Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Very disappointing and confusing energy lurks ahead today, Aries. Take a deep breath as your planetary ruler, mighty Mars, sizzles through your solar third house of communication. He will collide with poisonous and nefarious Neptune in your solar twelfth house. Be aware that gossip, slander, and secrets are lurking behind every corner and could potentially have devastating effects on your personal or romantic life. Don’t succumb to the temptation to impulsively cause a little drama. If single, today is not the best time to hook up or meet someone new. This would just lead you down a dark

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Beware of the frustrating energy afoot today, Taurus. This is because mighty Mars, the red planet of sex and passion, is in a cosmic clash with a nefarious and poisonous Neptune. Negativity and toxic waste are spewing all over the sky! People could have it out against you today! You may feel targeted by friends or trolls on social media who have nothing good to say about you, your character, or your personal or romantic life. The best thing to do is to not succumb to the drama. Block them, ignore them, and do whatever you must to look the other way.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Stormy red clouds gather amidst the heavens today, Gemini. This is because mighty Mars, now in your solar first house of identity — your zodiac sign — will collide with a toxic Neptune spinning in the sky. Beware that you may feel targeted by others now, especially in regard to your public image or personal or romantic life. Gossip, scandal, slander, and deceit will lurk behind every corner, so the best thing to do is to stand in your higher self and not toss gasoline onto the flames. If you race into any battle, it’s likely that you will be the one who falls.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Toxic waste is gathering in the heavens, Cancer. It is best to lie low at all costs and not feed into the insanity that may await! Mighty Mars, the planet of sex and drive, is sizzling through your solar twelfth house of secrets, karma, and hidden enemies. He will get into a strangling match with a nefarious and angry Neptune within the sky. If you’ve been involved in any secret dalliances, hidden matters, or affairs, they may explode in your face at this time with everyone pointing fingers. It is best not to tempt fate. If you’re single and someone is promising you things that seem too good to be true, politely decline and run in the opposite direction.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Beware of the challenging energy afoot today, Leo. This is because mighty Mars, the planet of sex and drive, is angry in the heavens of your solar eleventh house of friendships, communities, and online dating. He will throw bombs at a wicked Neptune in your solar eighth house of intimacy. Beware of drama. Someone in your network might have it out for you, especially around secrets that involve your intimacy or sexuality. If you’ve done something that someone resents, they could be out to bring you down and burn you at the stake like an enemy. Don’t stand in arrogance thinking no one can hurt you. This will tempt the vipers to emerge.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

It’s time to batten down the hatches once again, Virgo. Cosmic storms are whispering that demons are in the shadows. Mighty Mars, our planet of sex, drive, and passion, will clash with a cranky Neptune across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of partnership. Be cautious at all costs. Drama around your public image and relationships may now be here for you to face. Some people filled with hate may have terrible opinions about you or your significant other. Don’t try to fight a losing battle. Wait for damage control until after the storms pass.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Don’t stir the pot today, Libra. This is because mighty Mars, the red planet of sex, drive, and passion, is clashing violently with the toxic waste of Neptune, the planet of delusion, in the heavens above. This foretells very troubling energy to navigate. Suspicion, deceit, lies, and scandal could be around every corner like vipers with fangs bared. You may even feel especially weak, insecure, or discouraged at this time. Don’t let yourself sink into the negativity and toxicity of the moment. Remember that you have a good soul underneath it all, regardless of what anyone may think or say of you.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Beware where you step today, Scorpio. You may erupt like you’re stepping on a landmine! As mighty Mars, the planet of sex and passion, sizzles in your solar eighth house of intimacy, he will cross swords with a toxic Neptune spinning in your solar fifth house of true love, romance, and dating. This is a very challenging energy to navigate. Scandal, drama, and deceit may pop up now if there’s anything lingering under the radar. By all means, do not get sucked into any hookups or affairs now. These would lead you to disaster, disease, and deception.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Today may feel like you’re drowning in a monsoon, Sagittarius. As mighty Mars, the planet of sex, passion, and drive, slithers backward across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of relationships, he will clash with a drunken Neptune. Drama will be lurking like werewolves hungry for blood behind every corner, especially in regard to your family and partnerships. Don’t explode into furious, triggered, or overly emotional behavior. Even if they’ve crossed the line, you may be made out to look like the enemy. Try to take a step back and breathe.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Don’t tempt the demons today, Capricorn. As mighty Mars, our red planet of sex, passion, and drive, sizzles through the sky, he will clash with a cranky Neptune. You’ll feel extremely weak, insecure, and under the weather in all ways, as if you are nearly drowning. By all means, try to unplug, don’t engage in drugs, alcohol, or addictive behavior, and give yourself space and time to rest. Recharge your spirit, body, and mind rather than depleting them. The storms will soon fade and you’ll feel better that you stayed tethered to higher ground.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Today’s cosmic weather is one like quicksand, Aquarius. Every movement you make may feel like you’re sinking faster! This is because mighty Mars, the red planet of sex, passion, and drive, is now spinning in your solar fifth house of true love, romance, and dating. Unfortunately, he will get into a fight with an angry Neptune, ensuring that you may feel triggered around self-worth or unfairness when it comes to relationships with others. The best thing to do is to unplug and give yourself some distance from it rather than charging into a losing battle.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 19, 2022

Stormy clouds are throwing purple and red lightning, Pisces. A toxic thundercloud rises above you. Mighty Mars, orbiting in your solar fourth house of home, family, and domesticity, will clash with Neptune, your planetary co-ruler in your solar first house of identity — your zodiac sign. Beware of drama and conflict with your partner or crush. It may pop up today and they may be not thinking clearly and tossing insults and aggression in your direction. The best thing to do is try to ground yourself and find stability before getting lost in the surge.


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