Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019

Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Careful communication helps an important person feel nurtured and respected today. Although the pressure might be on to respond to someone quickly, replying on paper enables you to connect on a deeper level. People are swimming in their emotions while the tenderhearted Cancer Moon triggers memories, insecurities, and a surplus of feelings. You may not realize how loaded even a casual phrase seems to be unless you have someone else read it over or you peruse it again yourself. Thoughtfulness matters when it comes to matters of the heart. Author Paulo Coelho wrote, There is no time to leave important words unsaid.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Keeping your word turns out to be worth it. Perhaps youre tempted now to bail on a commitment or a chore you previously said you could handle. For instance, you may have agreed to attend an event that comes at the end of a long day, but now all you want to do is go home and unwind. Whatever you decide to do, dont honor this obligation out of guilt. Instead, summon your high regard to whom you made the promise and you might find it easy to rally for their sake. Similarly, a tedious chore when done with love is done well. Aligning what you say with your actions paves your path with integrity.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Spending a chunk of cash on a beloved pastime is either an investment in your creative process or an unwarranted risk. However, youre tipping toward a gamble if you rely more on your hopes than the facts to justify your expense. You may want to compensate for your own reservations, but throwing more money around isnt the solution now. Instead, create a reasonable short-term goal and lay out exactly what it will entail in time and money to achieve it. Proper planning is the safest bet. President Abraham Lincoln said, Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Allow extra time to explain your emotional journey rather than jumping to any foregone conclusions today. The hypersensitive Cancer Moon foments a torrent of emotions that spins your thoughts about faster than you can bring them to heel. Inevitably, youre likely to react harshly if someone touches a nerve that you might otherwise keep protected. Instead of making assumptions, listen closely and ask questions to fully understand a friends intentions rather than presuming you know what they mean. A rush to judgment now might prompt you to be the first to apologize later.

Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Allow extra time to explain your emotional journey rather than jumping to any foregone conclusions today. The hypersensitive Cancer Moon foments a torrent of emotions that spins your thoughts about faster than you can bring them to heel. Inevitably, youre likely to react harshly if someone touches a nerve that you might otherwise keep protected. Instead of making assumptions, listen closely and ask questions to fully understand a friends intentions rather than presuming you know what they mean. A rush to judgment now might prompt you to be the first to apologize later.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Connecting with your personal network improves your creative efforts. Perhaps you have reached the limit of what is possible on your own. Additional support from your mentors or peers can help you launch your pursuits into an entirely different space. Mingle with people who share your passions, but also be receptive to explore new subjects of interest. Whatever you might sacrifice from not working exclusively on your own terms is minimal in comparison to the value of imaginative friends and their incredible insights. Author Amit Ray wrote, Collaboration is the essence of life. The wind, bees and flowers work together, to spread the pollen.

Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Your calm reassurance and quiet expertise can shepherd a colleague into a better emotional place today. The nurturing Cancer Moon soars through your 10th House of Public Reputation, inviting others to look to you for guidance and inspiration now. Perhaps you previously predicted that this rough patch might happen for this person. But its not very helpful if you offer only silent judgment or a condescending I told you so. What someone needs is your consolation and clarity of mind. A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Err on the side of sensitivity when discussing emotionally charged beliefs and views today. You might think that wielding facts and figures is enough to make your point or convince someone else that theyre wrong. However, you can net more understanding by hearing out peoples feelings instead of trying to sway them one way or another. Keeping the channels of communication open allows you to continue to search for common ground. Author Tatjana Urbic wrote, Having someone who listens is a great gift, but to be truly heard is a treasure.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Your generosity knows no bounds, but your common sense can set healthy limits. You must wisely choose how to help a friend in need today. Your first impulse might be to offer as many resources as you can round up. But be certain youre not putting unnecessary hardship on yourself or loved ones in the process. Perhaps the best course of action is to simply start with what your buddy requires in the immediate moment. You are at your best when you deliver all you can without doing more than you should. Thankfully, love is an unlimited resource.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
A seemingly innocent discussion about your career with a partner or close friend triggers mixed emotions today. Talking things out brings up questions regarding your professional direction. Acknowledging your new awareness is constructive before your mind bends toward worst-case scenarios. However, envisioning potential problems presents you with unique opportunities once you think them through to their possible conclusions. It is better to plan beforehand rather than reacting on the fly when youre already caught up in the daily grind. Luckily, you are no stranger to hard work. The power to determine your future is in your hands.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
A new habit or routine requires diligence and discipline before you feel comfortable with it. You are likely motivated to improve your quality of life by following a regular workout regimen or feasting on a healthy diet now. But your current focus absorbs so much energy and time that it could end up as an exercise in frustration before too long. You might end up worrying about your efforts rather than cultivating enthusiasm for your eventual success. Keep drilling with gusto and visualize positive results. Musical virtuoso Vladimir Horowitz wrote, The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is practice.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – Sep 22, 2019
Youre a bit of a magician when it comes to handling surprises. A crisis prompts you to arrive at a creative solution today. Sometimes, you discover your best work when your back is against the wall and you must dig deep within. Another significant skill is your ability to tap into that same synergy with others now. Fortunately, its possible to plug into that dynamic spontaneously. Your inspiration, hard work, and perseverance steer others away from cautious concern to delightful appreciation. Trust that you have what it takes at your disposal for the best possible outcome.


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