Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020

Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
Right now you are feeling imaginative and inspired, but instead of questioning the source of this optimism, embrace it! Embark on a plan to pursue your dream career and cultivate financial abundance. The grounded and persistent Taurus Moon?trines ambitious Saturn in your 10th House of?Career today. Pouring all your energy into doing a good job comes naturally now. You may?reap a small but significant reward for the foundations?that you have meticulously laid in your climb to the top.?Follow your passion now — it will help you reach heights you never dreamed possible.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
Allegiances are?very?important to you today, along with an expectation?of brotherly?trust. The?sensitive?Moon is touring your own?unshakable?sign of the Bull,?heightening your emotional intelligence. You are reassured by friendships?that?reinforce?your beliefs. Spending time with like-minded people gives you the courage of your convictions.?Your self-confidence will be especially useful this evening, when the intuitive Moon makes a gracious trine to aspirational Saturn.?Trust an impulse to apply for a challenging academic program or write a book. By planting your feet firmly on the ground, you can realize a lofty dream. Keep reaching for the stars; you just might grab one.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
It?would be a fine?day to attend to?the?practical details?of outstanding?loans?or?taxes, but you also want to get beyond the mundane world. There is a motivation within you to understand your own agency, power, and?what you can give and receive in?interpersonal relationships. You crave intense exchanges that challenge you to grow. You may?consider entirely rebranding yourself today. The introverted Moon in your 12th House of Solitude can help you reflect?on the many different hats you wear. Escape a pigeon hole. If your job is to be creative, demonstrate your practical skills. Versatility is one of your superpowers — use it to your advantage .

Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
Its magical to spend quality time with someone close to you now; your bond is empowered by intimacy, mutual support, and?unwavering devotion. Beautiful, compassionate feelings are flowing, even in new and platonic partnerships. Interactions with others that?introduce you to new terrain and?broaden your perspective are vital now. In fact, you may find yourself especially attracted to?original?personalities, because?you feel that they can give you a fresh take on life. You are especially sensitive to the company you keep, Cancer, so be sure to seek out upbeat optimists who lift your spirits.

Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
You embrace creativity wholeheartedly?now, allowing it to shape you on a deeper level. Indulgent Venus and fanciful Neptune?both?dance with the tender Moon today, enticing you to escape to more imaginative worlds.?You normally have a sunny disposition, but your muse may bring on a darker aesthetic. As a fashion-conscious Lion, you understand the power of your wardrobe to shape-shift. Assemble an outfit that reflects your shadow side; it will turn heads. Theres nothing you love more than commanding an adoring audience. Use todays planetary energies to showcase your star power and break a few hearts.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
You have a chance for heart-warming and desirable interchanges with a dear friend or partner today. A shared appreciation for beauty and pleasure paves the way to a glorious adventure. The Moon in dependable Taurus forms a progressive sextile to?sweet?Venus in your 7th House of?Relating.?Let productivity take a back seat to pleasure. This day is not so much about work, but?you can feed yourself and replenish in a way that supports your efficiency moving forward. Personal enrichment comes through meaningful contact with the unfamiliar.?The more receptive you are to new experiences, the happier youll be.

Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
A project that enhances the beauty of your home would be very gratifying for you today.?With the Moon in your 8th House of Regeneration, youre ready for a dramatic change. Youll encounter some resistance, but this conflict will be stimulating. Be guided by your impeccable taste; it will never steer you wrong. A wild combination of colors, textures, and furniture styles will satisfy your desire to create something distinctive. Dont be surprised when people start asking you to decorate their homes. This could be the beginning of a very profitable business.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
Explore your bonds with?another person through playful and romantic gestures at this time. The Moon in your 7th House of?Partnership?has you thinking about how you relate — issues of intimacy, vulnerability, and trust are emphasized. Enjoy?a?bit of mind-melding if you can, but if you find yourself alone, you can still forge a bond with your spiritual self. Try writing a heartfelt journal entry or poem. Putting your heart on the page will make you aware of powerful desires that youve kept hidden for weeks. The clarity will uplift and empower you.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
Changing values will prompt you to reconsider your living situation.?Take this opportunity to create a home that reflects the new you. The Moon is in your 6th House of Daily Works, giving your attention to practical realities. You would derive much satisfaction today by launching DIY projects that support your emerging needs and desires. These jobs can include anything from upgrading the kitchen to installing a soaking tub in the bathroom to adding an art studio to your abode. Listen to your heart; it is urging you to create comfortable surroundings.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
Though you’re an Earth sign, the Water element is strong for you now, nurturing?you and fertilizing?future material growth.?Give yourself permission to abandon practical concerns and embrace whimsy. Since youre feeling adventurous with the Moon in your playful 5th House of Creativity, now is the time to pursue this more?innovative side to your being.?Experiment with ways of communicating that tap into something deeper.?Remember that work that doesnt involve making money isnt wasteful — its a valuable way of cultivating happiness, regardless of your economic circumstances. Try it and see. You cant put a price on contentment.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
Objects of beauty, creativity, and inspiration assume a sacred aspect today.?With the Moon in your 4th House of Home and Family, you are moved by your associations to family, the past, and your personal space, making you more likely to enjoy staying at home right now. You can benefit?from this solitary interlude?by confronting hidden aspects of yourself.?Examine?your unconscious beliefs about money?and possessions, as well as your self-worth. These reflections will reveal some?areas where you may?be?unnecessarily?holding?yourself?back.?Instead of buying into the vision of what your family wanted for you, listen to your heart. It knows what makes you happy.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – Feb 2, 2020
The Moon in sensory?Taurus stimulates your?mind and propels you to get out and about in your local community. The simple things in life that are often at the forefront of your mind –?beauty, art, and nature?–?are?helping you to handle changes in your?friendships and group?associations.?Its a good time to seek relationships with people who share your personal values. You can get along well with a much older or younger friend?today. The generation gap is insignificant when youre dealing with people who cherish the same things, so lean into this relationship.