Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
Major shifts will manifest today, dear Aries, as the Sun makes its way into harmonious Libra this evening, marking the dawn of fall. This solar placement will encourage you to prioritize beauty, balance, and love throughout the next several weeks, making it important that you tune in and listen to your heart. Meanwhile, the moon continues its journey through Leo, putting you in the mood to blow off steam and have fun. This cosmic climate could bring some heat to your love life, so be sure to indulge in a bit of flirting with the object of your desires.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
Try not to let your heart confuse your mind today, dear Taurus, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect with deceptive Neptune. This celestial exchange could cause you to internally glorify people who don’t deserve your praise, making it important that you honor and nurture goodness that you can trust. You’ll notice a shift this evening when the sun enters Libra, ushering in the official start of fall. This solar placement will ask you to prioritize your health throughout the next month, making it a good time to invest mentally, emotionally, and financially into elevating your physical stamina.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
The Leo moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus this morning, darling Gemini, which could bring disruption to your sleep. Luckily, your mind will find ways to hold onto clarity as the day continues to unfold, even if you are slightly fatigued. However, you may need to set boundaries with yourself by taking it easy at work, especially when Luna forms an unbalanced aspect with Neptune in the afternoon. Tonight marks the fall equinox as the sun makes its way into Libra, pushing you to honor your heart by living beautifully and creatively throughout the next month.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
Dramatic or destructive news may be waiting in your inbox as you awaken this morning, dear Crab, thanks to a harsh t-square between the Leo moon, Saturn, and Uranus. While this cosmic storm is sure to shake up the vibe, staying grounded and focusing on your priorities can help you surf through any ripple effects caused by this celestial cacophony. Luckily, a graceful and comforting energy will find you this evening when the sun enters Libra, marking the official start of fall. This solar placement will give you permission to cozy up at home throughout the next month, making it a great time to bust out your autumn decorations to honor the season.
Leo Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
You may not have the most restorative sleep in the very early hours today, dear Lion, as the moon forms a harsh t-square with Saturn and Uranus. A foggy energy could take hold of your psyche as Luna forms an unbalanced aspect with hazy Neptune in the afternoon, making it important that you’re mindful of your surroundings and who you engage with. You’ll notice a shift this evening when the sun enters Libra, bringing clarity your way with the dawn of autumn. This solar placement will put you in a social yet curious mood throughout the next month, making it a good time to nurture your mind.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
Strange messages may emerge through your dreams early this morning, dear Virgo, as the Leo moon connects with Saturn and Uranus. Unfortunately, decoding these astral realm encounters may be more work than it’s worth, so try not to wrack your brain too much over what transpired while you were deep in slumber. The vibe may feel off within your romantic life this afternoon when Luna forms an unbalanced aspect with Neptune, but try not to read into any suspicions or paranoia your psyche may be harboring. The vibe will shift with the dawn of fall this evening, setting you up for a season of luxury.
Libra Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
Anticipation will brew as the sun inches closer to your sign today, marking the beginning of autumn and Libra season later this evening. Unfortunately, you may feel preoccupied with the weight of your responsibilities this afternoon when the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect to Neptune. You may also find yourself cleaning up other people’s messes but try not to give too much of yourself away right now, especially if your counterpart is unlikely to return the favor. Luckily, you’ll have permission to prioritize your needs once the fall equinox manifests later tonight, making it important that you look for ways to nurture and celebrate yourself.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
Staying focused on your career path will elevate your spirits today, dear Scorpio, as the Leo moon encourages you to take pride in your occupation. Unfortunately, boundaries may blur this afternoon when the Leo moon forms an unbalanced connection with hazy Neptune, and you’ll want to be mindful that you’re maintaining your composure in both professional and social settings. The first autumn breezes of the season will manifest this evening when the sun enters Libra, triggering the fall equinox. This solar placement will put you in a quiet and reflective mood, as the stars ask you to find harmony within your soul.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
It would be easy to get lost in fantasy this afternoon, dear Archer, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect to dreamy Neptune. While this cosmic climate could lead to some seriously euphoric daydreams, try not to hang your hopes on any scenarios your heart conjures up right now. Your relationship with money may be tested this evening as Luna connects with Pluto, making it a good time to exercise restriction with your spending habits, no matter how many amazing sales you might encounter. Take a moment to tap into your gratitude before the day comes to a close, thanking the other side for its support and blessings.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
You’ll be in an investigative headspace today, dear sea-goat, as the Leo moon travels through your solar eighth house. While this luminary placement is sure to elevate your intuition, an unbalanced connection between Luna and Neptune this afternoon suggests that your hunches might not be completely on target. Running with suspicions could trigger dramatic interactions that aren’t based in reality, so you may want to sit with your senses before making any unsubstantiated accusations. A restless energy may find you as evening rolls in and the moon connects with Pluto, though a destructive element could come into play as well, making it important that you stay grounded and centered.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
Love will fill the air right now as the moon continues its way through Leo, though you may want to exercise caution when it comes to opening your heart. An unbalanced aspect between Luna and Neptune this afternoon will bring a deceptive yet dreamy vibe to the table, which could conjure a false sense of security within your romantic connections. Unfortunately, more confusion could brew when the moon connects with Pluto this evening, threatening to conjure confusion while dusting up insecurities. The wonky energy at play makes this a good time for solitude and introspection, as your soul may need some soothing.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Thursday – September 22, 2022
If you haven’t been taking good care of your body you’ll feel it this afternoon, dear Fish, as the Leo moon forms an unbalanced aspect with Neptune. Lethargy, lack of focus, and feeling weighed down could all be signs that it’s time to prioritize your wellness, so be sure to make healthy choices. You’ll notice a shift this evening when the sun enters Libra, marking the beginning of fall and one of the most transformative periods of the year for you. Take a moment to focus on how you’d like to evolve throughout the next month, as the universe will support your path toward self-improvement.
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