Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

Your friends might feel like a lot of work today, dear Aries, thanks to a harsh square between the Taurus sun and Aquarius moon. This cosmic climate could cause drama to unfold, which you may get sucked into if you’re not careful. You’ll also want to be on guard for anyone who might put you down to make themselves feel better, but try not to take the situation to heart if you should find yourself in it. Unfortunate mishaps could result in unexpected expenses as the day comes to a close, making it a good night to hide out at home.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

Issues within your professional environment could threaten to ruin the weekend, dear Taurus, as the Aquarius moon looks for ways to shake things up. You may feel frustrated by your colleagues or boss for disrupting what should have been a peaceful day, though setting boundaries might not be an option. Unfortunately, the energy will continue to bring tension later this evening when Luna squares off with reckless Uranus, throwing more chaos into your life. Try your best to stay grounded and calm when upheaval finds you, especially if it involves the emotions of someone you care for on a deep level.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

You may feel a bit cut off from your intuition or spirituality this morning, dear Gemini, due to a harsh square between Saturn and Mercury, your ruling planet. It could be that denial or wishful thinking is stopping you from seeing the truth, making it important that you take a realistic look at your situation. If you’ve been seeing certain people through rose-colored glasses, you may receive an unexpected reality check later tonight when Luna enters a harsh square with Uranus. Though hard truths are likely to find you, try to make peace with the fact that it’s allowing you to let go of any toxicity that’s been silently weighing you down.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

Try not to feel left out if you come across too many pictures of your friends having fun while scrolling feeds today, dear Cancer. A harsh square between Mercury and Saturn could play tricks with your psyche, especially if you’ve recently felt a little low energy or uninspired. In fact, it may be a good time to take a little cleanse from your favorite social media platforms, if only for the day. Unexpected power struggles may manifest within your friendship circle tonight due to a rough aspect between Luna and Uranus. Still, you should avoid getting involved in any drama that doesn’t belong to you.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

You may feel that you keep hitting emotional walls within your closest relationships today, dear Lion, courtesy of a harsh square between stoic Saturn and communicative Mercury. You could also run into issues if work has been particularly stressful for you or your partner, especially if either one of you has been bringing the vibe down by lashing out. You should consider using this cosmic climate as an excuse to take a breather from anyone you’re feeling a bit out of step with, which will allow your relationships to stabilize organically through a bit of distance and work on your individual selves.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

You may find that clutter has taken over your life recently, dear Virgo, causing your mental clarity to take a hit. Luckily, you should be able to get back on track if you spend part of your day cleaning and organizing, even if it doesn’t sound like the most exciting way to spend a Saturday. On the plus side, focusing on personal tasks and errands can help you escape the rocky cosmic climate the stars have to offer right now, which may very well lead to hurt feelings and blowouts within your social circle. So, go ahead and stay in your own world — but only for today.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

There’s a real threat that others may try to hold you back today, dear Libra, thanks to a harsh square between restrictive Saturn and communicative Mercury. This cosmic climate could bring out the worst in others, especially if they’re jealous of who you are or what you have. Try to take heart in the fact that any drama haters try to drum up is unlikely to impact your path and will only reveal the toxicity of their nature. Rather than getting involved in power struggles or unhealthy feuds, look for ways to elevate yourself by engaging in activities that build your confidence.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

Try not to withhold your affections from the ones you care about today, dear Scorpio, even if you’re feeling disappointed by certain people or situations. While a hard square between Saturn and Mercury could leave you feeling emotionally closed off, giving the cold shoulder to your loved ones might not be the solution you think it is. If you feel you need some space to yourself, be sure to let any concerned parties know that you just need some time alone. An evening at home practicing self-care can help you sort through any issues weighing on your mind, providing you with clarity and inner peace.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

Watch your words today, dear Archer, as a harsh square forms between karmic Saturn and communicative Mercury. Though you may feel tempted to join in on any gossip your friends engage in, you’ll likely pay for it later. Rather than getting messy conversationally, look for ways to direct the discussion toward more positive and healthy topics. Should you opt to spend the day solo, you may have difficulty keeping your thoughts in order, making it a good idea to write out any profound thoughts that pop into your head or tasks that need tending to, lest you forget them.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

Try not to be too hard on yourself today, dear Capricorn, as communicative Mercury and Saturn, your ruling planet, form a harsh square in the sky. This cosmic climate could challenge your sense of self-worth, making it important to stay away from any self-deprecating thoughts that may try to disrupt your psyche. Focusing on a creative outlet can help you survive these heavy vibes, as long as you don’t approach your work with an overly critical eye. Try to exercise patience with your housemates later tonight, or a tense connection between the Aquarius moon and Uranus could lead to arguments and emotional blowouts.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

The quarter moon manifests in your sign today, dear Aquarius, which could bring drama or tension to your home. Watch out for emotional outbursts from anyone you share a space with, but try not to become too activated if you feel as though you’re being disrespected or rubbed the wrong way. Unfortunately, a harsh connection between Mercury and Saturn threatens to make matters worse, bringing a roughness to any conversations that take place. This cosmic climate could also make it difficult for you to set boundaries, which means you may want to lay low until these wonky vibes blow over.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – 23 April, 2022

Lies from the past could come back to haunt you today, dear Fish, courtesy of a harsh connection between communicative Mercury and karmic Saturn. Try not to double down if you get caught speaking mistruths instead of taking honest accountability for your actions. Unfortunately, these rocky vibes will continue into the evening, and a harsh connection between Luna and Uranus could create some serious upheaval. You may feel your reality shift with the delivery of shocking news as hidden information is dragged to the surface. If you can manage to keep a low profile, now might be a good time to do so.