Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Aries Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Today, the moon continues her journey through Scorpio, forming sweet aspects to Venus, Pluto, and then Mercury. This cosmic climate will allow you to tap into your personal power and assert yourself, especially where financial or business matters are concerned. Your negotiation tactics will get a nice boost from these vibes, making it the perfect time to haggle on price if any big purchases need to be made. Later in the afternoon, the moon changes signs into Sagittarius, heightening your spirituality and connection to the universe. Use this energy as an excuse to get a serious meditation session in, and be sure to look for signs and synchronicities around you.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

You’ll have an opportunity to connect with that special someone on a soul level this morning, little bull, as the Scorpio moon highlights the sector of your chart that rules love. Letting down your guard should feel more organic right now. If you typically have difficulty opening up, now would be the time to try. Sparks will continue to fly later in the afternoon when Luna moves into celebratory Sagittarius. Whether you’re single or partnered up, you should use this energy to seek adventure with someone you care about. Just make sure to avoid anyone who has a jealous or mean streak attached to them.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Try to get some household cleanup and organization done during the first part of the day, as the Scorpio moon pushes through the sky, forming a series of supportive aspects. This energy is perfect for clearing out your space, helping you dispose of any wrapping paper scraps, packaging, or leftovers that continue to linger from the holiday season. As you clear out your space, you’ll begin to feel lighter and emotionally elevated, giving you something to celebrate. Later in the day, the moon changes signs into Sagittarius, shifting the focus to matters of the heart while heating up your love life in the coming days.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Inspiration will find you today, little Crab, as the Scorpio moon shines a light in the sector of your chart that rules personal expression. Whether you’re a full-blown artist or simply enjoy the occasional crafting session, make sure you’re making the most of these vibes by engaging with a creative outlet. This cosmic climate is also perfect for romance and seeing friends, so if you’re not in the mood to get artsy, make sure you’re at least being social. Later in the afternoon, you’ll find yourself going into organizational mode as the moon moves into Sagittarius, activating your sixth house.

Leo Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Take some time to tidy up your personal space today, little Lion, as the Scorpio moon inspires you to get organized and clear out your space. Be sure to do a sweep of each room in your home, throwing out any unwanted items, almost empty soap bottles, and food that’s now past its prime. If the vibe in your space has gotten a little wonky from holiday stress, this is also the perfect time to light a black candle while performing a smoke cleansing ritual. Later in the afternoon, you’ll begin to feel more social when the moon moves into fun-loving Sagittarius.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Feel free to speak your mind right now, dear Virgo, as the Scorpio moon pushes you to use your voice. Even if you don’t have a particular message to shout from the rooftops, you should still look for ways to connect with your nearest and dearest, as socializing will suit you well under this cosmic climate. Later in the afternoon, you’ll feel more drawn to the comforts of your home as the moon changes signs into Sagittarius. However, this doesn’t mean you’ll need to go into hermit mode—you can totally invite some friends over and bring the party to you.

Libra Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Today, the moon continues its journey through Scorpio, forming sweet aspects to a series of planets currently camped out in the sector of your chart that rules the home. This energy won’t shame you for spending a little bit of money. If there are any home goods that you’ve been wanting but didn’t receive over the holiday season, go ahead and make the purchase. Your social life will get a big boost this afternoon when the moon moves into fiery Sagittarius. Take some time to connect with your friend via text or social media, but be sure to close out the night with a good book.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Your love language will be in full swing today, sweet Scorpion, as the moon continues to travel through your sign—sharing supportive aspects to a series of planets that are camped out in your house of communication. You’ll be in the mood to shower your nearest and dearest with sweet sentiments and gestures, but try not to waste your efforts on anyone who isn’t receptive to your loving disposition. Your fortunes will shift this evening when the moon moves into lucky Sagittarius, activating the sector of your chart that rules finances. Look for responsible ways to grow your wealth over the next two days, and you’ll be sure to enter the new year with a smile on your face.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Though yesterday might have been difficult for you, darling Archer, you should begin to feel more at ease today, as the Scorpio moon shares a series of sweet aspects in the sky. This cosmic climate will restore a sense of security to your psyche, helping you feel more stable in your mind, body, and soul. Later in the afternoon, you’ll feel a cosmic rush as the moon makes its way into your sign. This lunar placement will bless you with a boost to your energy levels and popularity, so make sure to get plenty of rest so you can celebrate the new year like a true Sagittarius would!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

You’ll feel like the center of attention wherever you go today, little Goat, as the magnetic Scorpio moon bounces energy off a cluster of planets camped out in your sign. These vibes will put you in a social mood right now, inspiring you to explore your community while connecting with your circle of friends. Just try not to overdo it, especially when the moon shifts into Sagittarius later in the afternoon. You could become socially overstimulated under this lunar placement. And, if you’re not careful, you might end up depleting your energy levels. Feel free to have fun during the day, but try to aim for a quiet evening at home.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Today’s Scorpio moon will bless you with an opportunity to release stress and anxieties, darling Aquarius, especially where career matters are concerned. Tapping into your personal power and choosing to take control of your circumstances will bring you much healing, so don’t feel bad about throwing your weight around a bit if it’s warranted. Later in the afternoon, the moon moves into Sagittarius, activating the sector of your chart that rules social consciousness. Look for ways to get involved in a cause that speaks to you in the coming days, but be sure to avoid anyone who rubs you the wrong way politically.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Thursday – December 30, 2021

Try to get involved with your spiritual community today, sweet Pisces, as the Scorpio moon activates the sector of your chart that rules personal philosophies. A series of helpful aspects to your eleventh house can help you build relationships with like-minded individuals, though you’ll need to take a proactive approach towards seeking connections. You’ll experience a shift later in the afternoon as Lady Luna makes her way into Sagittarius, asking you to focus on your professional ambitions. Use this energy to think about how you’d like to grow your career in 2022, and be sure to set some intentions to help you get there.