Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
Your attention is at home as the Moon in Cancer spends the day urging you to tend the hearth fires in your 4th House of Family. While you may be feeling a mounting pressure to get things done for work, the Moon’s balancing trines to Mercury and Neptune urge you to slow down and remember the other forms of work that are demanding your attention. Cultivating your closest relationships, your mental health, and your self-care routine now will ensure you have the energy and emotional wherewithal to approach what’s coming next.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
This is a perfect day for smoothing over any stressed relationships or simply exchanging comforting words with friends. The tender Moon in Cancer forms a harmonious trine with communicative Mercury in the morning, which can erase tension within friendships and group settings, boosting your expressive powers. The Moon then goes on to trine magical Neptune, helping you relax, enjoy the people around you, and even entertain a daydream or two. It may not be the most productive day, but it’s an excellent one for nurturing your sensual and luxurious tendencies.
Your minds on your money today and you’re focused on how you can achieve your career goals. The Moon in Cancer spends the day in your 2nd House of Finances, taking turns communicating with fine-toothed Mercury then big-picture Neptune, both in your 10th House of Profession. This is a wonderful day to merge your ultimate vision with a detailed plan for how to achieve your ambitions. Start the day off with small, achievable wins, then allow your mind to expand the possibilities of what you can achieve.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
You’re at the center of the Moon’s busy activity today while it moves through your sign, starting off with a fast-paced morning. The Moon squares off with the Sun in frantic Aries, spurring you to cross tasks off on your to-do list. You slide into more soothing waters this afternoon, though, and heartfelt connections take over as a priority. This is a wonderful opportunity to nourish yourself with new knowledge, spending quality time with your partner, or anything else that feeds your need for romance, escape, and broadening your horizons.
Leo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
If you feel moody or emotionally stuck about your place in life, lean on your power of vision to paint a picture of where youd like to be instead. Today starts with a sense of escapism and you may find yourself longing for a change of scenery and a break from the daily grind. But possibility arrives later on and you’re especially open to insights about how to build the life you desire. Listen to your inner urges behind the mundane details today, because your subconscious is full of clues on how to achieve your most fulfilled life.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
Relationships of all types are on your mind today, from your friends and acquaintances to your dates, partners, or lovers. The heartfelt Moon in Cancer spends the day in your 11th House of Connections while forming bountiful, effortless trines to planets in your 7th House of Relationships. The way to make the most of this day is to express your compassion, be open and honest in your communications, and keep your wits about you. This energy helps you ease tensions and create romance, but still, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Libra Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
A frustrating situation may arise at work today, but if you find yourself annoyed with a coworker, colleague, or boss, try not to let it flavor your entire day. It’s actually a great day for easing tension between yourself and others, however, if you cant find a way forward productively, you may start to feel the urge to throw in the towel on your entire career. Maintain perspective and goodwill in order to avoid slipping into this victim mentality. Not everyone has as much tact as you, so make sure to lead by charming example in your interactions.
Theres much to be accomplished in the first half of your day if you can harness the motivation and urgency to manage small details. The afternoon pulls you into romantic daydream territory, so meet your deadlines first so that you can enjoy the fanciful indulgences as your reward. You may find yourself fantasizing about future getaways or imagining getting caught up in amorous affairs. Enjoy the mood, just be sure youre taking care of your responsibilities so they dont haunt you later when you come back to reality.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
Today is chock-full of contradictory energy between your heart and your head that may leave you feeling a push-pull between what you want to do and what you must actually do. Doubts about a romantic relationship may arise in the morning and you could find yourself wondering if your companion can really sustain your interest. However, emotional relief is available right there in the comfort of your own domain. You rule your own castle and letting your dreams run free here can provide a healing balm for what ails you.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
It may feel like youre pulling more than your fair share of the weight at home and in your relationships. Your general competence and ability to follow through for your loved ones is admirable, but can also wear you out or lead to eventual resentments. Today offers you a lavish opportunity to tend to your own needs, find beauty in your daily routines, and make sure youre building vital structures that will help sustain your energy for the long term. Find a few small ways to honor yourself today and luxuriate in the feeling of replenishment.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
What you focus your energy on is what grows, and today offers a reminder of where youre directing your strongest intentions. The Moon in your 6th House of Daily Life is illuminating what you find most valuable and helping you see which regular efforts can bring rewards in these areas. So pay attention to your surroundings and make sure that both your actions and environment are supportive in working toward your goals. This is an excellent day to journal your intentions, tidy your home, or create a vision board. Make room for what you want to cultivate and watch it bloom.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Wednesday – Apr 1, 2020
A softer side of life emerges, shifting your focus toward romance and exciting creative endeavors. Youre given a boost of energy for all your artistic and alluring projects now, as well as the power to share those talents with others. To make the most of this energy, express your ideas and speak your artistic truths with the world. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but it is not just an individualistic endeavor to bring it to life. Show off your creations, charm others, and spread a little love today.