Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
When you are clear about what you are communicating and why, discussions move forward more effortlessly. Today you could attempt to offer healing support to a friend, but the response you receive may not exactly be warm. Consider whether this person is being unreasonable or if you unknowingly brought your own biases to the table. By evening, you may feel worn out from this discourse. If that happens, treat it as a cue to take some time to yourself for quiet reflection. Listening to your thoughts in silence helps them come through more loudly.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
If finding time to be alone is something you value, it may come easily to you now. Some solo time could be very healing for you this morning, even if its just that extra moment you take to close your eyes and center yourself. Later today, there’s a chance that speaking emphatically about what you value will be ill-received by a group you’re a part of. If you do feel any friction around this, drop the subject until you can reformulate your words. How you say something is just as important as what you say.
You could act as a healing force with friends today. It won’t take much; simply supporting them and being yourself is all that’s needed to shift the dynamics in a more pleasant direction. Your friends are grateful for you and it will show now. If you bring up work or some other topic that makes the conversation feel as though it’s starting to drag, understand its not personal and call it a night. You’ll have plenty of time to revisit these topics when everyone is in a better head space.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
Dreamy impressions may linger this morning, possibly informing your connection to what you put forth in the world. This could bring some relief to your heart, almost as if you find resolution to a problem youve been internally working on for some time. Later tonight, your thoughts may center around a mental adventure of some kind as the Moon makes a tense square to thoughtful Mercury. Though the drive is there, the clarity for planning and research may not be. Don’t give up on this idea. Instead, allow it to sit on the shelf and mature.
Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
Friends thoughts and chatter could spark interest in a self-expansive activity of some kind. Listen attentively and ask engaging questions, gathering details that can facilitate bringing your idea to life. On another note, you’d be wise to halt any negotiations you’re in the middle of right now. The Moon forms an unappreciative square to logistical Mercury today, making this an inopportune time for you to sign contracts. Instead, ask for additional time to look things over. Taking this thoughtful approach will give you all the time you need to strike a better deal.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
Talking about professional matters may lead to an opportunity to patch something up that wasnt right in your work situation. Consider taking any chances for development that are offered to you. However, be aware that someone in your life may not be as keen on this new development as you are. Consider it part of the process for you to have your point of view and for them to have theirs. The day’s energies don’t support you two coming to an agreement right now, so just wait it out. They’ll eventually come around.
Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
Far-reaching feelings could lead to a deepened connection with an important person in your life. Whether you are sharing memories of past adventures or plans for future excursions, a loved one could be just as excited as you are about whatever you are envisioning. Later tonight you may find that it is hard to get your mind off your proposed outing as you try to focus on more important affairs. This idea may not be able to go anywhere right now, but these things happen. Timing is everything, so exercise patience.
The ties that bind can occasionally lead to pleasing outcomes. Its possible you will financially benefit from a business or romantic alliance now due to the Moons tour of your 8th House of Shared Resources. On some level, you might feel as though you are unworthy of this windfall, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Your emotional and moral support has allowed this person to render a perfect performance at work. Its only fair you share part of the credit … and part of the reward.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
Speaking with an important friend today could help you shift your perspective of how to pursue a creative goal. This person sees you more clearly than you see yourself, especially if you are holding on to an outmoded image of who you are and what you can do. Trust their assessment and take it to heart, allowing their words to fuel you as you pursue this project. Unfortunately, the evening’s energies could make it difficult to replay this inspiring conversation in your mind. Don’t worry, it will come back to you when the skies have cleared.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
The way you feel about your daily life affects how you feel at home. After completing a long list of chores, youll welcome the opportunity to indulge in domestic pleasures. Its a great time to prepare some comfort food, soak in a bath, or spend quality time with those you live with. Just be mindful of the fact that your words may not come out as intended when the Moon makes an uneasy square to big-mouthed Mercury in your 3rd House of Communication tonight. Better to leave late-night discussions for another time.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
Whatever creative concepts youve got going on trickle into your speech and could light someone up with their incredible ingenuity. This could be because you’re so fired up about what’s swirling around in your mind that other people can’t help but feel passionately about them too. While talking about your great ideas could go really well for you during the day, it may be a different story when the Moon forms a tense square to Mercury in the evening. Being heard is not the same as being understood, so save your words for now.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 29, 2020
Clearing out clutter and cleaning up at home could be just what the doctor ordered today. Doing things like organizing paperwork or tidying up your closet will help keep your affairs in order, as well as keep you ahead of the game. Though you may spend all day taking care of business, you’ll grow tired of it by evening. Self-belittling storylines could replace the day’s momentum. If this is the case, accept that you’ve hit a wall and find an activity that helps you unwind. It’s important to know your limits.