Daily Horoscope Saturday – December 17, 2022

ARIES Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
Watch your demeanor when you awaken, sweet Ram, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. These rocky vibes could leave you feeling agitated, causing you to close off from your loved ones. Though your patience will be thin, lashing out at others will only cause you to feel guilty when Luna faces off with Chiron mid-morning. Should you find yourself entangled in a quarrel, it may be wise to swallow your pride and apologize. Meanwhile, Mercury aspects revolutionary Uranus, bringing forth financial breakthroughs and unforeseen blessings. Choose your words wisely when Luna squares off with Mercury this evening, threatening to trigger miscommunications.
TAURUS Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
Try not to cram too many items on your to-do list this morning, dear Taurus, as the Libra moon connects with Venus. Though you’ll be feeling energized and ambitious, it would be easy to demand too much of yourself right now. Be sure to take a break as afternoon rolls in and Luna blows a kiss to Mars, encouraging you to indulge your senses and perhaps a touch of luxury. Meanwhile, Mercury forms a sweet aspect with revolutionary Uranus, strengthening your intuition and ability to receive messages. Be open to what the other side has to say, and keep your eyes peeled for signs.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
Try not to let fears around what others may think to hold you back today, dear Gemini, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. These vibes could also trigger power struggles amongst your peers, but avoid taking the bait if a friend reveals their pettier side. Luckily, the pep will return to your step as afternoon rolls in and Luna connects with Mars, making it a good time to blow off some steam with your most loyal companions. Watch out for tension this evening when the moon squares off with Mercury, threatening to trigger issues within your complex dynamics.
CANCER Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
You may feel a bit unrested or emotionally depleted this morning, dear Crab, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. Work with these vibes by taking a soft approach to the day, practicing gentle compassion for both yourself and others. A restrictive energy may find you when Luna faces off with Chiron, causing you to face any issues or obstacles plaguing your path. Focus on the ways in which you can help yourself right now, and try not to take on other people’s responsibilities. Good vibes will flow as Mercury connects with Uranus, encouraging you to socialize and break free from your routine.
LEO Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
Watch your words this morning, dear Leo, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. This celestial exchange could cause you to come across as criticizing or condescending, even if your heart is in the right place. Stress and a sprawling to-do list could also put you on edge, though it won’t be helpful to take your stress out on others. Lean into your spiritual side if you begin to feel overwhelmed or anxious when Luna faces off with Chiron mid-morning. A scattered vibe will take hold this evening when the moon squares off with Mercury, making it a good time to get organized.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
Insecurities could creep up this morning, dear Virgo, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. These vibes will be particularly challenging if you’ve been contending with romantic issues, but try not to let your ego get too wrapped up in your love life. Focus on your professional and financial success will help you find stability this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Mars. Meanwhile, Mercury shares a sweet exchange with Uranus, inspiring you to dream big while following your intuition. This cosmic climate could also usher in messages from the other side, so be sure to watch for signs.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
We all have off days, sweet Libra. As the moon squares off with Venus this morning, such sentiments will apply to you. These vibes could leave you feeling alone and undervalued, making it important that you find stability and love from within. Luckily, the stars will align to bring forth support when Luna blows a kiss to Mars, helping you reclaim your sense of vigor and passion. Meanwhile, a sweet exchange between Mercury and Uranus can help you break free from any stagnancy plaguing you lately, especially concerning your domestic life.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
Try not to say mean things to yourself this morning, dear Scorpio, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. These vibes could cause you to overanalyze your situation, triggering insecurities and fears if you indulge your pessimistic side. Luckily, the universe will conspire to elevate and support you when Luna blows a kiss to Mars, helping you reclaim optimism and a lust for life. Meanwhile, Mercury shares a sweet exchange with revolutionary Uranus, lifting your spirits as you socialize with the people who love you most. However, you may require solitude this evening when Luna squares off with Mercury.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
Watch out for targeted ads and shopping suggestions from your friends this morning, dear Archer, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. These vibes could cause you to feel as though money is burning a hole in your pocket. However, spending unnecessarily should be avoided. Your ego may take a hit as Luna faces off with Chiron, but try not to succumb to the judgment of others. Love can help pull you out of any dark waters you may have fallen into when the moon aspects Mars, making it a good time to access your passion through playful flirting.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
You may feel dissatisfied within your profession today, dear Capricorn, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. These vibes will be particularly challenging if you feel undervalued by your colleagues and superiors or are overdue for a raise or promotion. Luckily, a sweet exchange between Mercury and Uranus will encourage you to access your strength and take chances, making it a good time to ask for your worth. Just be sure to back up your request with a compelling argument while outlining all the hard work you do when the moon blows a kiss to fiery Mars.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
You may feel a bit lost on your path this morning, darling Aquarius, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. Give yourself permission to take it easy right now, reconnecting with your spirit through solitude and meditation. However, issues could arise if you’re too demanding guidance from your higher power, making it important that you focus simply on finding stillness and peace. Don’t be afraid to lean on your loved ones for support as Mercury aspects Uranus, encouraging you to embrace nourishment through emotional exchange. Watch out for mixed messages this evening when Luna squares Mercury, especially if you’re working with divinatory tools.
PISCES Daily Horoscope December 17, 2022
You may need a social breather this morning, dear Pisces, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. Don’t feel guilty about unplugging right now, especially if drama has been circulating through your sphere. Stay grounded and calm as Luna forms a harsh opposition to Chiron, especially if you feel someone is acting maliciously. Don’t be afraid to cut ties and advocate for yourself this afternoon when the moon blows a kiss to Mars, encouraging you to fight for what’s right. Consider shutting off your electronic devices this evening, focusing instead on wellness and self-care.
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