Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019

Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
Deep cleaning is the name of the game today. Whatever you have avoided tending to finally squeaks loud enough for you to get out the oil. When you pull out the proverbial couch cushions, you may be surprised by what you find. Coins, trinkets, and all manner of things get trapped in the crevices in the course of day-to-day life. You might even discover a lost heirloom while tidying up your space. Joseph Campbell wrote, It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
You throw caution to the wind, and the winds are definitely blowing today. Although you see the value of exploring new territory, you still might resist initiating change. Whether taking a gamble or investigating a detour, you can gain illuminating insights now. The world mirrors back someone who is more ready for transformation than you may care to admit. Harness your power. Athlete Travis Rice said, Well never know our full potential unless we push ourselves to find it.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
Vibrant dreams linger with you throughout the day. Allow all images to percolate to the surface, as they enliven any domestic chores standing in your path. Your focus is on your home space, however you define it. Yet just outside of your range of view, a shimmer leads you to expand your frame, prompting you to review the systems that support you. You may sense that an essential ingredient is missing from your plans. Look again, your inner resources are vast. Claim the power that lies within your imagination.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
A crack in your social sphere startles you into awareness. You grow extremely sensitive to your immediate environment as you realize all eyes are on you today. You have a chance to maximize your impact and change the dynamics of the group. Following your intuition is one thing; communicating its message to others is something else altogether. If the time does not feel right to share your story, you can put in some legwork for a future conversation. Or, as Author Robin Sharma recommends, Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
You need rich soil to bloom to your fullest. Healthy soil draws nutrients from diverse sources. You may feel like conducting a more discerning analysis into what is actually nurturing you and uncover anything that might be undoing your efforts. A thorough examination allows you to streamline what you take in and what you leave out, whether it is financial, dietary, or cerebral. Compost the unnecessary, till your own earth, and prep yourself for renewed growth.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
Brainstorms descend upon the landscape of your mind today. New goals and hopes sprout in the deluge; however, not all of them survive your meticulous standards. You may long for the words to express the incredible thoughts that stream through your awareness now. You might almost feel your personality shifting in response to your new ideas. These germinated seeds need more time under the earth before you can expose them to the light. Tend to your inner garden and see what begins to emerge. Patience is the timing of nature.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
You appear to arrive somewhere, only to find yourself back at the starting point. However, the situation is not futile. A friendly hand comes to the rescue to help you see an alternate route and aid you in self-reflection. You may feel pressure to be in the spotlight but dont let that stop you from the real work at hand. For now, you have a valuable opportunity to go inward and reevaluate the purpose of your life. Deepak Chopra said, If you restore balance in your own self, you will be contributing immensely to the healing of the world.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
Public life can be very unpredictable. One day you have a platform to share your story and the next day the attention shifts, and you need to regroup. The good news is friends are much more dependable.Unfortunately, someone you may want to contact could be far away. Thankfully, modern technology keeps them as close as a touch of a button. Cast out a lifeline. Reconnecting with a trusted ally helps remind you of your priorities and the principals that ground you. Unconditional support gives you the wings to fly.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
Do something out of the ordinary today. The truth is you might not be able to go about your normal routine anyway. Abrupt changes in your habits force you to think outside the box and explore innovative ways of getting a job done. As you refine your greater ambitions, envision what effect your contributions will have in the long term. Seize the chance to course correct now before you embark on a path that leads you astray. Every step you take offers you a chance to make a new choice. Sometimes, a spontaneous decision opens the door to magic.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
Tilt your intuition toward any turbulence that surrounds you now. Your keen sense of awareness about when to buy in and when to sit one out is activated by the cosmic ebb and flow. The word speculate was not always tied to profit, but observation. Consider the world around you from your heart and your mind, and truly visualize what appears before you. You take in a lot more than meets the eye. What seems like risk at first may be masking a deeper treasure below. Pause to reflect, and you will know the right time to act. Your sixth sense is your best sense.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
Stirrings in your inner landscape kick off a process of regeneration. Anything you have put on autopilot gets shifted back to manual control and demands your direct attention today. New factors give you greater room to optimize your life for the current conditions. Routines discarded now may be gone forever, and patterns picked up should stick around for a while. What used to be innovative eventually becomes old hat. Stay on the cutting edge and revamp yourself. Change is mandatory for your growth.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – July 06, 2019
Creativity lurks behind every corner now. Adventure overtakes any plans as you wend your way through the day. Good company and your fertile imagination turn a typical task into a special event. You can liberally apply your flashes of brilliance to anything you touch. You benefit from experimentation even if the results are temporary. Your input carries an extra transformative power today. Forge an unbeaten path to your personal best.


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