Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020

Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
It may feel like the day gets off to a slow start, but rest assured the energies will pick up! Use the calm before the storm to clarify what truly makes you feel good, then make it a point to take that with you through the day. Once the Moon shifts into Gemini and your 3rd House of Communication this afternoon, you can easily convey the things that are most important to you, because you’ll have the emotions to back up your words. Discussions with others can inspire great solutions now, as long as you stay true to your values.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
The ability you have to remain steadfast in the face of change will serve you well as the Moon enters Gemini and your 2nd House of Finances. This brings new messages about money your way, but what are these messages trying to tell you? Use your internal wisdom to guide your decisions about spending now. If funds are tight but you really have your eye on something special, consider this: Will it feel good to buy it, or would it feel even better to save the money? Your gut knows the answer. Listen carefully.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
A sudden sense of movement can be exhilarating, and that’s exactly what today brings when the Moon moves into your excitable sign. But once Luna makes a square to your ruling planet Mercury, now retrograde, you may feel like you’re caught in a whirlwind. Instead of spinning out, stop a moment and consider what’s really happening, then find the clues that make the most sense. Rely on your strength of inquiry to move gracefully through any sticky situations. The more you know, the more control you have.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
Social situations have sapped a lot of your time and energy lately and you’re likely in need of some quiet recuperation. The Moon shifts into your 12th House of Solitude today, giving you the urge to pull back from the world. Not only will some cozy time to yourself be a calming way to wind down the weekend, but it can also allow the space you need to sort through any dizzying thoughts that have been occupying your mind. Your subconscious is firing off messages and, luckily, you are sensitive enough to understand them now. Let your higher mind lead the way.

Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
Time spent with friends can be both enjoyable and productive today. The Moon shifts into your 11th House of Groups this afternoon, adding significance to all social interactions you have. Use your friends as a sounding board as you consider your plans and wishes for the future. Expressing your hopes with enthusiasm will likely bring support and camaraderie that can help carry you forward. You’ll get what you give now; reach out to others with warmth and optimism and watch it come right back to you!

Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
Your ability to adapt is one of your greatest strengths. It’s a good thing because, while recent energies have felt stable and soothing, things get a little more haphazard today when the Moon shifts into zippy Gemini. It feels like everyone around you is spinning out and speeding along, and you’d be wise to go with this fast-paced flow rather than getting caught up in minutiae and falling behind. Keep yourself on track by remembering the big picture and the most imperative steps along the way. Its OK to let the rest go for now.

Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
Get ready to turn on the charm! A fresh, communicative energy is ushered in today as the Moon moves into sociable Gemini and your 9th House of Expansion. It’s a great time to get out there and connect with others. Youve got what it takes to collaborate and exchange big ideas in a way that benefits everyone. Be clear and intentional when you speak, however, because the Moon also squares retrograde Mercury today, increasing the potential for miscommunication. Should any mishaps arise, your pleasing and tactful nature can easily smooth things over.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
You’re not one to shy away from secrets and taboo topics — in fact, you thrive in these depths. As the Moon shifts into communicative Gemini and your 8th House of Undercurrents today, there’s an increasing urge to bring your hidden thoughts out into the open. Follow your instincts with how much you choose to share but be careful who you share it with; the Moon’s square to retrograde Mercury increases the chance of misunderstandings now. If your attempts at forging a connection do go awry, don’t force it. Take a moment to check in with your gut feeling about how to proceed.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
The weekend isnt over just yet, and today your chances of connecting with someone special get a big boost. As the Moon moves into sociable Gemini and your 7th House of Relationships, you have an opportunity to build a bond with a lover or business partner through the simple act of conversation. The more you learn about this person, the more exciting they become, so ask a lot of questions and make sure to share things about yourself, too! You never know where this relationship could go.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
The environment where you work each day has a huge effect on your productivity. A disorganized space can make your whole life feel disorganized and prevent you from getting much done. Today it’s time to clear the clutter. Make it a point to tidy up areas of your home or office that play a part in your daily routine. Just be sure to keep track of important items so they don’t get lost in the shuffle. A little time spent polishing up these important spaces can help you begin the new week already feeling accomplished.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
There’s no time like the present to let your brilliance out into the world. If there’s a fun project or idea you’ve been wanting to explore further, this is absolutely the time to get started. You have a knack for expressing your thoughts creatively now. Don’t expect to be a pro at first — it isn’t about immediate mastery, it’s about experimentation, so be loose and just see where things go. Some of the most amazing discoveries have happened by accident. What will you discover today?

Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – Mar 1, 2020
Your domestic life is abuzz today as the Moon moves into Gemini and your 4th House of Home and Family. Spending some time cleaning house can make you feel both peaceful and satisfied. However, you may be dealing with a situation between you and a relative or roommate at this time. If you’re trying to clear the air, beware that the Moon is square Mercury Retrograde today and could make these conversations confusing. If you feel like the talk is going in the wrong direction, pause and come back to center. Solutions may not come right away, but progress can still be made.