Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019

Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
The creature comforts of family and home enable you to center yourself today. In fact, the simple act of showing love for your dear ones, near and far, gives you a deep sense of satisfaction while the nesting Cancer Moon is visiting your 4th House of Domestic Security. After slogging through the week, reconnecting with your people helps you feel more like yourself. Make time for others, preferably in person for maximum comfort. But even a lengthy video chat will do if youre too busy to meet up. Only connect; the rest is silence.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
Your friends and neighbors may misunderstand your playful antics today. Although youre just trying to liven up your interactions, others might think youre acting in an unpredictable and erratic manner. Its challenging to see the fine line between exciting people and annoying them as the cozy Cancer Moon forms a friendly sextile to shocking Uranus in your sign. You want to lighten up the day, but not everyone shares your sense of humor. Thankfully, you can have a blast when youre joking around with the right person. Taking time to know your audience is a safer strategy than fixating on the fun you want to create.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
Unexpected rewards are likely if you take time to reevaluate your priorities today. Perhaps a longstanding difficult relationship with money resurfaces if you discover you cant acquire a coveted treasure. Although this purchase may squeeze your budget, you are yearning to buy it anyway. However, your logic might be clouded by unprocessed wounds from your childhood about not getting something you desired. Fortunately, therapeutic Chiron activates the Moon in your 2nd House of Values, prompting you to take positive action to work through your painful past. Author T. Harv Eker wrote, The first element of change is awareness. You cant change something unless you know it exists.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
Random encounters with friends and strangers can yield incredible insights and illuminating information. Perhaps youre more willing to engage in personal conversations while chatty Mercury sextiles transformational Pluto in your 7th House of Others. Free yourself from the impulse to operate with an agenda, especially if you are connecting with a group of creative types. Instead, welcome original ideas and radical possibilities, even when they make you a little uncomfortable. Its likely you need to shake up an aspect of your psyche thats become too predictable. Author Neal Donald Walsch wrote, Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
Your mind is able to penetrate deeply into the heart of an issue that perhaps baffles your colleagues or teammates. A solution may be immediately obvious to you, but resolving the dilemma isnt necessarily as important as facilitating a robust dialogue where everyone can freely discuss the problem. Although your intentions are of the highest order, you could come across as a manipulative smooth talker today. Instigate a serious investigation by asking questions and remaining open to the answers you receive. You might even discover another angle that you never anticipated. Sometimes, all you need is just a new perspective.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
You may be willing to turn your schedule upside down to show up for your friends today. You are happy to support them as long as these feelings of loyalty are reciprocated. But the difficulty with seeking this kind of emotional trade is apparent if you grow snappish when someone doesnt offer the same encouragement in return. Fortunately, you can navigate these tricky waters by stepping back from transactional thinking or conditional relationships. Instead, engage in activities that are mutually enjoyable without placing either of you at the center of each others attention. Happiness is meant to be shared without expectation.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
Your self-confidence grows when more people jump on your bandwagon. However, you might become emotional and jittery if someone tries to cramp your style today. You work hard to be true to yourself, and its fair to be annoyed if others want to make you over. Nevertheless, you still may be triggered because you know your metamorphosis isnt complete yet. Although experiencing resistance in any form brings up feelings of uncertainty, you are exactly where you need to be in this moment. Newsman Andy Rooney wrote, Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while youre climbing it.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
You might be uncomfortable hearing someones secrets or personal business today. Although its not necessarily gossip when an individual confides in you about their own issues or concerns, it is a different story if they are talking about other people and their private affairs. Even if youre curious, be mindful that rumor-milling is seen as a deep offense in many spiritual traditions for a good reason. Discussing a person who isnt present to defend themselves or articulate their feelings on their own terms just isnt fair. Above all, follow the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
Although you may be eager to change things up, youre also looking to streamline your day. Youre inclined to experiment with your routines now, even if it seems to cost you time or money. Trust your instincts more than your intellect while the intuitive Cancer Moon sextiles ingenious Uranus in your 6th House of Habits. Consider every idea unless its obvious it wont work. And even then, keep an open mind since one simple attempt can lead to an eye-opening revelation elsewhere. Author Audrey Moralez wrote, Serendipity is not the product of patience; its the product of action.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
Intimacy and indulgence could take a surprising and pleasant turn in your life. Youre likely open to new ways of connecting and having fun while the evocative Moon forms a supportive sextile to rowdy Uranus in your 5th House of Enjoyment. Perhaps you and someone special venture off to an unfamiliar place or untried restaurant. Or, you might be perfectly happy to scout out unusual places on your own. Exploration awakens your own ingenuity. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. wrote, A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
You are likely to be more perceptive and persuasive with friends or foes today. Your irresistible magnetism is heightened by potent Plutos connection to psychologically astute Mercury in your 10th House of Authority. The benefit of this special talent is not in getting other folks to do your bidding, especially because they are likely to see through any ulterior motives a mile away. Nevertheless, your inventiveness and unconventional brilliance can motivate people to do exactly what you want because you present a convincing case. Giving others the freedom of choice makes all the difference in the world.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 19, 2019
Stick to whats essential today while releasing whatever is unnecessary. Trust that the cosmos has a purpose to all that is happening in your world, even when you cant be sure whats really going on. Avoid the first impulse to panic if faced with sudden change. Your courage to press onward will likely kick up solutions that wont appear if you overreact. A dear one might also help steady your nerves so you can think straight. Naturally, you have a better chance of seeing these alternatives when youre calm. Carving out time and space enables you to sort out all your options in peace.


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