Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
Though yesterday’s full moon in Cancer was emotionally charged, you should begin to feel lighter and more like yourself today as the moon makes its way through fiery Leo. These vibes are perfect for dressing up, having fun, and feeling yourself, so don’t feel bad about letting your ego come out to play. Putting yourself first should be a priority right now, especially in the afternoon when Luna shares a helpful connection to the healing asteroid, Chiron. Unfortunately, tension will still brew in the sky, thanks to a t-square with the moon, Mercury, and Uranus, so you’ll want to avoid any tense topics or negative people.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
Today brings major shifts your way, dear Taurus, as the north node enters your sign, where it will remain for the next 18 months. These vibes will bring huge transformations to your image and personal disposition, so get ready to move with the tides over the next year and a half. Just remember that you are in the driver’s seat when it comes to navigating this cosmic climate and your life. Stepping into your power and making things happen for yourself is the only way to make the most of these vibes, and you may be forced to let go of anyone who gets in the way of your highest potential.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
You’ll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed today, sweet Gemini, as the moon makes its way through proud Leo. These vibes will bring out your chatty side, helping you strengthen connections while making new friends. However, this afternoon, you’ll notice the energy shift as a harsh t-square manifests between Luna, Mercury, and Uranus. This cosmic climate could bring upheaval to your psyche, causing you to doubt your intuition or judgment. Try not to stress out over the small stuff, and if you can, hold off from making any major decisions until later in the evening when this energy finally breaks up.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
It’s okay if you want to do a bit of shopping to invest in your identity or image today, dear Crab, as the moon makes its way through proud Leo. In fact, you may be revising your look over the next 18 months as the nodes shift and begin to make their way through Taurus and Scorpio. This cosmic climate will ask you to build upon your network of friends and associates, which could have you releasing older versions of yourself. Try not to resist changing your social situation over the next year and a half, but remember not to lose yourself in these new friendships.
Leo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
Don’t feel bad about going after the things you want and putting yourself first today, little Lion, as the moon makes its way through your sign. This sentiment will be especially important to keep in mind when it comes to your work life and living situation, as the nodes of fate move from Gemini and Sagittarius into Taurus and Scorpio. Major shifts will manifest within your career path over the next 18 months, and you’ll want to make the most of this cosmic climate by working fiercely towards your professional ambitions. The hard work you put in over the next year and a half will have major payoffs moving forward, which could eventually result in an upgrade to your living space.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
Major shifts are headed your way this afternoon, darling Virgo, as the nodes of fate move from Gemini and Sagittarius into Taurus and Scorpio. This cosmic climate will shine a light on your hunger for knowledge and personal philosophies over the next 18 months, helping you to see the world from a new perspective. To make the most of these vibes, don’t shy away from new spiritual concepts, and try to get more disciplined with your meditation practice. Your way of thinking will change in profound ways over the next year and a half, so it’ll be important that you’re leading with a positive and productive disposition.
Libra Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
Opportunities to grow your financial situation will manifest over the next 18 months, thanks to the nodal shift taking place this afternoon. As the north node enters Taurus and the south node assumes its place in Scorpio, you’ll find yourself shedding unproductive or frivolous spending habits in favor of smart investments and savings. If you’re in a committed relationship, you could also find yourself joining finances with that special someone over the next year and a half, making it important that you have serious conversations about what your financial goals are for the future. If your partner can’t get on board with building up your bank account, it might be time to find someone who will take such matters more seriously.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
The south node enters your sign today, dear Scorpio, asking you to release any people or situations that are holding you back from your highest potential. If you have any unfinished business from the past, it could come back to haunt you over the next 18 months, so you’ll need to prepare yourself for a few ghosts now and again. Meanwhile, the north node will enter the sector of your chart that rules matters of the heart, bringing stability and growth to your romantic relationships. Don’t be afraid to let go of certain aspects of your life over the next year and a half, especially if it can help you move forward with your soulmate.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
A mystical vibe will hang in the air today, darling Archer, as the moon makes its way through fiery Leo, activating the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. Make sure you’re listening to your gut right now since the universe will be looking for ways to communicate with and guide you. Just watch out for miscommunications and logistical errors this afternoon, when Luna forms a harsh t-square with Mercury and Uranus. These vibes could cause even the best-laid plans to go awry, so it’ll be important that you’re willing to accept responsibility for your mistakes while looking for ways to adapt and go with the flow.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
All the hard work you’ve put in over the last year and a half will start to pay off today, dear Capricorn, as the north node makes its way from busy Gemini into successful Taurus. However, don’t expect to cash in all at once since these vibes will unfold slowly over the next 18 months. Major manifestation is headed your way right now, helping to boost your confidence and pride. However, your newfound success will have an impact on your social life as well, which means you could find yourself letting go of people who aren’t so thrilled by your stellar accomplishments.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
Today will be rough on your romantic life, dear Aquarius, as the Leo moon activates the sector of your chart that rules matters of the heart while forming harsh aspect to Mercury and Saturn later in the afternoon. Arguments are likely to ensue under this cosmic climate, especially if you feel like you’re not being heard or haven’t had enough time for yourself lately. However, you may need to take some time to cool off before hashing out this situation to the fullest extent, or you could end up pushing the boundaries of what your partner and relationship can withstand.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Tuesday – January 18, 2022
Your mind will become steadier over the next 18 months, dear Pisces, as the north node begins its journey through Taurus and your third house this afternoon. You may be inspired to learn a new skill or talent, which you will build upon slowly over the next year and a half. Your focus will be more consistent than it has in the past, which can help you stay dedicated to any new studies you wish to take up. Just remember that this knowledge will accumulate slowly over time, and try not to get impatient with yourself if you hit a few snafus here and there.