Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
You’ll be in the mood for company today, dear Aries, as the moon continues its journey through chatty Gemini and your solar third house. Unfortunately, the vibe will get a little tense this afternoon, and unsolicited advice could lead to overstimulation or blowouts, making it important that you set boundaries with anyone who is stepping over the line with you. Luckily, Mars and Chiron will form a celestial alliance later in the evening, giving you an opportunity to clear your head and reclaim confidence within yourself. However, you may want to plan on spending the night at home as the moon inches closer to watery Cancer.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
Competition within your professional or social sphere could drum up insecurities for you this afternoon, sweet Bull, as the Gemini moon enters a harsh t-square with the sun and Neptune. Avoid comparing your situation to that of those around you, understanding that you have your own path to travel. Overspending could also become an issue, so you may want to skip out on that shopping spree your bestie suggested, especially if they have more disposable income to play with. Luckily, the vibe will shift this evening.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
With the moon traveling through your sign, you should awaken with a sense of excitement and optimism. Unfortunately, these good vibes will begin to take this afternoon, when Luna forms a harsh t-square with the sun and Neptune. You may have a hard time holding back your emotions, and loved ones may go out of their way to push your boundaries, causing you to either lash out or shut down. Luckily, you’ll begin to feel more stable when Mars connects with Chiron later tonight, though it might not be a bad idea to spend the night practicing self-care and laying low.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
Logic and your intuition may butt heads today, dear Cancer, as the Gemini moon enters a harsh t-square with the Virgo sun and Neptune. Overthinking your situation could also bring forth more confusion, so you may want to slow down and let the answers to your questions come through over time. Your heart may feel a little closed off this evening as Luna connects with Pluto, making it a good time to prioritize your solitude. Luckily, setting boundaries will help you find healing later tonight, as Mars blows a kiss to Chiron, encouraging you to draw lines where they’re needed.
Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
You won’t be in the mood to play nice with people you have a complicated history with today, dear Leo, as the Gemini moon forms a harsh t-square with the sun and Neptune. This cosmic climate will also cause you to feel repelled by the idea of smalltalk, so you may want to keep a tight circle for now. The vibe will improve later tonight when Mars and Chiron connect in the sky, providing you with an opportunity to find healing, though you may need to rely on your spirituality to make the most of these supportive vibes.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
A lack of boundaries could cause you to feel confused within your closest relationships today, dear Virgo, as the Gemini moon forms a t-square with the sun and Neptune. Take a moment to reflect upon the influences around you, and whether or not you’ve been getting good advice or true support when you need it. Luckily, the clouds will begin to part this evening when Mars shares a sweet aspect with Chiron, providing you with an opportunity to shake off this funk and move past anyone who hasn’t been contributing to your happiness or tries to skew your perspective of reality.
Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
Issues from the past you thought you’d closed the door on could reemerge today, dear Libra, as the Gemini moon enters a harsh t-square with the Virgo sun and Neptune. These vibes threaten to unravel any closure you’ve found recently, especially when it comes to honest mistakes or work-related issues. Luckily, you won’t have to spend all day cleaning up these messes, thanks to a sweet alliance between Mars and Chiron this evening. Use this energy to reclaim your sense of harmony, baring in mind that doing so may require you to invest in some meditation or spiritual work.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
You may be forced to make the difficult decision of cutting someone out of your life today, dear Scorpio, as the Gemini moon forms a t-square with the sun and Neptune. Harsh realities could reveal where there’s toxicity and inexcusable behaviors, triggering you to abruptly cut ties with such situations. However, you should avoid taking drastic measures without proof of the problem, as hazy Neptune’s influence could mean you don’t have the full story. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to reclaim focus and tidy up your life this evening, when Mars shares a sweet connection to the healing asteroid, Chiron.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
Tension within your love life could reach a breaking point today, dear Sagittarius, as the Gemini moon enters a harsh t-square with the Virgo sun and Neptune. Don’t be afraid to advocate on behalf of your feelings, but avoid crossing lines or speaking with venom, or you could end up in a feud that’s hard to come back from. Luckily, an opportunity to make up with your sweetie will manifest when Mars blows a kiss to Chiron this afternoon, though you’ll need to find ways to have fun with your partner, allowing a playful energy to replace the tension that took up space earlier.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
Though the weekend is finally near, you may not have as much leisurely time as you’d like, thanks to a harsh t-square between the Gemini moon, Virgo sun, and Neptune. This cosmic climate will shine a spotlight on your responsibilities and to-do list, causing you to dish relaxing with your friends in favor of tending to the multiple tasks that linger ahead. A sweet connection between Mars and Chiron will redirect this focus to your home life this evening, making it a good time to tidy up your space. Just remember to set aside some time for relaxation and some soothing stretches.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
Though your mind is always looking towards the future, you may feel stuck within your circumstances as the Gemini moon forms a harsh t-square with the sun and Neptune. The slow process of reaching goals could cause you to second guess your abilities, making it important that you don’t succumb to negative thought patterns that may begin to chip away at your ego. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to reclaim confidence later tonight when Mars blows a kiss to Chiron, though you may need to let your wacky side come out and play. These vibes are also perfect for a bit of art therapy, making it a good time for engaging with your creative side.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – September 17, 2022
Your love life could stir up a bit of sadness for you today, dear Fish, as the Gemini moon enters a harsh t-square with the sun and Neptune. Feeling uncertain of where you stand with someone could amplify these sentiments, though asking for clarity on the matter might not deliver the results you’re hoping for. Rather than stressing over the fate of your companionships, try to find balance within yourself and your own heart. Luckily, a saving grace will emerge in the form of a sweet alliance between Mars and Chiron later tonight, helping you appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.
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