Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020

Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Turn your fantasies into art. Pursuing a fusion of grace and grit might lead you to become involved in some form of creative endeavor. However, your key requirement now is that you are active, and that your action inspires people to imagine wonderful things and even to pursue their own passion projects. You relish shaping a rough object into a lovely form with the force of your heart and hands. This tangible process is intimate and immediate. Author Elaine Scarry wrote, Beauty quickens. It adrenalizes. It makes the heart beat faster. It makes life more vivid, animated, living worth living.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Honor and appreciate the friends who bring sunny delight into your life. Being social might be just what you need today. Even if you are content operating in your own little bubble, being part of a group can add to your sense of security. You draw strength from knowing that you share a vision with other like-minded people. Working toward a common goal with those you admire makes your spirit dance. Participating in a team effort is fun, but don’t lose your own sense of identity in the process. Author Goldie Taylor wrote, You have to schedule your pleasure, because pain will schedule itself.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Accomplishing goals and manifesting dreams is all you can think about today. However, you might be trying to do too much on your own, unwilling to seek assistance from allies who are eager to support your cause. Instead, you could sidestep any admission of your own vulnerability and end up wearing your feelings on your sleeve. You may easily take offense where none is meant, causing you to overreact to the concerns of others. Dont waste time pretending to be self-sufficient when your success is at stake. Author Afton Rorvik wrote, Being first to ask for help in a friendship takes courage and humility.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Give your mind and spirit license to roam with no rules or regulations today. You may go wherever you wish without the restriction of your physical being. You can travel via any form of media of your choice and be at a marvelous destination in a matter of minutes. Or you could lose yourself in mindful meditation, artistic expression, or quiet reflection. Freeing yourself to explore inner realms sets a precedent for your body to be as adventurous, too, when the timing is right. Lighten your emotional load. James Russell Lowell wrote, A wise man travels to discover himself.

Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Exercising your gratitude muscles enables you to maintain a clear perspective. You may wrestle with issues you would rather avoid today. For instance, possessiveness or jealousy might shadow your thoughts, prompting you to wonder if youre living up to your potential. Fortunately, theres no reason to hold onto these negative emotions as long as you determine their source. Clarify your goals so you can focus on achieving your desires without dwelling on what you lack. Harold Coffin wrote, Envy is the art of counting the other fellows blessings instead of your own.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Stay alert to unexplored possibilities that could bring you unexpected pleasure today. Forget about making a detailed list of everything you want to do because sticking to your plans only limits your options. Thankfully, theres no need to turn your current yearning for spontaneity into a big deal. Just remain open to the present moment without trying to steer things in a predetermined direction. Don’t make too many changes all at once or tackle more projects than you can manage now. Pace your joy for the best results.

Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Diving deeper into tasks wont quiet the storm of your heart. Strong feelings can be confusing as they pull you one way or another today. Even if youre clear about your desires now, its difficult to achieve total satisfaction. You may have set your sights so high that there is little chance of reaching your goals. Luckily, you can change the outcome of your game in the blink of an eye. Remove the possibility of failure by staying singularly focused on the present moment, so your anticipation of future success becomes relatively unimportant. Thich Nhat Hanh taught, Peace is present right here and now, in ourselves and in everything.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
The irrepressible lure of pleasure could distract you from delivering on a promise today. Unfortunately, theres a high price to pay for extreme irresponsibility. Thankfully, your fierce tenacity pushes you to follow through on your commitments while still finding time for fun. You might be inclined to rigorously structure your playtime, but its beneficial to go wherever your intuition guides you now. Paradoxically, you may not know what you need until it hits you in the moment. Concentrating on creating positive energy works wonders as it returns to you many times over. Buddha taught, When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Your passions may be amplified today, especially if your adrenaline is on the loose. You must work harder to keep your cool or just stay away from people who tax your patience. However, if you normally resist the temptation to assert yourself, you might feel extra bold and brave now. In either case, youre able to guide others from outright conflict and toward compromise on an important cause dear to your heart. Hold onto your idealism while letting go of your desired outcome. Winston Churchill wrote, Diplomacy is the art of telling plain truths without giving offense.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Secrecy acts as a double-edged sword. Someone may be withholding their true feelings today, and you are determined to find out why. Although your intention might be to simplify your life, current relationship dynamics are complicated in ways you dont even understand. As much as you wish to address the situation head on, making your point seems nearly impossible now. Your words could stir up an unexpected conflict with no immediate solution in sight. But self-restraint is effective only when it is the result of deep conviction and not an obligation. Your moral compass can only point you in the right direction, but it cant make you go there.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Be as generous as you can afford and there will be little reason for regret. However, its foolish to lend money or things that youre not prepared to lose, especially to dear ones. This advice may seem contradictory and even against your nature, but thats why its better to focus on giving rather than stressing over your fears about a potential loss. You could reframe your attitude by calling it charitable investing, instead. Dont stress about a deficit if anything goes off target. Prosperity is meant to be shared. Author Simon Sinek wrote, Always plan for the fact that no plan ever goes according to plan.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – Jan 26, 2020
Making a good impression on others is essential to you now because you secretly long to be impressed. The truth is you exude an air of grace and charm in all you do. Although you want to give as good as you get, you can act impulsively if you perceive that you’re handing out more than you’re receiving. Too much measuring leads to competition. This analytical approach may be how your passion does you a disservice, especially if the ratio between you and another is out of balance. Your life blossoms when your energy is in a state of harmony. President Theodore Roosevelt said, Comparison is the thief of joy.