Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019

Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Personal power strengthens when your mind is in sync with everything that’s real. Your ideas are larger than life and there is boundless cosmic support for your bigger vision now. Your innovative approach may come off as threatening to the status quo, but be courageous in advancing your mission regardless of any resistance. Stay the course; you need not retreat. Keep your heart open and respect the views of others, but trust that your logical faculties are on point. Your energy introduces you before you even speak.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Perceive your world as a peaceful place to work in partnership. You are known for your reliability, but you dont always need to be the one who calls the shots. Your success depends on your ability to interact with a variety of people today. Creative joint ventures are possible when everyone involved assumes different but complementary roles. Whatever the nature of your vision, establish clarity about the expectations of each persons contribution to the greater whole. You find a quiet satisfaction in your role as a valuable team player.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Healing through awareness accomplishes more than checking off items on your to-do list today. Your airy, social nature enjoys an array of activities and multifaceted self-expression, but your deepest power comes from cultivating a solid inner core. Paradoxically, your daily life requires structure to give you the freedom you desire. Take note of your routines to activate your next level of independence. Dispose of outdated habits to make way for the new. Enhance what is working and leave the rest behind. Your presentation of self inevitably transforms when you choose to evolve.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Demonstrate your love with deliberation today. Nurture that which you have birthed into the world, whether its by parenting your child, working on a creative project, or simply cultivating the important relationships in your life. Be a source that offers true value to others in ways that are both uplifting and practical. Fertilize your creativity with positivity and watch your garden grow. Helen Keller wrote, Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.

Leo Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
The truth of who you are is far deeper than your previously created concept of self. Think fluid, not fixed, and see what happens. You may feel an urge to update your surroundings, switch up your style of dress, or upgrade a technological gadget now. Be willing to push the envelope for maximal growth. Embrace this emotional process as an extension of your joyous, ongoing self-expression. Your actions convey your sense of self-worth. Free yourself from fear and inspire peace in others.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Curious communication is the key to expansion. Educating yourself on the fundamentals is important, but your willingness to transition your studies into practice and gain experience is crucial for your success. Think about what you want to explore anew. Maintain a beginners mind and learn from those in your immediate vicinity. Acknowledging the intellectual contributions of others will serve you well. Your inquisitiveness opens a door to enliven what you already know. Infuse sound logic with unbridled joy to create more freedom and growth.

Libra Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Transformation comes from sharing yourself now. It takes substantial courage and vulnerability to ask for what you want. Be direct in your requests, but be prepared to accept no as an answer. However, you must be willing to meet this need yourself if someone else cannot. But dont take rejection personally; continue to boldly convey your plans and the type of support you desire. The trick is to examine how you value yourself in order to optimally practice self-care. The currency of your relationships is the real treasure.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Everything you wish to manifest is attainable through the power of your mind. Tap into your natural creative talents by acknowledging that there are unlimited possibilities waiting to take flight in your imagination. Be deliberate in designing environments which reflect your deepest desires, personal values, and aspirational goals. Your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors can be changed in an instant, thus shifting the nature of your reality. Your perceptions and actions in this moment determine your future.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Tune into a quiet inner wisdom to improve your habits of thought. Nourish the garden of your foundation of self so it may continue to be nutrient rich and thrive. The quality of the experiences that develop in your life depend on how well you prepare the soil. Recommitting to a meditation practice waters the fields of your imagination and feeds your soul. Peace and attunement cultivate endless creative inspiration. Lao Tzu wrote, To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Your thoughts and feelings are partners, not enemies. When your intellectual process is disconnected from your emotionality, creativity suffers. Take time to align your head with your heart and regain your composure. Extend the same discipline you apply to the outside world to training the arena of your mind. Let your reason be tempered by what your higher self intuits and keep both worlds in balance. Marcel Proust wrote, The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Correction occurs at the level of the mind, motivating you to change your behavior. Thankfully, your friendships and partnerships flow harmoniously with your larger social network. Whether professional or intimate, your increased willingness to cooperate with others quells potential miscommunication. Allow everyone to be as they are and create a higher purpose that is beyond yourself. Healthy collaboration is free of force and synergistic teamwork increases your competency. Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said, He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Thursday – Aug 08, 2019
Your self-expression produces a profound impact on your world today. Harness your creative power by honoring your inner artist which will not steer you wrong. Balance the projective act of stepping outside of your comfort zone to make things happen with allowing opportunities to come to you through receptive magnetism. Your presence is a contribution and your enthusiasm is an inspiration. You may wear many hats, but your ultimate job is to be the most brilliant version of yourself.


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