Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019

Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
A chance encounter may stir some unexpected feelings that linger long after you move on to other conversations and activities. Too much analysis could cause you to read between the lines when there is nothing there to read. It is tempting to make a mountain out of a molehill today, but there are substantial benefits to maintaining a realistic outlook. Only time can unfold a larger story, if there is one. Until then, its wise to accept a coincidence at face value and let that be enough. Tom Petty wrote, Most things I worry about never happen anyway.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
You are imperturbable when swept along by a carefree tide today, but quickly become all about business when there are fiscal matters at hand. Ironically, this serious attitude toward money could be part of the reason why you are free to be so thoroughly relaxed elsewhere. Rich feelings of safety and security boost confidence and fuel a breezy mood. Optimism runs high when you take care of loose ends, and stress tends to melt as you put your financial house in order. Psychologist William James wrote, Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
Several possible directions to move forward are likely to present themselves today, and its hard to tell which ones are based on reality. Talking turkey with a dear one you can depend upon for the unvarnished truth helps you sort through the variety of options. Frankly hashing things over provides the kind of thorough evaluation that lays out all the facts in a logical and sensible fashion. After all is said and done, choose what feels right to you. Oprah Winfrey said, Trust your instincts. Intuition doesnt lie.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
Some say that one secret of enjoying a delicious meal is not peeking into the kitchen. Occasionally, peering too closely at what is going on behind the scenes ruins a perfectly good thing. However, trust isnt about sticking your head in the sand or being oblivious to the truth. Your faith can be a simple acknowledgement of the philosophy that all is well that ends well. Leave others alone and focus on what you bring to the table, instead. Poet Rumi wrote, Put your thoughts to sleep. Do not let them cast a shadow over the Moon of your heart.

Leo Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
A small brush with idealism can have a big impact today. You might be hanging on every word uttered by a dynamic leader at a class, lecture, or meeting, possibly believing there is a nugget of wisdom meant for your ears. If you are sufficiently inspired, acting upon your charitable or humanitarian impulses could be the next step in your spiritual growth. Putting your principles into action energizes body, mind, and soul. Your star shines brightest when you are making a positive difference.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
Far-ranging interests take you in an unconventional direction today. Like dominoes that fall in a chain reaction, one thing leads to another. Before you know it, you may feel as if youre stepping through the looking glass. While you might find it impossible to be comfortable in this fantasy realm for very long, it can be fun to hang out in this magical world for a little while. Give your imagination a long-overdue workout. Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland said, Why, sometimes Ive believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Libra Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
A heart-to-heart conversation may seem like the perfect solution to a difficult problem today. But in real life, this is probably not the actual outcome. You can chatter on until you are blue in the face, but nothing is likely to really change without action. Thankfully, it is not necessary to have every step of the way carefully plotted now. When you cannot walk, crawl; when you cannot crawl, inch. So long as you are making progress, you are heading in the right direction. Accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
Reconsider your approach if you feel boxed in by your own impulsive words or deeds today. If you are willing to retrace your steps and do some explaining, adequate breathing room can be restored to your schedule. Maybe some apologies are in order, but delivering them might test both your humility and your courage now. Fortunately, you can pass this test with flying colors. If haste is what got you in over your head, it makes perfect sense that patience is what will set things right. Recalibrate your reaction speed to reclaim your integrity.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
Its all too easy to become fixated on one small detail of an interaction today, perhaps to the exclusion of much else. Its perplexing if someone who is typically warm is now oddly cool. If words have two meanings, figuring out which was intended could become a compulsion. But no matter how much you analyze the situation, you cannot read another persons mind. You can only try to better understand your own. Learn to let go of what you cant control. Dr. Wayne Dyer said, How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
Your innermost wisdom knows when to take a hint. Although you are likely to be pragmatic by nature, you might react with surprise if you are inexplicably possessed by a powerful longing for some extra free time. But before giving in to self-criticism for even harboring the thought of relaxing when you could be working, consider the possibility that this is your bodys sneaky way of whispering it needs some extra rest. What at first seems like a drifty mood may actually be a healthy reality check. Self-care is a priority and not a luxury.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
A strong anchor is a giant blessing if you are hit with a deluge of unexpected demands upon your time. Fortunately, your psychic roots grow deeply into principles and ethics that keep you consistently grounded even when life gets hectic. Any heartfelt commitments, true emergencies, or ironclad legalities are natural candidates for your immediate attention. All other requests can fall into line after you handle your top priorities. Your meaningful values act as your moral compass; what first seems like a tidal wave will soon be as manageable as a leaky faucet. Poet Rune Lazuli wrote, “Inside the chaos, build a temple of love.”

Pisces Daily Horoscope Thursday – Nov 14, 2019
You need to be at your sharpest when making a pitch or presentation today. Many people are auditioning for the role of devils advocate as contentious opinions pop up nearly everywhere. Some arguments are sensible and well crafted. Others are little more than fluff and nonsense. Either way, this heated debate can make or break a sale, idea, or plan. But opponents are likely to underestimate your A-game and your ability to thrive upon a challenge. Amelia Earhart said, Preparation, as I have often said, is two-thirds of any adventure.


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