Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
A desire for control could cause you to shut down emotionally this morning, dear Ram, as the Cancer moon faces off with intense Pluto. While it’s certainly okay to bring yourself to a place of composure in order to go about your day, try not to bury your feelings so deeply that you forget to process them later. Luckily, a sweet connection between Luna and the sun will give you a chance to manage your emotions in healthy ways, though you’ll likely need to bring structure to your day in order to stay focused on the tasks that lie ahead.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
Your spirituality can help you find clarity today, dear Taurus, as the Cancer moon faces off with intense Pluto. Don’t be afraid to face your fears and anxieties head-on, as doing so will provide you with an opportunity to let go of them for good. As the day unfolds, the vibe will lighten when Luna blows a kiss to the sun, bringing out your playful side. Though you’ll be in the mood for excitement, try to keep the party at home once the moon enters Leo and your solar fourth house later in the afternoon.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
Your vibe may be a little more intense than you realize today, dear Gemini, as the Cancer moon faces off with brooding Pluto. While this cosmic climate will certainly give you a taste of power, try not to be overly pushy with your agenda. The vibe will lighten when the sun and moon share a sweet connection up above, inspiring you to ground, honor your emotions, and find beauty in the present. You’ll notice a shift later in the afternoon when the moon enters Leo, putting you in a warm yet chatty mood that’s perfect for socializing with loved ones.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
Issues within your love life or romantic disappointment could throw off your vibe this morning, sweet Crab, as the Cancer moon faces off with brooding Pluto. This cosmic climate could also trigger obsessive behavior, so you’ll want to avoid snooping on your exes or current crush online. Luckily, your mind will wander toward more productive topics once the sun and moon connect in the sky, and a boost to your popularity will provide you with some much-needed distractions. The energy will stabilize later in the afternoon when Luna glides into fiery Leo, opening your heart while connecting you with the present.
Leo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
There’s an astrological risk that you may be too hard on yourself this morning, sweet Lion, as the Cancer moon faces off with brooding Pluto. Try not to get down on yourself for being shy or imperfect, understanding that every mistake you make provides an opportunity to learn. Luckily, a cosmic pick-me-up between Luna and the sun can help you reclaim your joy as long as you tap into your gratitude and acknowledge the blessings around you. You’ll notice a shift later in the afternoon when the moon enters your sign, elevating your aura and spirits throughout the next two days.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
The vibe may feel off within your social sphere this morning, dear Virgo, as the watery Cancer moon faces off with brooding Pluto. Watch out for emotional traps and triggering discussions, and avoid getting sucked into any malicious drama that doesn’t concern you. Luckily, a sweet connection between the sun and moon can help guide you toward more positive interactions as long as you lean into kindness and love. You’ll notice a shift later in the afternoon when the moon enters fiery Leo, putting you in a more introspective place. Use this energy to quietly stoke the fire within as the stars ask you to work behind the scenes for a bit.
Libra Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
You’ll feel emotionally invested and committed to your professional growth today, dear Libra, as the Cancer moon shares a sweet connection with the Virgo sun. This cosmic climate will allow you to handle your daily tasks with ease, though you may want to shoot a little higher than you normally would. The vibe will shift later in the afternoon when Luna makes her way into fiery Leo, triggering your desire for social interaction. Use this energy as an excuse to venture away from home, even if it’s just for a quick bite to eat with your bestie downtown.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
Your words may carry more weight than you realize this morning, dear Scorpio, as the Cancer moon faces off with Pluto. While this cosmic climate is sure to provide you with profound new insights, you may want to pull back from sharing them right away, or you could come off as a little intense. Luckily, the energy will elevate as the sun and moon connect in the sky, helping you decompress through light banter with your friends and colleagues. Your mood will become more serious later in the afternoon when Luna makes her way into fiery Leo, galvanizing you to make headway within your professional ambitions.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
You’ll walk with authority today, dear Archer, as the Cancer moon forms a sweet connection with the Virgo sun. These vibes are perfect for making an impression professionally, though you’ll want to make sure you’re carrying yourself in a refined and composed manner. Luckily, the vibe will lighten later in the afternoon when the moon enters Leo, activating the sector of your chart that governs spirituality and adventure. This luminary placement will also bless your aura with some extra sparkle, helping you charm the pants off anyone you encounter. Just remember to save some of this magic for yourself, and try to get a meditation session or tarot reading in before the day comes to a close.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
You may feel as though you’re in a battle with your own emotions this morning, dear Capricorn, as the Cancer moon faces off with intense Pluto. A disconnect between what your heart wants and what is good for you may come into play, but try not to put too much pressure on yourself to figure it all out at once. Luckily, a sweet connection between the sun and moon could provide guidance from beyond the veil, making it a good time to lean into your spiritual side. You’ll notice a shift later in the afternoon when Luna enters Leo, asking you to commit or walk away from any situations you’ve been on the fence about.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
The universe will ask you to make some changes today, dear Aquarius, as the Cancer moon connects with the Virgo sun and Pluto. While this cosmic climate could trigger brutal realizations around unhealthy behaviors or patterns, it will also provide opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Remember to value yourself as you are in the moment, without losing sight of what you hope to achieve. A more harmonious energy will fill the air later in the afternoon as the moon enters Leo, activating your solar seventh house. This luminary placement is perfect for self-care, romance, and finding balance, so be sure to prioritize all three.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Tuesday – September 20, 2022
A few haters may come out from the shadows this morning, but try not to give them the power to weigh you down. That’s right, dear Fish, an opposition between the Cancer moon and Pluto could bring out the worst in those around you, though a helping hand from the sun will allow you to hold onto joy, as long as you lean into love and pay no mind to negativity. You’ll notice a shift later in the afternoon as the moon enters Leo, inspiring you to work hard for your goals, effectively overcoming any nasty people who would love to see you fail.
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