Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
The Leo moon connects with Chiron and the nodes of fate throughout the first half of the day, dear Aries, asking you to love and appreciate yourself, even if you don’t know exactly what the road ahead looks like. Luckily, a sweet alliance between Luna and Venus as evening rolls in will allow you to open your heart and embrace a healthy ego, allowing you to embody confidence without feeling boastful. You’ll notice a shift this evening when Mercury enters Libra, bringing a softness to your mind and words throughout the next couple of weeks while elevating your powers of persuasion.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
Your ego may bruise more easily than usual today, dear Taurus, as the moon continues its journey through Leo, forming harsh connections with the nodes of fate and Uranus. Luckily, a supportive energy from Chiron can help you find support within your friendship circle, so don’t be shy if you need to reach out to a loved one for a bit of morale boosting. Mercury begins its journey through Libra this evening, bringing out your pragmatic and organizational side, helping you work toward your goals with an elevated efficiency throughout the next couple of weeks, though you should take steps to prioritize your mental health as well.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
Watch your words today or you could find yourself in a tough predicament later, sweet Gemini, as the Leo moon forms hard connections with the nodes of fate and Uranus. This cosmic climate could also make it difficult for you to stay focused at work, though making a to-do list could help you stay on track. You’ll notice a shift as evening manifests and Mercury makes its way into Libra, elevating your confidence, creativity, and penchant for fun throughout the next couple of weeks. These vibes are perfect for working on any projects that trigger the artist within, though spending time with your friends should also be a priority.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
Judgmental voices within your community could cause you to feel unsafe or insecure today, dear Cancer, as the Leo moon squares off with the nodes of fate and Uranus. Try not to let negative people interfere with your self-worth, and avoid comparing your life to those you encounter through social media platforms. The vibe will shift as evening settles in and Mercury makes its way into harmonious Libra, bringing a grace to your heart and mind throughout the next couple of weeks while providing you with a newfound clarity when it comes to love and your most treasured emotional connections.
Leo Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
You may feel disheartened by your professional path today, dear Leo, as the moon continues its journey through your sign while forming harsh connections with the nodes of fate and unpredictable Uranus. This cosmic climate could cause you to become emotionally uninvested in your current situation, though you should avoid making any impulsive decisions when it comes to your career. Luckily, clarity will find you as Mercury enters Libra this evening, providing you with an opportunity to collect your thoughts. Give yourself time to consider what the road ahead should look like, then use this planetary placement to strategize your next steps.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
Trauma or issues from the past could resurface in your psyche today, dear Virgo, as the Leo moon squares off with the nodes of fate and Uranus. Though intrusive thoughts could threaten to spoil your day, facing them head-on will give you an opportunity to heal and release them for good. You’ll notice a shift when Mercury leaves your sign this evening, making its debut in harmonious Libra and the sector of your chart that governs financial security and luxury. Use this planetary placement to take a look at your bank account, setting realistic goals for any large purchases you home to make in the coming weeks.
Libra Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
Don’t resist the urge to purge your social media feeds of old photos or friends that you’d rather move on from, dear Libra, as the Leo moon connects with the nodes of fate and Uranus. This cosmic climate is poised to be a rocky one, and you won’t feel like wasting your time and energy on anyone who isn’t lifting you up. Luckily, the vibe will begin to mellow out as evening emerges, and Luna cozies up to Venus, helping you feel positive about any actions you took earlier in the day. A thoughtful energy will find you this evening when Mercury makes its debut in your sign.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
You may need to separate your personal and professional lives today, dear Scorpio, as the Leo moon enters a harsh t-square with the nodes of fate. Luckily, a sweet alliance between the moon and Venus will give you a chance to reconnect with your heart, just as you clock out for the day. Unfortunately, rocky energy could hit your love life later in the evening when Luna squares off with Uranus, bringing unexpected turmoil to the sector of your chart that governs love. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to see things more deeply and clearly once Mercury enters Libra, helping you find closure before the night ends.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
The world could feel a little messy or tense today, dear Archer, as the Leo moon enters a harsh aspect with the nodes of fate and wildcard Uranus. Luckily, the other side will be rooting in your corner, which will inspire you to tap into your altruistic side, helping others untangle any webs they may have fallen into. Just remember to show some love to yourself and tap into your gratitude as Luna cozies up to Venus this evening, bringing a graceful energy your way. Later tonight Mercury enters Libra, elevating your social life and popularity throughout the next two weeks.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
You may have a hard time letting go of the past today, dear Sea-Goat, as the Leo moon enters a harsh t-square with the nodes of fate and Uranus. This cosmic climate could be particularly problematic when it comes to leaving behind friends that no longer have your best interests at heart, potentially causing you to look past red flags that suggest you should cut ties. Take some time to confide in a trusted ally this evening when Luna cozies up to Venus to help bring comfort and sense to your soul. Your focus will shift toward professional ambitions later tonight when Mercury enters Libra and your solar tenth house.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
Though you may feel frustrated within your professional or personal life, you’ll have an opportunity to accept your situation and find a way forward today, as the Leo moon connects with Chiron and the nodes of fate. However, try not to put pressure on yourself to figure out exactly what the next steps should look like, darling Aquarius, choosing instead to focus on mental health and self-love. Luckily, receiving guidance from the universe will happen more organically throughout the next couple of weeks as Mercury enters Libra this evening, activating the sector of your chart that governs spirituality and strengthening your connection with the other side.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Thursday – August 25, 2022
The Leo moon will lend you some extra-productive energy this morning, dear Fish, helping you sail through the first part of your day. Unfortunately, the vibe will get a bit rocky as afternoon settles in, and Luna forms harsh aspects with the nodes of fate and unpredictable Uranus, threatening to throw a wrench in your groove. Luckily, a sweet alliance between the moon and Venus will give you permission to take a step back while prioritizing your needs, especially if your body has started to show physical symptoms of stress. Later tonight, Mercury enters Libra, helping you tap into your personal power throughout the next couple of weeks.