Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Frustrations could find you this afternoon, dear Ram, as the Scorpio moon faces off with Mercury and Uranus, creating a tense vibe. This energy could be especially troublesome within your deepest relationships. Rather than attempting to change someone else’s mind, try to diffuse the situation by switching topics or stepping away from the situation for a breather. Luckily, a sweet aspect between Luna and Venus can help you find a resolution. However, both parties will need to agree to disagree and shake hands as a sign of this understanding.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Your day will be filled with surprises, dear Taurus, as Venus, your ruling planet, forms a sweet connection with Mercury and Uranus, who are currently in your sign. You may receive a sweet gesture from a friend or acquaintance, helping you see the good that still exists in our world. You could also feel inspired to pass these good vibes forward, finding ways to treat your nearest and dearest. Unfortunately, the vibe might get a little tense within your love life this evening as the Scorpio moon faces off with Mercury and Uranus, making it a good time to lay low.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Though it’s technically the weekend, your focus will turn toward professional goals today, as Venus shares a sweet connection to Mercury and Uranus. This cosmic climate can illuminate new paths worth taking, especially if you’re feeling dissatisfied or at a standstill. Unfortunately, you could begin to feel overwhelmed as the Scorpio moon faces off with Mercury and Uranus this evening. Though there may be many steps to get you where you want to be, try not to become overwhelmed by the big picture, and remember to stay organized and focused on these ambitions.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

You should feel carefree and surrounded by love today, dear Crab, as sweet Venus forms a soft connection to Mercury and Uranus. You may find yourself making impromptu plans with your circle of friends, giving you a chance to let down your hair and have fun. Just try not to stay out too late, or you could hit a wall when the Scorpio moon faces off with Mercury and Uranus. This energy could also create a weird dynamic within your relationships, especially if triggering topics come up. Give yourself permission to call it an early night to avoid this potential storm.

Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

You may come to the realization that other people’s boundaries aren’t necessarily a reflection of how someone feels about you, dear Lion, as sweet Venus forms a soft connection to Mercury and Uranus. Though you may deal with a loved one canceling plans or pulling back, try not to take it personally, as they’re likely dealing with their own issues that they’re not yet ready to discuss. Unfortunately, you could begin to feel restless this evening when the Scorpio moon faces off with Mercury and Uranus, inspiring you to venture out on your own, in order to find excitement.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Make it a point to lead with an open heart today, dear Virgo, as sweet Venus forms a supportive aspect to Mercury and Uranus, activating the sectors of your chart that govern love and spirituality. You’ll feel a connection with the people that surround you, helping you tap into the concept of universal love. Unfortunately, the vibe could get a bit rocky this evening when the Scorpio moon faces off with Mercury and Uranus. Though you may encounter a negative character during this time, try not to let their low vibes take away from what should otherwise be an elating day.

Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Venus, your ruling planet, forms a sweet connection to communicative Mercury and wild Uranus, filling your day with pleasant surprises. This cosmic climate could cause you to bond very quickly with someone new to your life, though you’ll want to make sure you’re keeping a reasonable guard up until you know that this person is trustworthy. You may feel tempted to indulge in a bit of retail therapy this evening as the Scorpio moon faces off with Mercury and Uranus, alerting you to new deals or products that you feel you must have. While it’s okay to do a little bit of splurging, try not to sink too much money into a company you’re not super familiar with.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Lean into the people who get you through today, dear Scorpio, as sweet Venus forms a supportive aspect to Mercury and Uranus. You’ll crave companionship with those who share your point of view, which could cause you to seek new connections, especially if you’ve recently grown new interests. Unfortunately, the energy might get a bit turbulent this evening when the Scorpio moon enters a harsh opposition to Mercury and Uranus, threatening to inflame any tensions that have been lingering in your romantic partnerships. Trouble could also brew if you haven’t been taking proper care of yourself recently, making it a good night to recharge and practice self-care.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

You’ll feel inspired to invest in your home and personal organization today, dear Archer, as Venus enters a supportive connection with Mercury and Uranus, activating your fourth and sixth houses. This cosmic climate is ideal for filling your space with light energy and love, which could motivate you to invite your friends over for a home-cooked meal. Just try not to let your company overstay their welcome, especially as the Scorpio moon hits some cosmic turbulence this evening. These vibes will likely put you in the mood for solitude, so don’t feel guilty if you need to show your guests the door.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Creative inspiration will strike you unexpectedly today, dear Sea-Goat, as sweet Venus blows a kiss to communicative Mercury and revolutionary Uranus. Use this cosmic climate as your cue to bust out your favorite art supplies, even if you don’t consider yourself the most talented person in the world. You’ll find that working with unconventional methods takes your projects to the next level, so don’t be afraid to go against the norm. Unfortunately, you may feel less connected to your work this evening when the Scorpio moon forms a harsh aspect to Mercury and Uranus, potentially blocking the ideas that flowed so freely earlier in the day.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Take some time to appreciate your home and the stability you’ve created for yourself today, dear Aquarius, as sweet Venus shares helpful connections to Mercury and Uranus. This cosmic climate can help you feel inspired by your own strength, so don’t be afraid to pat yourself on the back for how far you’ve come thus far. Watch out for heavier vibes as the Scorpio moon enters an opposition to Mercury and Uranus this evening. This energy could leave you dreading the workweek that lingers ahead, but try not to let professional stress take away from your ability to enjoy what remains of the weekend.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – 17 April, 2022

Unexpected conversations and connections will bring you delight today, little Fish, as sweet Venus connects with communicative Mercury and unpredictable Uranus. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with a stranger that seems interesting, especially if you’re hoping to expand your social circle. This energy is also great for lifting yourself up through positive affirmations and optimistic thinking, as the universe pushes you to indulge your romantic whims. Unfortunately, the vibe could get a bit rocky as the Scorpio moon faces off with Mercury and Uranus this evening. However, you should be able to survive this heavy energy by leaning into your spirituality, so be sure to get a meditation session in.