Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
The Virgo Moon connects Pluto and Mercury this morning, dear Aries, providing you with an opportunity to articulate yourself in profound yet methodical ways. Don’t be afraid to take a direct approach toward your interactions, but remember to carry yourself with grace. The vibe will feel lighter and more naturally harmonious as Luna makes her way into Libra this afternoon, gearing up for today’s new moon. This luminary event will ask you to consider your ambitions around love and balance for the next six months, setting reasonable goals to help you live more beautifully as you continue down your path.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
The universe will take a playful approach to communicating with you this morning, dear Taurus, as the Virgo Moon connects with Mercury and Pluto. Use this energy as an opportunity to reconnect with your guides or higher power, taking a moment for meditation or prayer before beginning your daily duties. You’ll notice a shift as the moon enters Libra this afternoon, connecting with the sun to form a harmonious new moon. This cosmic climate is all about prioritizing wellness, so be sure to set healthy and reasonable goals for yourself that can be achieved over the next six months.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
You’ll feel clear-headed and motivated to change your life for the better this morning, dear Gemini, as the Virgo moon connects with Mercury and Pluto. These vibes are perfect for checking in with your heart while getting real about what needs to change within your current circumstances. Luckily, the stars will align to support your agenda later in the afternoon when the Libra new moon manifests, challenging you to explore new interests while elevating your ego throughout the next six months. Think about how you’d like to grow as you move forward on your path, but be sure to bring a creative element into the mix.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
Articulating what lies in the depths of your soul will come easily this morning, dear Cancer, as the Virgo moon connects with Mercury and Pluto. Use this energy to get a little bit of journaling in before starting your day, as your mind will be brimming with profound ideas and sentiments. You’ll feel drawn to the comforts of home this afternoon when Luna enters Libra and the sector of your chart that governs domestic bliss. The new moon manifests only a few hours later, encouraging you to set healthy intentions for your heart and living situation for the next six months.
Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 24, 2022
Take a moment to tidy up your space this morning, sweet Leo, as the Virgo moon connects with Mercury and Pluto, asking you to get organized. Your focus will shift as Luna makes her way into Libra, bringing balance to your thoughts while triggering your social side. The new moon manifests only a few hours later, encouraging you to set intellectual goals for yourself that can be reached within the next six months. These vibes are also perfect for exploring new concepts and expanding your knowledge, so be sure to research topics that are interesting to you.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
Your aura will be blessed with a powerful and mysterious allure this morning, dear Virgo, as the moon connects with Mercury and Pluto. Use this energy as an opportunity to express yourself in creative ways, as the universe will support an artistic approach toward getting your point across. You’ll notice a shift as the moon enters harmonious Libra this afternoon, gearing up for today’s new moon. This luminary event will ask you to focus on finding beauty in the present, making it a good time to slow down, indulge your senses, embrace luxury, and tap into your gratitude.
Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
A cleansing energy will find your heart, mind, and soul this morning, dear Libra, as the Virgo moon shares sweet connections with Mercury and Pluto. This cosmic climate will encourage you to find closure within any pain or issues that have been weighing on your psyche, so don’t be afraid to let emotions run through you with the intention of releasing them. Luckily, you’ll feel inspired to pursue new opportunities and move forward with your life as the moon enters your sign this afternoon, gearing up for today’s new moon. This luminary event will ask you to set personal goals, so be sure to consider how you’d like to refine your image throughout the next six months.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 24, 2022
Your social media pages and inboxes will seem busier than normal today, dear Scorpio, as the Virgo moon connects with Mercury and Pluto. This cosmic climate will amplify your popularity when putting you in the mood to socialize, so don’t hold back if there’s someone you’d like to reach out to. A quieter energy will take hold as Luna makes her way into Libra in the afternoon, activating the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. The new moon will manifest a few hours later, asking you to set intentions around breaking unhealthy cycles and finding more balance.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
Be sure to notate any brilliant thoughts that pop into your psyche this morning, dear Archer, as the Virgo moon connects with Mercury and Pluto. This cosmic climate could trigger ingenious ideas that might help you get ahead with your career, so you’ll want to take a moment to consider your occupational agenda. The vibe will shift as Luna enters Libra, gearing up for this afternoon’s new moon. This luminary event will ask you to focus on your community, making it a good time to volunteer your time or energy to a nonprofit that’s close to your heart.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
Start your day off by engaging with your preferred spiritual or meditative practice this morning, dear sea-goat, as the Virgo moon connects with Mercury and Pluto. This cosmic climate will thin the veil that exists between you and the other realms, helping you access cosmic guidance and support with more ease. You’ll notice a shift this afternoon when the moon enters Libra, cozying up to the sun to bring forth today’s new moon. Use this luminary event to map out a plan for the next six months, emphasizing making headway within your career and carving out a name for yourself professionally.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
A profound knowledge of what needs to change in your life will manifest this morning, dear Aquarius, as the Virgo moon shares sweet connections with Mercury and Pluto. This cosmic climate could put you in a deep and internal mood, so don’t be afraid to take space in order to sort out your psyche. Luckily, the vibe will feel lighter once Luna enters Libra this afternoon, activating the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. The new moon will grace our skies only a few hours later, making it a great time to reconnect with the other side while engaging with a bit of manifestation work.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – September 25, 2022
A platonic friendship could evolve into something more this morning, dear Pisces, as the Virgo moon connects with Mercury and Pluto. These vibes are perfect for cheeky banter and flirting, so be sure to send a cute message to anyone you’ve set your sights on. Love will continue to flow as the moon enters Libra this afternoon, helping you bring new depth to your closest connections. Today’s new moon will ask you to consider the ways in which you hope to transform throughout the next six months, so be sure to set goals for yourself in order to embody these changes.
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