Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021

Aries Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
Thursday’s skies make it hard to get much of anything done, Aries. The moon departs from gregarious Aquarius and drifts off into Pisces’ dream world, where her lack of cosmic connections makes for a low activity day. Rather than push along productively, aim to get lost in good music, your favorite film, or a restorative meditation. Rest and solitude are the keys to your enjoyment, so don’t deny yourself it!
Taurus Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
It’s easy to feel like the weekend arrived early with Thursday’s skies, Taurus! Don’t be tricked, though. The moon departs from future-oriented Aquarius and slips into daydreaming Pisces. Luna’s presence here has you preferring to goof around with friends and connect with your community rather than keep plodding away with projects. Fortunately, the moon’s lack of contacts makes it a slow, “do as you wish” kind of day!
Gemini Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
What’s happening with your current career story, Gemini? Thursday’s cosmic landscape encourages you to tune back into that narrative and sort out your goals. The moon’s presence in visionary Pisces pumps you full of inspiration and imagination, but her lack of cosmic contacts makes it hard to get the ball rolling. Aim to work on projects that are already underway rather than launching into something new.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
Let yourself embrace a fresh change of pace, Cancer. Another day of the same old routine is sure to drive you bonkers, and fortunately Thursday’s dreamy Pisces moon can coax you into a creative mindset. Luna’s lack of contacts makes for a low-key day with little initiative, so don’t sweat it if you can’t make everything happen. Let yourself float off into fantasies and dream up your next step.
Leo Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
The universe is beckoning you into a world of your own imagination today, Leo. The moon departs from rational Aquarius and drifts off into dreamy Pisces, increasing your sensitivity to your environment and emphasizing emotional divides in relationship matters. It’s an ideal day to take up a therapeutic endeavor and jot down your thoughts to provide an outlet. Luna’s lack of offers up a perfect “do as you please” kind of day.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
Turn your attention towards the intimate relationships in your world, Virgo. The moon’s presence in your opposite sign of empathic Pisces beckons you to take a closer look at the emotional give-and-take in your closest relationships. Spend some time tending to love interests or partners, depending on your situation. Luna’s lack of cosmic contacts makes it hard to get things off the ground, so hold off on launching fully into collaborative efforts.
Libra Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
Thursday’s skies find you adopting a new change of pace, Libra. The moon departs from eccentric Aquarius and slides forward into deep-feeling Pisces, turning your attention towards your work/life balance and incomplete errands. Luna’s lack of aspects makes new initiatives hard to get underway, but it’s an ideal time for doing maintenance on existing projects and workloads. Take a beat to reconnect with your body and health in a meaningful way today, too!
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
Pleasure reigns supreme under Thursday’s cosmic landscape, Scorpio. Save the heavy lifting for another time, you’re in the mood for romance, creative self-expression, and a good time. Luna’s presence in ethereal Pisces intensifies your need to activate your own personal talents, but her lack of cosmic connections can make it hard to get the ball rolling. Keep things low key and enjoy the relaxed flow.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
As a Sagittarius, it’s rare for you to stay in the same place for too long. Let Thursday’s skies coax you into a peaceful retreat from the world in your humble abode as the moon wades into soft-spoken Pisces. Luna’s presence here encourages fostering family connections and sprucing up your living space, but her lack of contacts throughout the day can make it hard to get projects off the ground. Low-key is the way to be!
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
You may not be seeing reality as clearly as you’d like to today, Capricorn. The moon departs from intellectual Aquarius and bounces forward into deep-feeling Pisces, intensifying emotional responses and increasing sensitivity in your local environment. Luna’s presence here stirs your need to self-express on a deep level, making it an ideal day for communicative efforts and educational endeavors, but keep in mind that her lack of contacts can make it hard to get the ball rolling.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
Turn your focus towards the current state of affairs of your finances, Aquarius. The moon departs from your sign and slides forward into deep-feeling Pisces today, helping you hone in on your resources and activate your natural talents. Luna’s presence here helps push you into a productivity-hungry mindset, yet the moon’s lack of contacts can make it difficult to start new projects. Stick to maintenance on existing projects to feel your best.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 9, 2021
Tune into your body today, Pisces. The universe is encouraging you to burst out of your introverted cocoon and re-emerge into the world with a sense of reinvigoration. Luna’s presence in your sign intensifies your emotional responses and heightens sensitivities while also encouraging you to lean into self-expression based creative activities. The moon’s lack of contacts renders a slow, low-key day to pamper yourself.