Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
As the morning unfolds, the moon enters Capricorn in the very early hours today, forming a sweet connection with passionate Mars. This cosmic climate will light a fire within you, sweet ram, bringing through a perfect marriage of motivation and determination. You’ll become surprisingly pragmatic and strategic when it comes to actualizing your dreams, making this the ideal time for taking serious action within your career. Good vibes will continue to flow as the sun connects with the nodes of fate, opening new doors in unexpected places. Just remember to pace yourself, or you could end up losing steam before your plans get off the ground.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
A magical energy will fill the air as you awaken this morning, sweet Bull, thanks to the moon’s newfound placement in Capricorn and the most spiritually charged sector of your chart. The law of attraction will work in your favor right now, as a sweet connection between Luna and Mars allows you to manifest in ways unknown even to you. A sweet connection between the Cancer sun and the nodes of fate will allow you to open new doors through words spoken from the heart. So be sure to put emotion behind any wishes you send into the universe right now.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
You won’t be in the mood to mess around today, dear Gemini, as the moon enters Capricorn and your solar eighth house. This cosmic climate will inspire you to cut to the chase, getting to the root of any issues or opportunities within your personal and professional lives. A sweet connection between Luna and Mars will bring passion to your actions, helping you make controlled and effective moves. Don’t shy away from being your boldest, most authentic self, and your hard work is bound to pay off. Just remember that it’s okay to ask for help, and if you’re in a partnership, make sure they’re pulling their weight within shared responsibilities.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
A passionate and flirtatious energy will surround you this morning, dear Crab, as the Capricorn moon forms a sweet connection to fiery Mars. Use this energy to reignite the flames of your love life, taking time to message your crush or give a steamy smooch to your sweetie. Romantic connections could also be made online right now, so don’t hold back if your dating apps are calling. Positive twists of fate could also come into play for you right now, as the sun shares sweet connections with the north and south nodes. Don’t be afraid to say “yes” to opportunity, even if you’re not yet sure how things will play out.
Leo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
Try to keep in mind that small steps bring you to the big picture, dear Leo, as the Capricorn moon shares a sweet connection to passionate Mars. This cosmic climate will accentuate the link between hard work and your career ambitions, so be sure to roll up your sleeves and chip away at your professional agenda. New insights may also come into play as the Cancer moon connects with the nodes of fate, illuminating the path ahead with relative clarity. Should new ideas begin to roll in, be sure to write them down, as doing so could reveal your next moves.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
Get ready for a passionate and creatively charged day, dear Virgo, as the Capricorn moon shares a sweet connection to fiery Mars this morning. This cosmic climate will bring celestial support to your goals, especially if you have an opportunity to showcase your unique talents. Following that same thread, don’t be afraid to ask the universe for a little help, as doing so can open new doors on your path. Unfortunately, letting your star shine could feel a little overwhelming later in the afternoon, when Luna squares off with Jupiter. However, you should be able to overcome these wonky vibes with some deep breathing.
Libra Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
The moon enters Capricorn and your solar fourth house this morning, darling Libra, pushing you to let your guard down, but only with people who make you feel safe. A sweet connection between Luna and Mars can bring passion to your most intimate relationships, making it a good time to rekindle the romance with your sweetie. On a professional level, this cosmic climate can help you advocate for yourself, giving you a chance to deliver compelling arguments that will benefit your career growth. Give yourself permission to take a step back from your social life this evening, opting for a quiet night at home.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
The moon enters Capricorn this morning and your solar third house, dear Scorpio, inspires you to finally speak up on any issues floating through your psyche. This comic climate will be particularly beneficial to your love life, thanks to a sweet connection between Luna and Mars, pushing you to express your truth regarding matters of the heart. This celestial dance can also give you and that special someone an opportunity to plan for the future, plotting out reasonable moves that will help you meet your relationship, monetary, and professional goals as a team.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
Look for ways to invest time, energy, and resources into your health today, dear Archer, as the Capricorn moon forms a sweet connection to passionate Mars. This cosmic climate will help reconnect you with your body, giving you an opportunity to optimize your health. Try to keep in mind that relaxation is just as important as eating well and getting enough sleep, so be sure to indulge in some low-key activities that can help you ground and unwind. Tapping into nature can also be quite therapeutic, especially when Luna squares off with Jupiter.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
The stars will act in your favor today, dear Sea-Goat, as the moon moves through your sign. A sweet connection between Luna and Mars will bring an added pep to your step, especially when it comes to projects or people that you feel passionate about. These vibes can also help you break through any barriers that have been holding you back, so don’t be afraid to act with decisive boldness. Give yourself permission to indulge in all of your favorite things as the day comes to a close, and Lady Luna encourages you to prioritize your needs and personal desires.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
The world may seem eerily quiet today, dear Aquarius, as the moon enters serious Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs all things hidden. You may get the strange sense that new information is just around the corner, though putting your finger on exactly what’s ahead will be a nearly impossible feat. Take a moment to honor the people and activities that bring you passion when Luna blows a kiss to fiery Mars before afternoon rolls in. This cosmic climate will ask you to gravitate toward anything that brings positive emotional responses, making it a great time to crank up your favorite music while having a solo dance party.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Tuesday – July 12, 2022
You’ll put up and take down social boundaries at your own whim today, dear Pisces, as the moon enters Capricorn and your solar eleventh house. This luminary placement will help you navigate crowds with more ease, and you’ll have more control of your psychic sensitivities and emotional responses to stimuli. A helpful connection between Luna and Mars will bring a fire to your voice, but only within topics or situations you feel very passionate about. Use this energy to research any subjects you consider to be of personal interest, as your mind will be hungry for new information.