Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019

Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Walking your talk prompts others to recognize you as a leader and an authentic soul. Its not hard for strangers and friends to have faith in you when you act as if you believe in yourself and your message. Thankfully, youre not only sensitive to the pain of someone else today, but you also hope to offer gentle encouragement and practical support. Of course, you want to help in whatever way you can as the nurturing Moon forms a gilded trine to superhero Mars in your 7th House of Companions. You need only keep resonant with your own truth for it to stay ringing in the hearts of others.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Instinctively offering assistance to an overwhelmed friend or colleague always makes sense. Jumping in with good intentions can be a natural gesture of kindness, but its also a matter of exercising your ability to apply your expertise to the present situation. However, flexing your might is an act of vanity when youre just showing off. Fortunately, using your talents for helping someone in distress gives you a new threshold of capability. Sometimes, you dont know what you can accomplish until you are called into action. A true hero isnt measured by the size of her strength, but by the strength of her heart.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Youre courageously willing to attack a task that you successfully staved off until now. Rising to the occasion can be a matter of waiting for the perfect moment. However, when you cant engage in the luxury of procrastination, you must work miracles in a short amount of time. Thankfully, you are eager to make your own luck as the crafty Gemini Moon trines bold Mars in your 5th House of Spontaneity. Initiating action without worrying about how you will finish is the first step toward achieving your goal. Author Gene Hayden wrote, Following-through is the only thing that separates dreamers from people that accomplish great things.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Reaching out to others in a discreet manner might encourage them to open up and share their stories. You may be frustrated with the lack of productivity at work now, but sympathizing with a coworker could de-escalate the tension better than telling them off. The root of a colleagues declining performance is likely an emotionally personal issue. The conversational sextile between the chatty Gemini Moon and healing Chiron suggests that you dont need to show up with all the answers. Sometimes, people just want to know someone cares about their wellbeing. You surely can be that flicker of light for a soul in a dark place.

Leo Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Youre eager to join forces with peers to stand up for an important cause today. As emboldened allies, you show yourselves to be formidable foes to your opposition with the binding momentum of the vocal Gemini Moons trine to brave Mars in your 3rd House of Communication. Nevertheless, be careful not to succumb to a mob mentality. There is power in numbers as long as you stay invested in the facts and clear with your goals. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt wrote, Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Communicating your needs in a compelling manner helps you reach your goals. However, complaining or protesting isn’t the best tactic for getting the support you seek today. People are better able to hear what youre saying if youre not blaming or shaming them, especially while the talkative Gemini Moon eloquently trines Mars in diplomatic Libra. Instead, appeal to everyones nobler virtues and convince them to become your partners in accomplishing whats fair and just. Taking the high road inspires others to follow your example when given the chance.

Libra Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Speaking the truth is the quickest way to bring people together today. Maybe youre drawn to be a mediator between two warring factions. Although youre able to see the merits of all sides involved, you might not believe you can adequately resolve matters now. Nevertheless, you are up for the job as gutsy Mars forms a breezy trine to the curious Gemini Moon in your 9th House of Expansion. Your philosophical and multifaceted approach is not a liability. Connect the dots in a way that makes everyone feel part of the picture.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Transparency works in your favor today. Attempting to hide parts of yourself that people might find too raw or unacceptable may seem like a winning strategy. But suppressing negativity can take its toll on your relationships and personal wellbeing. Thankfully, you can discover articulate and authentic ways to convey difficult emotions as the conversant Gemini Moon trines warrior Mars in tactful Libra. Your belief in the value of the full spectrum of your feelings likely helps others to understand your complexity. Dr. Bren Brown wrote, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.”

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Becoming a fantastic lover of people starts with improving your self-esteem. Many people are quick to proclaim self-love, but often delay fulfilling their own pleasures to attend to someone elses. Perhaps youre tempted to set your priorities aside while the flirtatious Gemini Moon dances in your 7th House of Relationships. However, reserve some time for your own needs while Luna gently sextiles wounded healer Chiron. Remember, your current dilemma isnt necessarily an either/or proposition. Practice romancing yourself first to learn how to do it better with others.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Taking the initiative with a project today offers the reward of setting up conditions to your liking rather than anyone elses. But demonstrating your power isnt likely your chief objective. Your decisive action enables you to follow through with your own conviction and unique vision while the cerebral Gemini Moon graciously trines motivational Mars in your 10th House of Career. If you believe there is a better way to accomplish something now, get the ball rolling while the cosmic winds are blowing in your direction. The momentum is yours to lose.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Listening to your inner child releases a torrent of unexpected creativity today. However, you can lose sight of your innocence if you are subjected to an overload of adulting. In spite of your current responsibilities, the lively Gemini Moon in your 5th House of Spontaneity calls you out to play. How you choose to heed the call is up to you; your only obligation is to honor it, even in a small way. Ironically, the best part of being grown up is staying in touch with the kid inside you who loves to turn everything into fun and games. Your imagination is a veritable playground.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Thursday – Oct 17, 2019
Defending your turf might sound primitive but sometimes the most fundamental actions are required. Thankfully, you can mean what you say without being mean as the nurturing Moon forms a sweet trine to skillful Mars in your 8th House of Deep Sharing. If necessary, tell an acquaintance or associate they overstepped a boundary when talking about something or someone dear to your heart. However, its wise to be mindful of your tone when delivering your warning. Respect is a gift you expect to receive in return.


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