Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019

Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
Drawing on wisdom from traditions around the world or your favorite fount of insight proves inspirational today. However, jaded feelings may lurk deep within your own heart that originate from personal disillusionment and disappointments you have experienced in the past. You might go to extra lengths trying to ward off cynicism with a more optimistic vision of life. Its up to you to create a sustainable method for changing your mindset. Albert Einstein wrote, There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
Expanding your career options is your primary goal now. However, the ingenious ideas that are running through your mind seem to lead nowhere. Thankfully, theres no reason to be discouraged; the obstacles may soon be memories. Its as if the cosmos issued a temporary restraining order to slow you down so you can catch important details you might have otherwise missed. Your brilliance is likely to shine through even though this is only the first full day of the willful Suns month-long visit to your 10th House of Profession. Dont entertain any doubts when youre closer to the finish line than you think.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
Extreme opposites dont necessarily cancel each other out. Nevertheless, youre tempted to think that life is a zero-sum game, where there are only winners or losers. You might especially feel this way now if youre smarting from a recent loss or disappointment. Its more crucial than ever to stay limber and freewheeling today. When you concentrate more on what someone else is doing, youre no longer playing your best game. Your sense of adventure is enhanced when youre learning about the world and how you fit into it. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, Only in the darkness can you see the stars.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
Honest communication is the best way out of an emotional entanglement. Luckily, you could have an opportunity to deepen a meaningful connection with a student or mentor today. Oddly enough, it might not matter which role you play. Professionalism is important for maintaining decorum. But this may be one of those days where boundaries soften, no matter what you do. Experience every relationship as if youre on a spiritual path where you alternately educate, transform, and illuminate one another, regardless of your experience, skill, or age. Everyone is a teacher if you open your mind.

Leo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
Your self-expression holds its own charm and beauty. But stepping into an unfamiliar environment today may trigger you to think more about the kind of impression you can make, rather than giving people the sheer pleasure of your presence. Worry less about appearances and more about the substance of your encounters. Share your unique brilliance with a humble heart. Author Oscar Wilde wrote, Life has been your art. You have set yourself to music. Your days are your sonnets.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
Standing on the cusp of a new vista is unsettling at first. But its possible to experience a breakthrough now involving a relative or friend with whom youve been at odds. Your expedition toward mutual appreciation starts simply with wanting to learn more about the other person. You might have to convince others that you are not operating with an ulterior motive. But the open-minded Sagittarian Moon sinks into your 4th House of Kinship, enabling you to silence their suspicions. Ultimately, both your hearts can be free to participate in the present moment without prejudice. Anne Lamott wrote, Gratitude, not understanding, is the secret to joy and equanimity.

Libra Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
You might think you can convince nearly anyone to buy into your idealistic vision today. But your assumptions may be based on your interpretation of reality. In fact, you can be stubborn at times, clinging to those facts that have been unknowingly altered by your emotional attachments. When all else fails, fall back on your natural objectivity. Thankfully, its easy to correct your conclusions if youre willing to be swayed by new information as you learn it. President George Washington said, Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pain to bring it to light.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
Assess and appreciate your resources, especially before you become too preoccupied with seeking out new opportunities. Much of what you have is the result of your previous pursuits. Take stock of how you prove yourself time and time again, perhaps defying all those who doubt you and your abilities. You might question yourself now if your confidence dips. However, you may be able to look back at this challenging period as yet another moment when you feared you would lose all you had yet didnt. Motivational speaker Emory Austin wrote, Some days there wont be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
Your adventurous heart propels your mind to higher heights. However, the Moons current visit to your inspirational sign can prompt you to aim your arrows of intention so high that you set yourself up for failure. Thankfully, its rather easy to avoid this lunar trap by moderating your self-expectations early on. Its healthier in the long run to set practical objectives that can actually be achieved instead of idealistic ones that will always remain unrealized. Psychologist Fitzhugh Dodson wrote, Goals that are not written down are just wishes.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
There is little that can stand between you and your ambitious plans now. But your unwavering willpower cant stop the obstacles from showing up in your path, prompting you to reconsider your initial opinion about those things that are outside your sphere of influence. Fortunately, youre able to use the cables of faith to pull yourself up from the land of fears and worries. Restoring your trust in life isnt as simple as just announcing that youre reclaiming it. Sit quietly with your anxieties until you understand their source. Philosopher Seneca wrote, We suffer more in imagination than in reality.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
Youre willing to go out on a limb to support others, and its encouraging when you see them doing the same. A gratifying experience with a new friend or group of acquaintances persuades you to believe that your heart tribe is expanding now. But an emotional connection goes beyond scratching someones back because they scratch yours. You also feel drawn toward sharing a larger purpose, whether thats embedded in social activities, common interests, or community service. Yet, the true root is love and thats what will bear fruit for all involved. Todd Stocker wrote, Helping others is the secret sauce to a happy life.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Tuesday – Jan 21, 2019
At your core you know that youre meant for something more than just idle daydreaming or psychic connections. Perhaps some aspect of your daily grind could be a clue that leads to your calling or a favorite creative pursuit might point the way to a new vocation. Thankfully, the Moons visit to your 10th House of Career presents an opportunity to align your hearts desire with your everyday reality. A little daring toward your dream each day may lead to the grand moment when youre living the vision you once imagined. Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar wrote, Incremental change is better than ambitious failure. Success feeds on itself.


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