Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019

Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
Leading with compassion changes your perspective. However, someone might be thwarting your efforts today. Unfortunately, your impulsive response increases the possibility of an unnecessary conflict. Paradoxically, ignoring another persons wrath can be just as problematic as overreacting. Ask what you can do to soothe their ruffled feathers. But dont get caught up in an emotional drama thats not yours. Let them have their own private fire and you wont get burned. Author Mark Twain wrote, Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
You may diligently shape your work or routine to meet the expectations of an authority figure today. You might struggle to conform your ideas and theories to the current circumstances. But as hard as you try to live up to someones standards, your actions still could fall short. Thankfully, your frustration fades as you step away from the situation to look for clues to regain your peace of mind. Nevertheless, your persistence requires you to adjust your behavior and adapt details to suit your situation first. Instead of replicating other peoples perceptions, own what you know. Your experience is your best teacher.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
You could go to extremes while looking for new avenues of self-expression today. You prefer fun and physical activities while the Moon hooks up with macho Mars in your 5th House of Creativity. One way to work off your excess energy is through competitive sports. Dancing might do the trick, too, but its even better if you have a partner who inspires you to show off some new moves, too. Otherwise, any strenuous workout that pushes your boundaries will do. But without an outlet, you can sound aggressive even though you mean no harm. Calm your inner beast by wearing it out.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
Cultivating prime time with family and friends recharges your batteries and strengthens loosening bonds. You might be fresh out of motivation necessary to handle the simplest of responses and concerns. If youre feeling drained today, you could try to cover your vulnerability with anger rather than with acceptance. But fighting unnecessary battles will quickly sap your energy. Fortunately, you can relax and surrender with people who love you unconditionally, trusting they have your back like you have theirs. Love revitalizes every cell in your body.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
Working smarter allows you to have more energy left over for greater pleasures now. Sometimes, its an unexpected blessing to have constraints, like limited physical vigor or resources, because you learn to do more with less. If a task seems like sheer drudgery, take time to examine why this is true. Youre either coping with an attitude that helps your cause, or you need to change your approach and method of getting by. Luckily, you can own your schedule once you figure out a sensible strategy. Author Catherine Pulsifer wrote, At the end of the day, we are accountable to ourselves — our success is a result of what we do.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
Trusting your impulses may not be the best idea when it comes to managing your money today. For instance, you might be quick to conclude that someones trying to swindle you when they merely miscounted your change. Or, you could create a whole pile of trouble by following your inclination to obtain a costly item without much forethought. You can cheat yourself out of purchasing the highest quality for the best price. Instead, its wiser to buy something you have thought about acquiring for a while. Ease into a decision thats been in the making rather than making a decision too fast and easy.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
Youre willing to assert your boundaries and speak up if someone transgresses them today. You may even welcome opportunities to protect and defend whats yours. But you might move so fast that you only see the world through a defensive lens rather than taking full stock of someones motivations. Perhaps you rely more on anger than on tact and patience to get you through a situation while the Libra Moon joins confrontational Mars in your 1st House of Identity. Before you cut someone off, be sure to do a double take to make certain your judgement is as wise as it is swift.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
Your mind might dwell on past injustices and slights, especially if you feel youre not receiving your due now. Your smoldering emotions wont likely grow into a raging fire, but they still have a substantial impact on others. People may wonder what’s bothering you, even if youre not directly upset with them. Address all inequities as diplomatically as possible. You must figure out a way to let go if theres nothing you can do about these previous wrongs. Your happiness and ability to move forward depends on releasing the past.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
Serving the raw truth is a better strategy than dishing up any reheated lies. You might be tapped out with trying to help a friend, especially one in financial need, but you don’t want to let them down. Nevertheless, its prudent to pull back now to save the relationship. Naturally, you want to contribute as much as you can but the Moons conflictive square to responsible Saturn in your 2nd House of Self-Worth suggests you may already be stretched beyond your limits. Be open about your current concerns today, but brace yourself to experience someones possible confusion and disappointment. A clear conscience is far more valuable than money.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
You might surprise friends and colleagues by how quickly you seize a current opportunity. You are after a specific goal and have a concrete plan in mind. But its difficult to negotiate sharing power and prospects with others when youre already locked into a storm-the-gates mentality. However, a knock on the door suffices, allowing you to open it without resistance. But your attitudinal shift requires the wisdom to trust that speed and force arent the most useful weapons in your arsenal. Author Honore de Balzac wrote, All human power is a compound of time and patience.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
Retreating from a busy schedule to attune with your own inner wisdom is restorative. Fortunately, the still, small voice of your higher self is always standing by, ready to speak with you. But you can habitually tune this sage advice out to listen to other less useful input. Losing connection with the source of your own insight puts you at the mercy of relying on others. Thankfully, it doesnt require much to reconnect because nature will rush to fill a vacuum. Ironically, quiet time with no expectations and no external noises brings the answers you seek. You only need to create enough space for the magic to happen.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 26, 2019
Although you deeply appreciate the support of others, someones interference in your life might seem inappropriate today. You may be tempted to keep mum about your feelings if you’re unsure your perceptions are correct. However, youre probably right to sense that something is wrong while the Moon tangos with prickly Mars in your 8th House of Intimacy. Examining the dynamics of control in your relationships can lead to a breakthrough in your awareness. Author Alice Walker wrote, The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.


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