-square manifests in the cosmos this afternoon. While it’s not the most pleasant thing to do, you might need to set boundaries right now, especially with your significant other. If you’re in a domestic partnership, see if you can get bae to leave for a few hours, so you can have some alone time. For any Aquarians living on their own, check in with your self-care routine. If it’s been a while since you’ve taken a time out in favor of a nice bath and relaxation, today is the day.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Wednesday – December 22, 2021

This morning, a fiery grand trine will form in the sky, amping up the collective vibe while bringing out the passionate side in us all. As one of the most sensitive signs in the bunch, you’ll need to be extra cautious that you’re staying grounded and protecting your aura. With so much energy hanging in the air, it would be easy to feel overwhelmed by the fire radiating off the people you encounter. Do your best to get a meditation session or workout in before you start your day to help you prepare for the whirlwind of energy that you’re about to walk through.