Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019

Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Its easy to believe the adage that the only way to get something done right is to do it yourself. This might be true if you had an unlimited amount of time and a limited number of tasks. But chances are your life isnt set up that way now. Do the next best thing and enlist someone elses assistance. Or train an eager helper to handle the job, so you can focus on other projects. Relieving the pressure is the immediate benefit, but you can also build a strong team in the process. Delegating and teaching are your secret weapons for success today.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Furthering your education pays dividends into the future in surprising ways. Diligently research whether a class, book, or even an advanced degree program covers a subject you wish to understand in depth before opening your wallet. Grand Jupiters tense square with hazy Neptune indicates that you might need to pop a few overblown bubbles to land something worthwhile. The price may not be exactly what you were looking to spend, but knowledge is a lasting treasure. Psychologist Howard Gardner wrote, If you think education is expensive, try estimating the cost of ignorance.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Be generous, especially if thats what your heart compels you to do now. On the other hand, if you give to get, youre likely to be disappointed with a partner or dear one. The touchy Moon in your sign allows you to shine and burst into peoples lives with kindness and perceptiveness. Of course, not everyone can receive all that you have to offer, so dispense your wisdom and affection in appropriate doses. However, theres no need to overcompensate and miss the chance to connect emotionally. Author Paulo Coelho wrote, Anyone who loves in the expectation of being loved in return is wasting their time.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Tread gently with your words since you could be your most savage critic today. Its one thing to subject yourself to scrutiny and rigorous self-evaluation. But its a whole other ball of wax to be unkind to yourself and your capabilities. Prickly Mars in Virgo prods you toward making significant improvements with your life. But often the most longstanding changes are incremental and require many adjustments until you strike the right rhythm. Inventor Buckminster Fuller wrote, There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you its going to be a butterfly.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Clearing up murky goals can lead to concrete results. Sometimes, its tough to acknowledge that pipe dreams are off-key, but thats exactly what you might have to acknowledge today. Bombastic Jupiter grinds into a square with lofty Neptune, prompting you to overreach for an objective. You may be unrealistic about your ambitions or the skills of those youre working with now. However, tapping into your creative wellsprings empowers you to make the necessary corrections to keep on track or even soar ahead. Taking your inspiration to the next level is music to your ears.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Instigating a hot debate before you know all the facts is asking for nothing but trouble today. Chances are all the details have not been carefully laid out yet. It doesnt matter whether someone is being dishonest or is simply ill-informed. Either way, taking your time prior to opening your mouth saves wasted energy and hurt feelings, including your own. Canvass a variety of sources that you may not normally check to ferret out the truth in all its glory. Author Linda Deir wrote, Free yourself from the expectations of having to be right with the wrong information.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Relying on your intuition and personal experience works more magic than following any instructions today. Trust your gut if your doubts are multiplying by the minute as you move forward with your plan. Sometimes, you have to throw out the script and improvise to make a situation better. Yet, other times, you must read between the lines to perceive whats actually going on. You might skip the fact that youre not seeing things clearly now. However, blindly abiding by something or someone is rarely a wise idea. Actress Katharine Hepburn said, If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
You deserve to get what you really want at the right price. Youre likely excited about buying a coveted object today, but its possible that the quality of the product isnt up to your standards or the cost is overinflated. One way to solve this dilemma is by negotiating a different price. Or you might also do more research and see if you can find the same item with better workmanship. However, the key is to not settle for less than excellence when you can have it all now. Your persistence and resourcefulness are invaluable assets.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Its all too easy to underestimate how much a commitment might cost you today. If someone proposes an intriguing activity, it may have gilded edges that make it very appealing at first glance. However, this opportunity isnt what it appears to be while the bristling square between enthusiastic Jupiter and evasive Neptune suggests that the cart may not be hitched to a real horse. Before you make your decision, you must fully know all the details so you can determine if you have the resources to ensure success. Promises can be broken just as fast as they can be made.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Speak truth to power with a loving touch to break the chains that keep someone from freedom. But the manner in which you deftly sever those links is just as important, so you dont inflict any lasting damage. However, an authority figure or older relative might react defensively to the message youre conveying today. Approach the topic at the appropriate time for the best results. Sweeten the bitter taste of your perceptions with constructive suggestions and loyal support. Honesty does not always need to be brutal to be effective.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
You might be shouldering too much of a burden that you can temporarily unload today. However, your issues dont necessarily need to be the main attraction when there are so many other interesting topics to discuss. Go out and have fun with your friends while letting your mind drift far away from your troubles. However, if the moment seems right, nudge the conversation in a direction that allows your concerns to surface naturally. Lightening the pressure recharges you from the inside out.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – Sep 21, 2019
Your opportunities are more abundant than your obstacles now. But in your mind, the hindrances are the showstoppers which demand your immediate attention. However, look closely at whether a foe is really an adversary. Perhaps you have a misperception of them or they misunderstand your intentions. Similarly, a large task can seem gargantuan when you start. But if you flip your perspective and see the diamond waiting to be polished, you can achieve more than you realize. John Wanamaker wrote, One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time.


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