Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
The moon continues its journey through your sign this morning, dear Ram, forming a sweet aspect with Saturn as you awaken. This cosmic climate will cause you to consider more seriously your role in this world and how you can make a positive impact on society. The energy at play is also conducive to building yourself up and making headway within goals, though you may need to rely on a few of your personal connections. Unfortunately, darker skies will brew this evening when Luna squares off with brooding Pluto, making it a good time to lay low and implement boundaries.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
Messages of encouragement may emerge through the dream realms in the very early hours this morning, dear Taurus, when the Aries moon and Chiron form a cosmic alliance in your solar twelfth house. As you begin to stir from your slumber a sweet connection between Luna and Saturn will form, motivating you to make headway within your professional ambitions. Give yourself permission to be a little anti-social as the day comes to a close and a connection between the moon and Pluto forms, asking you to go deep within your psyche in search of spiritual meaning and personal truths.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
You may have a hard time trusting in your intuition today, dear Gemini, as the Virgo sun forms an unbalanced aspect with Saturn. This cosmic climate could lead to mixed signals and cloudy third eyes, so it might not be the best time to rely on your tarot cards. Luckily, a sweet connection between the Aries moon and Saturn could bring forth sound advice through a friend, making it a great time to check in with your favorite companions. Watch out for power struggles later tonight and avoid malicious characters, when the moon enters a harsh square with brooding Pluto.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
Watch out for obsessive mental or behavioral patterns this morning, dear Cancer, as the Virgo sun shares an unbalanced aspect with the moon and Saturn. These choppy cosmic waters could make it difficult to control your train of thought, though grounding and finding detail within the present can help you stay focused on the tasks in front of you. Luckily, the vibe will begin to lighten up as the day continues to unfold, though you may need to keep your cards close to your chest. Watch for jealousy within your social sphere later tonight, when Luna squares off with brooding Pluto.
Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
Love and spirituality will feel interchangeable to you this morning, dear Lion, as the Aries moon shares a supportive connection with Saturn. These sweet vibes could have you considering the idea of eternal bonds and commitments, sharpening the vision of your rose colored glasses. Unfortunately, an unbalanced energy radiating off the Virgo Moon could cause you to float away on a cloud of fantasy, making it important that you find ways to stay grounded in what’s real and realistic. Look for ways to celebrate your connection with the universe as the day comes to a close, such as honoring your ancestors or getting a meditation session in.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
Evolving your image will be at the forefront of your focus today, dear Virgo, though you may feel uncertain about how to approach this transformation. As the sun forms unbalanced connections with the moon and Saturn, your plans may begin to feel disorganized or uninspiring. Luckily, these tricky vibes will dissipate as the day continues to unfold, giving you a chance to shake off any funk that may have found you earlier in the day. Unfortunately, the vibe will get a little rocky when Luna squares off with Pluto this evening, threatening to drum up insecurities or power struggles.
Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
The Virgo sun shares unbalanced connections with the moon and Saturn today, dear Libra, which could cause you to become preoccupied with your own thoughts. Luckily, you should be able to remain in good spirits, as long as you lean into love and the things that make you unique. As the day continues to unfold your powers of persuasion will benefit from some cosmic assistance, making it a good time to push for your agenda. Unfortunately, a more serious vibe will take hold when the moon squares off with brooding Pluto, making it a good time to hide away at home.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
The people around you may seem distracted and unbalanced today, dear Scorpio, as the Virgo sun shares unbalanced connections with the Aries moon and Saturn. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to stay connected and in tune with yourself and the world around you, as long as you stay focused on your tasks for the day and honor what’s in your heart. Unfortunately, the vibe will get a bit heavy later tonight when Luna squares off with Pluto, which could cause your mind to become overstimulated by the small steps that will ultimately lead up to the bigger picture you envision for yourself.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
Though Monday is officially here you may feel as though you’re still in weekend mode, as the Virgo sun shares unbalanced aspects with the Aries moon and Saturn. While it’s certainly okay to indulge in a touch of procrastination, you should avoid blowing off your entire morning in favor of catching up with your coworkers around the water cooler. A playful vibe will follow you as the hours continue to pass, and creative endeavors will also receive some support from the stars. Unfortunately, the cosmic tides will turn when the moon squares off with Pluto this evening, threatening to rock your sense of security.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
You should awaken with a sense of peace this morning, dear sea-goat, as the Aries moon shares a sweet connection with your planetary ruler, Saturn. These vibes will bring stability to your heart, helping you sort through your emotions in a productive and methodical way. As the hours continue to pass you’ll become more comfortable with the idea of vulnerability, allowing you to peel back layers with the important people in your life. Unfortunately, the vibe could get a bit rocky this evening when the moon squares off with Pluto, which could open the floodgates to grief if you don’t watch your thoughts.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
Though you’ll certainly be in the mood to use your voice today, you may feel as though no one is listening, as the Virgo sun forms unbalanced aspects with the Aries moon and Saturn. Though the temptation to speak even louder or throw your weight around will be real, you may want to take a step back and recalibrate the message instead. Luckily, your words will feel more effective as the day continues to unfold, helping you get your point across. Watch out for darker vibes when the moon squares off with brooding Pluto later tonight, and be sure to avoid manipulative or sketchy characters.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – September 12, 2022
Watch out for insecurities and secretive behaviors within your love life this morning, dear Pisces, as the Virgo sun shares unbalanced aspects with the Aries moon and Saturn. Though these vibes could put your sweetie in an odd headspace, knowing who you are at your core can help you rise above any weird behaviors they may throw your way. Give yourself permission to indulge in a small luxury before the day comes to a close, as the stars encourage you to reap the rewards of your hard work. Consider walking a solitary path this evening, when the moon squares off with brooding Pluto.
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