Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019

Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
Forgiveness empowers you to heal and rise above the drama. However, partnerships of all kinds are in the spotlight today, tempting you to become more involved than necessary. Nevertheless, your true purpose is to come from a higher perspective. Conflict appears only when you perceive yourself as separate from others. Your mind cannot be unified when you buy into egoic illusions. By remembering your eternal connection to spirit, you can access a deeper sense of compassion and empathy. Spin a web of love and invite others in.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
Choose to honor truth and experience abundance. Having depends on giving, and not on getting. This altruistic approach is a departure from the dominant societal way of thinking and will carry you well. As long as you believe you can attend to what isnt true, you are accepting conflict as your choice. Your spirit is infinite and already perfect; you are fully capable of deciding how and where to be of service. Focus your full attention on being useful. Your right mind sees only opportunities to participate in creating a better world.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
Your mind is infinitely powerful. Unfortunately, its easy to waste this moment unless you stop to think about what you want to create today. Subconscious tapes running from your childhood may show up, but your reaction makes the difference in how your day continues. Your fear is a sign of stress that starts inside of you. Take full responsibility for the world you see and give up whatever you must to undo any errors in thinking. Simply withdraw your belief from anything that isnt love. Cultivating a new model for harmonious relationships is an honorable goal.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
The innocent mind has everything, and there is nothing it seeks to find. A childlike approach only strives to protect its heart. Communicate with others as though they are your family. Although everyone is different, look for the similar threads between you and another. When you can gaze within and see nothing lacking, you can connect with people from a place of wholeness, rather than neediness. Accept your own completion, and others will act from a similar space. Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance.

Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
Your priorities come into sharper focus today as you reexamine your values. Consider all the molehills you turned into mountains, and the strange feelings that followed those judgments. All emotions need to be fully experienced, but dont confuse passing moods with eternal truth. Fear can survive the elimination of symptoms, but healing the mind results only in love. Novelist John Green wrote, The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
Your analytical nature is beautiful, but theres no reason to compose fictional masterpieces today. Let the truth of your inner wholeness encompass every situation and bring you peace. Any unwellness could be a witness to an extreme need to depend on external guidance. The mind thinks it requires endless prescriptions to avoid catastrophic outcomes, but this may end up creating a different problem in the process. Take your time making decisions and relax. Any guilt or fear will disappear as you experience freedom from your pursuit of perfection. Control what you can and let the rest go.

Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
Miracles undo the past in the present and release the future. The kindest gift you can offer to another is a blank slate of forgiveness. Allow others to evolve and see them as whole in every new encounter by letting go of the past. Point to previous transgressions in the here and now since they exist only in memory. Holding someone to their self of yesterday is a delusional game. Perceive the reality that is now, and free yourself and everyone else. Compassion is the ultimate expression of your heart.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
Accepting your own liberation is only possible in the present moment. Time can release as well as imprison; the choice of how it plays out is up to you. You are granted a newfound freedom when you relinquish judgment and condemnation. Fortunately, there is no need to remain in imaginary darkness when light is offered to you now. You are able to see your own wholeness reflected in another when you go within to bear witness to your personal healing. Love surrounds you when you extend it to everyone without exception.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
Your optimism is boundless and can spread across the world in joy. Your ability to embrace the wide horizons of possibility radiates profoundly if you choose to come from love today. Do not allow clouds of doubt or suspicion darken the corners of your mind. Everyone makes mistakes and deserves a chance to correct them. Any temptation to narrow your ability to forgive will only shrink your own radiance. Casting every person in the best possible light brings your own love closer to your awareness.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
Let go of a knee-jerk tendency to judge what occurs today. Truth need not struggle against ignorance, and love does not attack fear. Theres nothing to defend, and no reason to be overly protective now. Acknowledge any darkness in your thoughts, and recognize it is not reflective of your glory. Your work is to see from a higher perspective, and fuse everything into one purpose of clarity and brightness. Ray Kroc said, The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
The choice is yours whether to learn through pain or joy. Part of being a powerful communicator is to master the art of not always speaking. Imagine what it would be like to have no cares, worries, or anxieties, and be perfectly serene all the time. Believe it or not, finding this type of calm within the chaos doesnt take much time to establish with practice. Listen to your higher self today; your cosmic compass cannot steer you wrong. Have nothing to hide, follow your inner guide, and keep your mind open wide.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – Aug 04, 2019
You must free yourself from fear if you wish to bring peace to the world. Unfortunately, reaching this idealistic goal may be an uphill battle today, especially if people in your social network seem to thwart your good intentions. Ironically, confronting their negativity only fuels their fires. External resistance fades when you remain firm in your convictions. Dont let anyone deter you from striving for the highest good of all. Author Lailah Gifty Akita wrote, A single-minded purpose gives sacred strength to achieve the dream.


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